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Bleach: Last Stand.
"Well, if you say so." Katt said, though she was still a bit nervous, Salem and Ayame's presence helped to comfort her, "Thanks you two, well, let's hope things don't get too crazy."


"I wouldn't be surprised, for someone like Aizen I bet it wouldn't be hard to revive a fallen shinigami as an arancarr with none of their previous memories. Or they might just hold a grudge against the society," Shadow sighed a bit, "And I wouldn't put it past him to throw fellow shinigamis at us."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Then I'm afraid if your kind won't retreat, you must die." Proto said, before waving his katana-arm up, his hand re-appearing and the katana disappearing, "Come, Hollow."

With that, a Garganta opened up in the skies, beastly roars echoing from nearby as a multitude of hungry and famished Hollow started to come out. The black, masked entities starting to swarm the place in a rather short period of time.

"Feast on these souls, quench your thirst for spirit, my empty brethen!" Proto commanded, and in less than a second, Adjuchas rained down on both Naibu and Trent.

(12 Squad's Office)

"G-god..." Kazan uttered, his eyes bulging out as he literally oogled at the catgirl's prominent bosom, naked no less. "So... big..." he started to drool, his claws hovering just beside each of the mounds, his fingers twitching eagerly.


"Aizen... I'm afraid I'm not familiar with him. However, from the sound of it he seems to like experimenting. Was he part of the Research Bureau?" Zeke asked, "We could discern the intentions of our culprits if we knew more about the recent incidents concerning shinigamis. And if that's the case... We should question that lady." He proposed.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Human World*

"It's time to end this!" Naibu had readied himself to attack once more when he felt the Hollows that approached him "Oh hell..." He killed five Adjuchas with a swing of his scythe "You have no honor Hyouzen, sending these things rather than fighting me yourself, you coward!" Despite the fact that he had twice the reiatsu of a captain between him thanks to the device on his arm, Naibu's wounded body couldn't keep up with it and he failed to avoid the second wave of enemies craving for his soul "Gaaagggggghhh!!" He shrieked as his soul started to be eaten, the Hollows finished eating seconds later leaving what was left of Naibu and the ground before it exploded into spirit particles, the Hollows comencing their attacks towards Trent.

*Hueco Mundo*

The spirit particles that once comprised Naibu converged once again, Naibu's face was deformed with pain, a hole opened on his chest "Nnnghhh!!!" He tried to fight as his reason was leaving him, but it was useless, his whole form changed suddenly, the powerful Adjucha now walked in four legs and resembled a saber-tooth tiger "Grrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr!!" He roared and looked around the deserted world, now guided by his instincts he started to roam Hueco Mundo getting rid of anything and anyone on his way.


Rina rolled her eyes at Kazan's pasive attitude How cute, he's too pure... She stood up and grabbed him by his haori throwing him to the floor "Why don't we heat things up" She stripped off the rest of her clothes and placed her ass on Kazan's face giving him a full wiew of her womanhood "Let's see what you can do Kazan".
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Hyouzen's face became rather red once he watched Naibu's soul become devoured in a matter of split seconds. "He was mine! You fools, he was mine to kill! It was my fight!" The water dragon roared from the fact his fight was interrupted as he stabbed one of the Adjucha through its chest out of rage. "Bastards..." He turned towards Proto and told him, "We're!" With strength drawn from his anger, he ripped a small hole in the dimension, leading back to the Masuda Fortress. Sheathing his blade, he entered with a slight limp, the dragon's wounds starting to catch up with him as he coughed up a little blood. "Damn it...what a mess."

Trent tried to hold his ground against the Adjucha, but the numbers started to become too much for the wounded gryphon. "Even if you defeat me, there will be others to take my place. Justice can not be quenched so easily." One of the Hollows then dived down towards him, knocking the avian into the river, the water gaining a hint of red from his wounds.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"No problem, come on we need to let Shadow know your alive." Salem grinned as he cought sight of said captain "OI! SHADOW-HAN! THERE YOU ARE!"

"Oh my!" Rei gasped, her good nature and concern for others drawing her from her hiding place so she could tend to Hyouzen "E-excuse me but are you alright?!"
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ayame huffed and looked around, crossing her arms over her chest "So...if he tries to kill us do we have an escape plan?" she asks tapping her fingers to the side of her breast.

[[i am leaving and will be gone till next Tuesday, god-mod me as needed.]]
"If memory serves he," Shadow turned as he heard his named called, "Katt? Just where the hell did you go, you were supposed to remain on bed rest."

"I, was just," Katt started.

"Save it," Shadow interrupted, taking a deep breath, "Katt you're good, that's why you were made vice, but your actions borderline treachery, going to hueco mundo against direct orders, fleeing from the hospital wing and going AWOL, you're lucky no one was sent after you. Therefore, I'm left with little choice, you are officially demoted to 5th chair, and I expect you to be on your best behavior. Is that clear?" Shadow barked.

"Y-yes captain," Katt relaxed a bit, this was definately better than what she had expected to happen.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Let us go." Proto waved his arm, the hollows retreating upon Naibu had been devoured. The arrancar then jumped into the portal to follow Hyouzen into the dimension of Masuda Fortress.


"I found nachos!" Lizzy suddenly came in, holding a large tray full of nachos and then three trays nearly bursting with takoyaki dumplings, "SnowBall-san, Hoody-san, I," she stopped in front of the new company, her eyes fixing on Katt for a moment of silence.

"Tasty!" the dragon girl continued, hurrying in front of Shadow and Zeke, who seemed to be observing the new comers with interest.

"I'm not one to judge, but they aren't your average shinigami." Zeke thought, narrowing his eyes under his hood as he watched over them.


"Nngh!" Kazan grunted, his principles vanishing as he started hugging Rina's waist to tightly push her against his muzzle, "Such a strong odor!" he murred, starting to lick all over Rina's ass and pussy.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Masuda Fortress)

Hyouzen threw open the doors to his fortress, relaxing a little in the sanctity of his home. "Damn...need to heal these wounds...blood's going to get everywhere..." The water dragon tried not to aggravate his wounds as he walked into towards the healing pools. He turned towards Proto before he entered and told him, "Go ahead and rest up. We'll all begin anew tomorrow." The door to the healing pool then closed, a sigh of relief escaping Hyouzen's muzzle.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I-Is he going to be alright?" Rei asked nervously, looking from proto to the doors despite being blind.

"Shadow-taicho if I may intervene, this time it was my fault not Katt's. I took her to train and show her her own limitations. It is my fault and I will accept full blame and any punishment you and my captain see fit." Salem said, quickly stepping up to defend Katt since the last few things were his fault.
Lady Devimon's Minions