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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight)
Raziel chuckles when his sister still wouldn't admit she wanted him to fuck her. He watched while his sister bent over and began to eat out the vulpix. The young half demon purred loudly watching the two his own arousal dieing slowly. "Mmm that is so hot you two I can see you loving to eat girls out Katt," he purred it wasn't often when a guy could watch his sister eat out a stuff animal that was brought to life.

He soon need to use the restroom as he watch the his sister please his loyal pokemon. He didn't want leave till his sister drank every bit of cum. Yet the presser in his bladder was rising as he watched the two. Then he remembered a lesson they had on ancient societies how athro males would scent mark their mates or slaves. He walked over to his sister with a nasty grin on his face. He let his bladder go after a couple of seconds of waiting. He coaterd her back and her sides with his golden liquid. After a moment he clenched his muscles and stopped the flow of urine and then positioned himself over Vulpix and then finished unloading hid bladder onto her pink fur.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt blushed slightly as Raziel commented onn her eating out the Vulpix, she didn't want to admit it but she had experimented with her girlfriends before, and she did enjoy it. But being forced to eat out an animal, and after her brother had fucked it, was diffrent. She whimpered slightly from the thought as she continued to swallow his cum, unable to stop herself no matter how much it disgusted her.

Katt cried out into Vulpix's pussy as she felt a warm liquid pouring over her, she recgonized it from the scent, Gahh, he's pissing on me!? she fought to pull her lips away from Vulpix's pussy to yell at him, but thanks to the binding spell she was unable to stop till she did as she was ordered to. All she could do was growl into Vulpix's pussy as she was covered in his scent.

Vulpix on the other hand welcomed the shower, marking a mate was common for her species, and she was thrilled that Raziel was claiming her as his mate, "Thank you master, I promise I'll be a good mate to you." she moaned softly from Katt's tongue and the urine shower.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raziel could see his sister's blush as she continue to eat out the pokemon. When he heard his sister growling he grinned some, "I know I know you you like the scent," he said with a grin knowing she hated him for at the moment. ""Do realize your mine now since you got my magical seal on your shoulder and my scent all over you," he said with a grin. He reached over and scratched behind his sister ears. Then looked over at ever so willing vulpix, "That's a good girl and thank you," he said to her.

The winged feline went over to the couch and sat back down. He turned it on and started to channel surf trying to find something good on and then saw a "Reboot" marathon and stopped. "Oh when you fur dries I wouldn't mind a to cuddle with my slave," he said to Katt giving her the option of not cuddling with him.

"Oh how do you think mom will take the new s that your my sex slave?" he asked already knowing how their father would take the news since him and dad already talked about how he felt. He learned that their father's demonic clan were incestuous bunch. "Also I do know that dad would be okay with the situation," he added.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Vulpix whimpered softly when she felt Katt stop, as soon as all of her brother's cum was gone she was more than capable of stopping since she'd done what she was ordered. Vulpix reluctantly jumped off, already feeling the tension from Katt and knowing she wasn't welcome to stay with the feline. She walked over near the couch, curling up on the ground near her master's feet to wait for her fur to dry before jumping onto his lap.

Katt whiped her mouth of furiously, still growling, "Mom and Dad, will both be pissed at you." she growled, "They'll make you remove this mark, and then I swear I'll make every waking moment of your life a living hell." she swore, shaking off her fur a bit, "I'm taking a shower, this is just disgusting, I can't believe you." she groaned a bit as she turned and walked towards the door. If Raziel didn't stop her she'd take a long shower, scrubbing herself raw before coming back down, cuddling up next to him since she'd misunderstood what he said and thought it was an order, figuring her desire to cuddle was just the mark's work again.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raziel chuckles when his sister says they both would be piss at him he knew their mother would be mad but would except the situation that she would hope that would never happen. When his sister came back down after a long shower he murred still grinning at her lovely naked body. He began to purr slowly enjoy the feel of her body agaisnt his. He reached around and wrapped his paws around her chest propping up her breasts. "I am surprised you came back down Katt," he purred nuzzling her neck and kissed her cheek.

"When you said Mom and Dad would be pissed your only half right. I know for a fact Dad wouldn't be that mad why don't you think your not allowed to go to the spiritual realms and more importantly the domain named hell?" he asked in a knowing manner. "On Dads side of the family they are all incestuous and don't always take no for answer. Besides Dad knows how I feel about you anyway," he explained the situation why their father wouldn't be mad at him. Then the phone began to ring as the tv showed who was calling it was their father, "Why don't you get it Katt?" he asked handing his sister a cordless phone.

(I will play mom and Dad unless you want them to be npc's?)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: you can play them both unless you want me to control one.


Katt hesitated for a split second, she wanted to answer the phone, to tell her father everything that had happened, but it still bugged her as to wheither that was her own desire or the work of the mark again. She cautiously took the phone, clicking it on and bringing it to her ear, "H-hello, dad." she said.

Vulpix stretched a bit as she stood up, check to make sure her fur was dry before she jumped onto the couch, happily curling up into Raziel's lap, licking at his chin as she curled into his chest, purring happily.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Josh heard his daughter answer the phone, "Hey pumpkin Me and your mother are going to be out of town on a business trip. So we will be putting more money on your all's debit check cards," he said letting them know they will be gettign more money along with their weekly allowances.

Raziel reached up and cupped one of his sister's tits as Vulpix jump up into his lap. He began to pet the vulpine wiht his free hand and with the other he toyed with his sister's nipple. "I am going to have so much fun with you Katt," he murred as he nuzzled into the half demonic tigress's neck.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt let out a soft purr of pleasure, not trying to push away Raziel's hand, knowing he'd just order her to if she did, realizing there was no point in trying to resist it, "Th-thanks, how, long do you think you'll be gone for?" she asked, her face was a bright red, almost looking in pain as she tried to keep her voice even while she was talking on the phone.

Vulpix purred happily as she rubbed up into Raziel's hand, oblivious to anything else that was going on. A horde of elephants could charge through the room and she wouldn't notice as long as her master kept petting her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Raziel purred when his sister didn't pull away or say anything about him tweaking her nipple. "I thought you were going to tell dad about the fact your my slave and how I am going to fuck long time," he whispered in her hear as he kiss the nape of her neck a sensitive spot for most felines.

Their father could tell something was wrong with his daughter, "We most likely will be back sometime middle or late neck week. Now what's bugging you pumpkin you don't sound like yourself are you coming down with something?" Josh asked his baby girl.

Raziel snapped his fingers and pointed towards his erecting cock wanting the vulpix to take care of his needs. He moved a free down his sisters belly rubbing slowly head toward her snatch.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I, Raziel," Katt let out a loud moan as Raziel hit one of her tender spots, "D-dad, I, made a bet with Raziel, and lost, he wanted me to be his slave." she told him, tears forming in her eyes, "his, sex, slave." she clarified, starting to cry slightly as Raziel rubbed her stomache, inching closer to her pussy.

Vulpix needed no clarification on her orders, she immediately moved back a bit, leaning over hand happily taking Raziel's member into her mouth. Licking it over with her tongue as she bobbed her head up and down on it, moaning softly around it as she sucked him off.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad