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Digimon Protectors
\"Ahhooohhh...\" Daisuke moaned falling back onto his back. He clamped his legs around her head at first but rested them soon after. Instead he put his hands on her head.
\"Oh...this is....this iss....\" he trailed off.


V-mon turned his head snapping out of his day dream.
\"I can feel it to now. A dark digimon. We should get Daisuke-kun and the others.\" V-mon nodded.

Assaultmon followed through the portal as well. He observed the surrounding area.
\"Statistics indicate that the Chosen Children may already be aware of our presence.\" It warned.
**The Ballroom**

Matt: *blinks and then looks deep into DJ
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Devimon saw LadyDevimon leaned against the tree and waving her butt at him and he drooled a bit and then grinned as he went closer to her and squeezed her buttcheeks gently. "lousy that sexy butt of yours waving at me in that way hon" he said in a seductive voice as he leans and licks her neck seductively. "about how we enter it doesn't matters much, knowing that hampster and the cat they already must had sensed the darkness getting stronger and closer" he said as he slapped her butt playfully and grinned
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
LadyDevimon couldn
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Arukukamon snarled "Scrying eye." He seemed t stare into space fo a moment... before cursing quietly "This will have to wait..." He vanished, teleported.

"Do you realize that the Destined are alert now!?" A stern voice growled from behind LadyDevimon and Devimon "No wonder you all keep getting defeated by mere kids! Learn subtility or face them without my help!" Arukukamon snorted briefly before opening in a portal and leaving, closing it behind him in disgust. Weaklings! Fools! Incompetents! My approach has been ruined by them! I can't deceive the Destined if they are alert to the darkness!

OOC: *points at Devimon+LadyDevimon* lol You got told! :P
Devimon glared. "Why that freaking son of a bitch! is evident he doesn't knows anything about the two angels, it doesn't matters if we are hidden, they have a sixth sense for the danger!" he growls as he looks at Lady Devimon. "who he thinks he is to boss us like that?" he said angrily as he then punched the tree so hard it got destroyed.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Just as the tree fell to pieces, the portal reopened and a small Digimon... kinda like a metal sphere with a lens on the front, glowing a soft red, floated out, it's voice sounding definitely synthesized "I am Scoumon. Arukukamon sent me to observe, and assist in whatever way is required." It stopped, hovering at eye level.
LadyDevimon growled annoyed with the situation and then immediately turns around to glare at the newcomer digimon with a shape of a metal sphere.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Attack D1." Scoumon said calmly, a bubble of force surrounding it and deflecting LadyDevimon's attack with ease "Observe and assist." It repeated itself "Awaiting orders."

OOC: But you didn't count that Scoumon is specifically engineered... :P
Devimon grinned evilly and then he put an arm infront of Lady Devimon. "hold on your next attack hon, I think this little one can be really useful for our plans seeing as he is eager to get orders" the demon digimon said with a evil smirk on his face, Scoumon could be pretty useful for their plans.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions