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Digimon Protectors
"You remember how to dance, right?" Peter said, grinning.

"Mhm! You taught me very well... up until we got sidetracked..." Sapphire winked and giggled.

"Heh..." He blushed slightly and looked around. It didn't take him long to spot Matt... "Hehe..." His grin broadened. Best of luck to you...

"Aww..." She cooed, having followed Peter's gaze.

Arukukamon stared... he could sense that this entity had power so he gave it his respect... or, at least, a little of it "Who are you...?"


**Dark Kari..accepts the water..drinking it up she sets the cup down and looks into Davis' eyes..**

Dark Kari: thank you...Davis... (pulls him into the bed with her)....if only for one night....make my dream a reality...(Kisses her lovingly, lustfully..and deeply)


Good Kari (starting to undress): only with you would it feel right TK.. :oops:

**Hotel Room~**

**DJ was taken surprise by the kiss...but in return..she kisses Matt back..**

Gatomon (to Patamon, seeing Veemon with BlackGatomon): looks like everyone's being with someone they love..doesn't it^^

on the Darkside**

Apocaylamon: I am Apocaylamon...the Ultimate evil...complete with hot and cold running water... and to answer the earlier question...Yes i am back..but not yet...i need more data to complete my restoration...but first..we have some unfinished business with the Digidestined..that is why together..we will pick them apart

Arukukamon kept a stoical expression while sneering inwardly at what this 'ultimate evil' had said. Heh... I bet he's nothing... He laughed softly "Allow me to begin..." He picked up his human and, with a devilish grin, walked through a newly formed portal.
**Good Side**

When smiled slightly as she felt DJ return the kiss and so then he deepens the kiss, slowly open his mouth and stick out his tongue that run softly over DJ
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**good side**

*good Kari*

TK closed the door of the room as he saw her undressing, he blushed deep as he stared at her, he then slowly went up to her and kissed her softly as his hands started to help her to undress, of he was willing to let her go then at least he would grant light Kari's wish.

*ball room*

Patamon smiles and kisses Gatomon softly. "You're right Gato, is good he found someone as well" he said with a smile

**bad side**

"Apocalymon, what a surprise, you were the closer one to destroy them, you destroyed their tags with the crests and even deleted them from the digiworld's database but you failed in see that the crests were only tools to help them to see that the crest each one represented was their hearts, but I must admit you were really close" Devimon said as he looked at Apocalymon, then he looks at LadyDevimon and smirks deviously. "After you my finest devil lady" he said with a smirk
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Daisuke moaned into the strong kiss as he melted into her. He felt his head began to spin. After enjoying it for a second he pulled back to gasp for air.
\"Are, are you know.\"
"This will be soo easy..." Arukukamon cooed to his human "Now... I just need you to go to sleep for me, Tommy..."

'Tommy' cowered "N-No-... Please!"

"HehehehheehhehehhahahahAHAHAHAHHAHHAAAAHHAHHAHAHA!" Arukukamon laughed insanely and brought his fist down on the boy's head heavily; he collapsed, knocked unconscious "You are so useful, pet..." Arukukamon grinned cruelly and engulfed the area in black mist, totally obscuring himself and what he was about to do next...


**Good Kari was soon nude before TK..her body blushed from head to toe...she had only her panties left...her arms covered her chest...**

Good Kari :oops:


Dark Kari: mm hmm...we can do it..all the night long.. (nuzzles his neck)...Let me start this for you...(rubs between his legs)

**Hotel Ballroom**

**it wasn't long before DJ slips her tongue into Matt's she frenches with him...letting her tongue dance with his..**

BlackGatomon: Hmmhmm. You ARE a quick study, Veemon^^

Gatomon: You Dance divinely^_~ (licks patamon's cheek)


Apocaylamon: A word to the wise...Never underestimate the Digidestined...that's how they got all of us... and it's a mistake we should NEVER make again.... go forth...and do me restoration won't be's going smoothely...
**Good side**

*light Kari*

TK gently held her by her waist and blushed as he then smiled at her, he then kissed her lips softly as he started to unbutton his shirt and soon he took it off revealing his well toned chest to her as he blushed deeper, he then gently took her down to the bed slowly, gently prying her arms off her chest and his hands gently cupped her breasts on them, he could feel sparks running down his spine, he never dared to think this could be possible that he would be like this with her for real, his hands soon started to caress her breasts gently like recognizing them and saboring them, a bulge started to form inside his pants.

*ball room*

Patamon blushed and smiled. "guess seeing Kari on her dance class really paid off" he said with a grin as they continued dancing.

**bad side**

Devimon nodded in agreement. "Alas I agree with you Apocalymon, we all made that mistake, and it costed us a lot, even when we try to use their tentations against them we can't understimate them, they are pretty smart, we must plan this carefully" the demon digimon said in a serious tone
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
**good side**

Matt slowly stopped dancing just to embrace DJ closer to him, enjoying that moment so badly as his tongue swirled around DJ
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions