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Poke Catchen
Flare looked unbearably small next to Arcanine and she knew it as she tried to find some way to get around him. "B-But...I dont..." She then saw her own bowl of food, which was not so far from his, and scooped it forward with her tail and placed it in the small space that was left between the two. " can have my food, all of it, its OK." She said timidly, even though she had only takne a few bits from his bowl.


"Trainer? You mean a human? You live with one? But I thought they were nasty people who always make us fight and are always throwing those red and white balls at us." Julia said with a sigh. Still, she took Vap's hand and said "Im not a primitive, I have a name. Julia. Its nice to meet you Vaps."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I'm not interested in your food," Arcanine growled, knocking away the food bowl, "I'm taking what I want, now, follow me to my room. Or do I have to drag you?" he asked, showing off his fangs a bit.


"Pleasure," Vaps smiled, "And I'll have you know my master is very kind, he always makes sure his pokemon are comfortable. Ohhh," Vaps eyes suddenly lit up as she ran behind Julia, "You're tails are so beautiful!" She squeeled, grabbing one gentley and rubbing it a bit, "So soft and fluffy."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare shook her head and whimpered softly. "Please...leave me alone...I will leave, today, I promise." She pleaded weakly, her legs trembling so much it would be hard to move them anyways. "Please...d-dont hurt me...Im sorry." She reached up with all her courage and licked his snout, a common sign of submitting and surrender to a fire pokemon in her region. Still, she had never submitted to anyone ever before but she was truly frightened by him. "Please let me go..."


"Ahhh!" Julia said with surprise, snatching her tail away with a huge blush and almost glaring at Vaps. "D-Dont touch my tails! They are beautiful because they are not touched or poked by anyone but me!" She then seemed to lighten up and sighed. "Also...they are um...very sensitive. Pulling the wrong hair hurts like crazy." She did not mention that the same was right for pleasure.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Arcanine was clearly pleased by the act of submission, "Fine," he growled a bit, "Just don't let it happen again." he warned, pulling over the food bowl she had offered and beginning to eat.


"Oh, sorry." Vaps said, a bit surprised by the outburst, "I didn't realize they were so sensitive. Mine's covered in scales so I barely feel anything that happens to it," she explained, wrapping her tail up infront of her, her tail fin covering her face a bit like a fan.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flare nodded and escaped from the kitchen with her tail between her legs, where she then proceeded to run to her room and stay. She was going to leave now, she knew it. She could not live in a house with a fire pokemon that was so much stronger than her. And yet at the same time, she found him rather attractive, aside from the fear of course. He was strong and full of will and dominance, and that was a nice quality to have for a male fire pokemon...It was shame he used it to scare the living daylights out of poor little flare.


"Yours is beautiful as well." Julia said with a small smile. "In its own shiny way." She giggled a little and stroked the tail with her hand. "But you cant feel anything? Thats so strange."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Arcanine glanced over as Flare ran off, Hmm, wonder if I was a bit too rough. he thought, feeling a bit bad about his overreaction, It was an honest mistake I suppose. But the nerve of eating someone else's food, she should know better than that. he thought.


"Well I can feel in it, it's just not that sensitive." Vaps explained, "It wouldn't be very helpful swimming if I felt everytime it slapped against the surface." she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That makes sense...but how did you get your tail so shiny? I have seen other Vaporeons around and none of their tails, or scales for that matter, are anywhere near as well kept as yours." Julia puzzled over this and then looked at the house. "Is it because you have a trainer?" She added.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Yep," Vaps smiled, appreciating the admiration, "My master kinda spoils me. I actually compete in contests so he wants me to look my best. I suppose it's working if such a beautiful pokemon like yourself is admiring it."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Julia blushed and said "Oh go on. I think I like you, and I dont say that to many pokemon....can I meet your master?" she asked, stroking one of her own tails softly. "I would like to meet him, he sounds nice."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I don't see why not," Vaps smiled, "Maybe he'll take you in, I bet you'd just love some of the other pokemon he's got. They're both fire types like you after all." she took Julia's hand, pulling her towards the house and leading her inside. "Master!" she shouted.

Arcanine walked out of the kitchen, "What's with the shouting? Trying to wake the entire forest?" he huffed a bit.

"What?" Shadow came running out of the room, "Something wrong? What happened?"

"I met someone in the woods." Vaps smiled, pulling Julia forward, "She wanted to meet you."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad