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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
OOC: Nice to see you back. Do you need a summary of what's been going on in the RPG?
OOC:..I would like a summary of what happened...Thank you Googlehead. and to Angewomon's lover...thank you for guilmon again. Disturbed, if you can keep yolei^^...
OOC: Okay we can wait till you're all caught up then.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC:I tried to write a summary but I didn\'t know enough of the characters but if you go back to the prev page you can just read from your last post.
OOC: from the looks of sounds like things need a touch of clearing..once and for all!! And since i'm no longer Yolei's holder...that leaves one less part to reply to.^^. the rpg will commense


New Pangea..

**After Sonic and Shadow left to explore... it was up to chris to fill in the holes for Tails...good thing Takato and Guilmon come along to aid in filling in...

Takato (to Beelzemon and Guilmon): Let's help fill them in as much as possible.. maybe we can do something.

Chris: Okay i'll replay this as much as i can. This place we are on..this is really a nexus point.. an area where Dimensions a way..we are in both the same time...and even though i don't have all the answers....i do know whoever called to me..wanted me to find and help you guys...

Takato: So what you're saying is...we're between both the Digiworld and the real world

Chris: yeah! that's it

Sally's Voice: Well that clears some things up.
**The Acorn princess...comes out...leaping from the typhoon to meet and greet..**
Chris: Whoa..

Sally (approaching them): So you must be the famous Chris Thorndyke..^_^ i'm pleased to meet you in person. Sonic and tails talk about you ..nonstop

Chris: ^_^ i see. and who are you..

Sally: Princess Sally Acorn. you can just call me Sally

Chris: it's a pleasure to meet you Sally

Guilmon: hmm (looks ath the ground...Crack?) Uh oh. Uh everyone?!!

Sally: Who is that?

Takato: That would be Guilmon. what is it boy

Guilmon: cracking! in the island

Takato: Cracking in the island?

**Just then..tiny cracks occur...leading to bigger cracks in development...**

Takato: Cracking in the island!! What's going on

Chris: That's right! Another reason why i'm here.... Neo Pangea can only last for so long...the only reason it's because someone willed it here..according to what the one who called me...we have to until the whole island breaks to choose....Digiworld or REal World. That's all he told me...

Sally: sounds like we have to choose between going to the Digiworld to going to the real world

**Even if that is the can they pull it off if the Typhoon appears..grounded....and does anyone notice a crimson red furred Hedgehog in dark leather..bearing a sword..behind his back?...sneaking into the Typhoon..

Crimson (to himself): Have fun with the blue hedgehog brother..X3..hmhmhm...

**in the blue typhoon**
Cassie: I don't know if i's a long story...

**unaware of it....the stranger sneaks onboard.....should mobians try to stop them....he'd KO'd them with either the back or side of his sword..or his fist....look out lupe, bunnie, and Cassie..

**Sonic and Shadow****
**With True Blue away from the others...he would be both fair game..and wide open to...
Voice: ATTACK!!!

**here come the mecha Digimon...with Twin Beams and Guardian barrages coming at Sonic.......and where Shadow is ambush of mecha Digimon go on the attack...

**Digidestined reunion ...**
**DJ turns to see Matt coming this a-way...beginning to blush a bit..before smiling her carefree smile**

Yukirenamon (fur fluffs):....something is coming!

Kari (starts to shake): I can feel it to...something Dark is coming.....
**Mekanorimon and Guardromon.....begin to come out of hiding...ambushing the Digidestined!!

**just thinks starts to go right....trouble comes in the form of the mecha Assault Team of evil....with time on the move..and a nexus point about to crumble...can the gang really play the ultimate version of Beat the Clock? Synchronize your watches and stay tooned!!
Sonic glanced over at a bright flash, quickly moving as a missile soared past him, "This has Eggman written all over it." he stared back at the direction of the attack, "Come on out, hiding isn't any fun." He smiled with confidence.

"Well not like we got much else to do." Bunnie smiled, "Why don't ya'all tell us this story."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow groaned as he was at the bottom of this digimon then out of the corner of his eye he saw the mecha digimon "Eggman..?" he said to himself then pushed Vi off him and hopped to his feet. With a blast of his rocket shoes he sped towards the Mecha digimon to meet the attackers "..whoever you are you're in a world of hurt.." as he finished out from his back he drew dual machine guns.
TK quickly stood infront of Kari protectively as a determined look appeared on his face. "Patamon be ready for anything" he said as he got his D-3 our, Patamon nodded.

"Right!" Patamon said as he got ready, he looked at Gatomon and nodded at her and then glowed. "Patamon digivolve to.... Angemon!" The winged digimon exclaimed as he now was the imponent Angemon, he stood ready to fight as he held his staff with both hands as he didn't looked intimidated by the Guardromo and Mekanorimon
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Helldramon saw the sparks on Geogreymon's head"Attacking me is futile.CORRUPTION!"A strange green mist started to leave his claw and slowly moved toward Geogreymon.
At the suddenly appearance of Guardromon and Mekanorimon, Yoosei quickly snaps her fingers, summoning her long curved sword again and holding it tightly with her left paw. she narrowed her eyes and immediately stood right next to Angemon. "...who are they?"

Matt blinks and then looks at Gabumon and they both nodded at each other and then Gabumon glows.

"Gabumon digivolves to..... Garurumon" letting out a soft growl Garurumon stands ready to fight, being right next to Matt.

Gatomon sighed at the sight of the Guardromon and Mekanorimon. "more fights... can't this just have an end". the white feline digimon then looked at Kari.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions