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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver)
Nico grimaced at the disgusting site and retracted her limbs, once she was sure it wasn't a trap she carefully made her way to the girl and began shaking her gently "Hey, hey wake up! It's not safe here, come on already!" she hissed before gently picking the girl up and making her way back to Alex "I'm guessing you didn't have an better luck than me?" she asked as she looked between the elf and marine curiously.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Just as Nico walked in with the elf woman in her arms, the space marine's eyes flew open and the armor began to grind and whine as she tried to get up. But it was no use. Most of the connecting servos were smashed or strained, and the damage to the central processor was to extensive to overcome. In short, the armor was busted.

She growled at Alex's poking finger as she lay flat on her back and said "What planet is this?! Whom do you serve!" Knowing space marines, anything less than the emperor was a near death sentience...but she was trapped in busted armor, and she was, most notably, a she. Women could not normally became space marines, and she did not look like she had undergone the procedures, surgeries, and genetic enhancements that normal space marines had to go through on order to bear their armor and weapons. But she did have a bunch of extra tech all over her, which could explain how she was able to use the armor at all. When did they invent that?

The elf male on the other hand, groaned softly and stayed uncoincious. It was a slightly likely that that elf and the elf that Nico held in her hands were of the same universe, both being extremely handsome and beautiful.

Slowly, the elf in Nico's arms opened her eyes and looked up weakly at her. "Are...are you going to hurt me?" She asked softly, looking up at Nico with fear in her eyes. She trembled gently in Nico's arms. Orochimaru had gotten to her first, there was no way of telling what the damage was.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Who's that?" Alex asked as he looked at the female elf in Nico's hands. He then looked at the angry 'Space Marine' and moved back. "Calm down...We're not here to hurt you. This planet is Earth, and I...uhh...Wait...You, tell me who you are!" he said, trying to sound tough, before gulping. "Ummm...Please?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"No clue who she is." Nico shrugged as she turned her attention back to the elf "Relax, Won't hurt you, what's your name?" she asked with a kind smile, doing her best not to snickered at her lovers weak attempt to act tough.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The space marine growled and tried again to rise out of her armor. "I am Angela Seraphos, First Sister Captain of the Dark Angels Space marines. As such, I demand you tell me where your alliances lay and tell me where we are!" She clearly didnt believe him about this being earth, or rather Terra. She was in no mood to fool around with some human, she needed to return to her duties, and rejoin her battle brothers.

The elf, on the other hand, was much less aggressive. She sighed in relief when she found out that they were not going to hurt her and smiled weakly. "I am Tiffania...Have you seen a boy in a blue sweater?" She asked shyly, clearly weakened by whatever Orochimaru had done to her.

The other elf lay still against the rubble, his head wound still bleeding slightly, but already it was scabbing over.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Um...I'm Alex, and that's Nico, and we're with uhh....Humanity." Damn it! I knew I should have paid more attention to the game's plot! Alex thought. "Um...So are you going to attack us, because if you do I won't help you. OH! And have you seen my mother? A young lady, with long brown hair?" he added.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I'm afraid not." Nico answered, giving the elf girl an apologetic gaze before turning her attention back to Alex and the marine "Maybe that strange man with the snakes took her." she offered, wondering if anyone knew him.
Lady Devimon's Minions
The space marine growled again and tried to get up. "What planet is this?!" She stubbornly repeated. She was clearly not going to answer any of Alex's questions. As a Space marine, vulnerability was not something that she was used to at all, and since Alex seemed to be just a civilian, he should be reporting to her as though he were reporting to a general, that is, clearly concisely and accurately. He was doing none of these. "Answer me or I swear you will pay for it!" She threatened, her free arm going over to her power armor for a moment before she winced and dropped it to the ground. It was clearly broken.

Tiffania's ears lowered in sadness as she learned that Saito was not there with her and wondered what they were talking about. "Wait...I think I saw her. She was crying in the room when I came in, and then suddenly that snake man came in with a really pale man with a big sword. The pale man took her, and the snake man attacked me." She saod softly hoping this helped. And it did. Someone else had taken Amy, Alex's mom, and who knew how safe Asuna was at the moment. To add to that Alex had to deal with a demolished house, a dead chaos marine, a wounded woman space marine, an unconscious elf, and a frightened, though very sexy, elf.

Mike, his friend, may be able to put them up at his house for awhile, but even Mike had limits, at least...some limits, though Alex knew that mike might as well have had a dark side almost as dark as his own, if not worse.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((We both know I'm the darker of the two, Silver. Remember what I did to that assassin in the Market? Twisted ))

Alex ignored the Space Marine, and he looked at the elf. "Pale man? With a big sword...Crap, who could that be?" he wondered, and looked at Nico for some help. He sighed and looked at the Space Marine. "You're in no condition to make demands, so how about you try to relax and stand down?" he suggested, his eyes glaring at her and glowing for a second from his darkness. He then looked at Nico again, and said, "What now? Mom's gone, who knows how Asuna is, and we go a Space Marine and an elf girl with us now...This is getting complicated," he sighed.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"It may be best to take everyone and leave, things like this drew a lot of attention in my world, who knows what attention we've already gained here." Nico said as she walked to the other elf and spawned new arms to lift him to her back and hold him there "We also need to tend to everyone's there anywhere we can go to hide?"
Lady Devimon's Minions