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The Spire.
OOC: I'm back! Gosh, sorry I was gone so long. My school, college and the internet decided to gang bang me behind a dumpster in a dark alley somewhere!


"Lore of the Storm- Notos!" Lacia called as she leaped out into the open, the five, golf ball sized crystal balls floating around her shot out and circled the spire, turning faster and faster until a raging cyclone formed around them. They were protected from the elements outside, as it was relatively calm within the eye of the cyclone, save for the apparition of Kohryu. The remaining, baseball-sized crystal ball she had with her hovered above her outstretched palm as she stared at the spectacular event with both awe and terror. "What's happening!?"

"Ryoji put her under some sort of trance," Nera told Mar, her fists clenched, ignoring Lacia. "We must not intervene during this stage- the consequences could be cataclysmic for us... all we can do is wait for him to finish..." The elder dragoness' muzzle quivered and turned up in a snarl, and she unleashes an ungodly roar of fury up to the heavens. She turned around and walked to Dot's side. "-And when he's finished, we'll protect Dot from him!" She growled, raising the warhammer fiercely.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Mar nodded to Nera, starting to feel more more confident after her encouraging words. He now was focused again, and paid attention to the golden-orange aura away from them, the glow was beautiful if not dangerous, only due to their mystical properties were all the stone slabs that composed the aerie's floor still intact. Keeping his arms tight around his sister, Mar's eyes jumped between all his companions; sure, they had taken part in many disasters and brawls before, but why was something so out of their league happening precisely to them? The only one with important range was F'Nerah, all the others were friends of his and Dot, why had they all been entangled in this way? The answer would never be revealed to the young dragon, but as they escaped his mind another thing came to be.

With a loud thunderous roar from the sphere of energy and the cackle of lighting in the black skies, two magnificent golden wings tore through the sphere Kohryu had made, effectively crushing the barrier holding it down. The wings were absolutely gigantic, almost as Mar's body in size, yet, as the rest of the barrier disappeared, a shining creature was left in the grey dragon's place.

The winged male had a lean build, one would have expected an extremely large body to match the size of the wings, which now spread fully to nearly block the light of the lightening up in the heavens, however, this was not the case. Pure ambar scales decorated the reptilian's body, his tail long as his arms and legs' length combined and his waist long hair exhibited a purely yellow colour. The metamorphosis complete, the sprite of Kohryu pierced itself into the abdomen of the imposing being, causing its form to appear across its body in the form of a different tatoo from the Aeon Dragon's: This Kohryu had thorns protuding from its form every centimeter it extended upon the creature, and instead of a rising dragon it depicted an Ouroboros that ondulated all around the creature's torso. His claws suddenly gripped tightly and lightening struck the loudest yet.

Two blood-like eyes inside darkened sockets showed to the world, and the most arrogant and condescending smirk drew itself on the bearer's face. The golden dragon spoke with Ryoji's voice in a pleased, yet commanding tone "Pray to the other gods that they may have mercy upon your frail souls, because this one has decided your world will be no more."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Better gods than you have tried." Shadow shouted, if he was intimidated by the massive form he was good at hiding it, "Don't you ever read comics or play games? The all-powerful megalomaniac is always defeated by the rag-tag band of adventurers."

There was a loud roar, almost like another clap of thunder, though longer and more bestial, "YOU BASTARD!" Katt roared as she leapt through the air, her powerful legs defying gravity as she lunged at Ryoji, "My sister's on that island, if she's hurt, I'll tear you apart inch by inch!" she roared, completely lost in her rage.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Alright. He's pissin' me off with his god talk! Screw the gods-" Nero snarled as several jagged blades of bone jutted out of his body, his black, leathery wings exploding out of his back and flapping once, propelling him forward at Ryoji with a surprising burst of speed. "-Especially this one!!" He roared and came at Ryoji from the opposite side so he and Katt were at a pincer attack.

"KATT- NERO- Don't break formation!" F'Nerah cried as she watched her friends take her god head on. She prayed to Infini as she watched them, her amazing reflexes allowed her to see everything unfold as if it were in slow motion, that they would be alive afterward.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Ryoji put his arms up and dedicated one hand to either offender, but his claws never got to even brush against either. "Hard-headed fools. Maybe you need to learn how to live like what you are," he said, suddenly his palms showed to Katt and Nero and a burst of purely white energy engulfed the two of them.

"Gah! Katt, Nero!" Mar shouted, being blinded for a few moments and had to put his arm in front of his eyes to keep from being fully segated.

When the light faded, and even if both of them managed to hit the force field surrounding him, Ryoji wouldn't even budge, but both Nero and Katt's bodies were suddenly being assailed by small granites that came flying from all over by art of magic, the granites weren't completely solid and they weren't being specially harmful to their beings and instead were conglomerating over their skin, weighing them down, fusing with their skin, slowly covering them into what seemed to be a petrea trap with the intention of transforming them into stone statues.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt growled at the annoyance as she swiped at Ryoji, barely even coming close as she began falling from the added weight. Soon crashing into the floor, her fur a dark gray from the stone covering it, her face frozen with a roar of rage.

"Whoa didn't see that coming." Shadow blinked a bit in surprise, "Okay, now he's made a big mistake. No one fucks with one of my friends while I'm still breathing." he growled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Nero managed to propel himself a little further than Katt, before running blindly forward by sheer force of brute strength, only to be violently repelled by Ryoji's force field. "NGHH!!" He grunted as he hit the floor and skid across the ground, his bone blades scraping the stone. He sat up and growled, trying to claw the granite off. "What the hell is this stuff!?" He griped, and cursed that bright light earlier that prevented him from using a good portion of his shadow magic. If that hadn't happened, he would've been able to do something else, he was sure of it.

"Pyros- The flames cleanse ALL!" Nera commanded, a brilliant aura of pure, invisible flames radiating from her in a sphere, washing over her friends like a warm breeze, but incinerating the gravel flying at them and sticking to their bodies. Having been the Aeon Dragon once, she knew what to expect, at least from tapping into Kohryu's power. She wasn't totally sure what to expect from someone manifesting it directly. "Don't let your emotions overwhelm you! Brute strength alone will not fell a god!"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Hmph, god or not, he's gotta have some weakness, you know? In the videogames, nobody's invincible!" Ereth added, holding his claws together for a second before slowly spreading them, a bright-blue orb growing in size between them, becoming a bit larger than a basketball before he threw his arms out, flinging the orb at Ryoji. It exploded a few meters before him, creating a large orb of thick ice all around him. "C'mon, red things are weak against Ice, right?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Ryoji smiled to F'Nerah, "An attempt to be called worthy of you, Lady F'Nerah," he cunningly said, shifting his right arm up and snapping his fingers. The granite returned, and it wasn't the rock projectiles from someplace else, the eliminated pieces the dragoness had managed to destroy were now back in place, covering both Katt and Nero into rigid, lifeless stone statues.

"Crap!" Mar shook in place, tightening his grip on his sister as he watched F'Nerah's efforts being simply dwindled, "She's supposed to be the most worthy dragon for that beast's protection after Uzumaki... What's going on?!" he cursed, wanting to join the fight, but the will to protect his twin was far stronger at the moment.

As the ice wall enveloped Ryoji, silence took over the scene. Part of the golden dragon's massive wings were still able to be seen, and they twitched from within their frozen confines. The ice didn't melt, but Ryoji suddenly began walking forwards as if the icy prison was nothing but an illusion, the empowered villain's satisfied smirk couldn't have been bigger. He held his right arm up, palm outwards, and the ice began to shatter and crumble, its dust flying towards anc conglomerating into a big sphere in Ryoji's claw. He wickedly smiled to Ereth, "High Level Elemental Magic, yes?" was his sole phrase, before his claw crunched, the ball of magic dissipating, at the same time sending an invisible crushing force towards the blue-haired dragon aimed to completely disable his mana.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"So, anyone have any ideas on how we shut this annoying jerk up?" Shadow asked, scratching at his ears a bit, "Came here to get with some cute dragons not deal with this megalomaniac."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad