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Bleach: Last Stand.
OOC: Mindy had talking to Rei who ran off and hid in that other dimension that Hyouzen made. At least that's the last bit I remember.

"Are you kidding? Shadow's gonna tear your head off! You ran off what, three times in one day?!" Salem replied with a laugh before turning back and smiling to her "If you want, I'll help you face the big bad wolf."
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Here, trust me i wouldn't let him hurt such a cute little kitty cat" Ayame chimes on, brushing her hand through her long hair "Ahhh it is so nice to have it out of a braid for once." Ayame glances over at Salem "How powerful is this 'big bad wolf'"? she asks, folding her hadns behind her back.
"Haaaai!" Lizzy saluted, and zipped away from the room to follow the way Shadow had pointed out for her, her katana waving up and down in excitement.

"Was it prudent to send her off without making her sheathe her katana first?" Zeke wondered in his mind, before he looked over to Shadow, "Excuse me, Shadow-taicho, but may I inquire as to who the list you're going through cover, and their relation to the culprits?"

(12th Squad's Office)

"Ah-ahhh.... I... I don't know." Kazan stuttered, feeling his neck tingle from the rough feline tongue on his neck, "It's just, with all that's been happening, it's been very noisy and busy to..." he turned around, seeing Rina's massive, white-furred rack nearly poking out of her haori's top section, blushing madly before averting his gaze to someplace else, " relax." He finished.

(Real World)

This time though, Proto bluntly put his katana up, the blade of his sword being exactly the same as Trent's Chrono's Shikai form now. His eyes met with Trent's for a moment, before he suddenly faded from Trent's sight, re-appearing behind him and then appearing a few feet away from him, as if he had done nothing whatsoever. Yet, a cut at the avian's back was visible through his haori. "Interesting." Proto uttered.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Don't think she would've listened if I had." Shadow shook his head a bit, still scanning through files, "If we're dealing with Arcanarr, there's a good possibility they could be fallen shinigami. It's a long shot but if they are then we'll have a better chance of finding out what they're up to."


"He's a captain level," Katt frowned a bit, "I figure the worst he could do is kick me out of the soul reavers."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Unless he finds out what I did to you. Then they might kill you, they've done it before." Salem commented as he followed Shadow's spiritual pressure "Shadow's one of the strongest captans we have, and one of the only soul reapers I actully respect." she explained a they closed in on said captain.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Trust me, if it's murder he want's he's gonna be sorely mistaken, hell form when i was a member now i am captain level, and that's without my tricks, I'm sure that if it comes to blows you guy's can get back to the real world before i am overpowered eh?" she says with a small reassuring smile. "Besides, pwoer is all fine and good but if you can't control it, then your screwed, i found that out the hard way when i was changed from what i sue to be." She places her finger to her lower lip in thought "Hmmm... back when i was still a soul reaper, i was rather gifted, but unseated due to my father's connections, he wanted to hold me back then give me his position as captain after he died, but unfortunately for him i got into trouble and got changed into what i am now, course the boost of pwoer is a nice bonus from it."
"K-kill me!?" Katt stopped suddenly, "You didn't say anything about that! What do you mean they could kill me!?" She shouted, grabbing Salem by his shirt and glaring at him a bit, "I thought this was just something to make me stronger, not make me some criminal!"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Human World*

Naibu sighed "Why do you have to make it so hard?" Leaping behind Hyouzen, Naibu realeased his Shikai before touching the water "Crush! Kamikaze!" Naibu engulfed himself in a barrier of wind spliting the river's current, while his zanpaktoh transformed into a pair of knuckles "Let it be your way then, c'mon big guy!" He said taunting Hyouzen.


"Mrrrr" Rina purred as she sneaked her hand into Kazan's haori caressing his well built chest "Just go with the flow" Pushing him down to a nearby chair, she sat on his lap and grabbed Kazan's head with both hands and started french kiss him.
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Hyouzen cursed under his breath as the river was split apart, leaving him on a muddy patch of ground. "You're really determined...aren't you..." The water dragon gripped Enki tightly before leaping up towards Naibu. "...even if it kills me...I won't lose to you!" With a hefty swing of his two handed zanpaktoh, he shattered Naibu's barrier before trying to slice the captain apart.


Captain Trent groaned once the pain from his cut registered, causing the avian to become a bit befuddled. "You''ve copied my powers." He turned to look at Proto, the gryphon grinning as he told him, "You may have copied my simpler tricks...but you're not nearly fast enough to handle this." Trent then invoked the power of his Bankai, his zanpaktoh morphing into a drill shape. "Farewell." The shinigami then appeared a near instant later, thrusting his spinning drill against the arrancar's head.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Salem didn't even seem to care as he gazed into Katt's eyes "Your not a criminal, your part of a whole new race. You become more powerful than any shinigami ever could, and you know how proud shinigami are...they'll grow nervous and distrusting, and soon they'll see you as a threat and target you and anyone they thinks is your ally." he explained, his eyes growing sad as he pushed for a moment before he continued "My sister, the last Kago, had been as powerful as Yamato when she was only sixteen..Aizen found out and thought we'd be a threat, so he convinced three other captains to join him in slaughtering my whole family....he didn't even use his zanpakto to make them agree..." he finished, his eyes now torn between rage and sorrow.
Lady Devimon's Minions