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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
Kurtz could only but stare at Yoosei and blush gently. So, in all, it really was an innocent name. "Heh... What a cute name."

Erika simply nodded, and giggled when the purple foxy knocked into Matt, but she still followed soon after him. "Alrighty... we might as well, we've waited quite a bit~"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Daisuke yawned and rolled over in his bed that had been transported to the Digital World with him.
\"Just five more minutes Jun-chan, I won\'t be late for school.\" He mumbled in response to the yelling.
Tom yawned slightly and chanced to spot Matt "Hmm? More people?"

"Hehe, I wanna go say hi." Vi said.

"Go ahead. Just don't kill them from fright!" He laughed.

"Oh, be quiet..." She giggled and transformed into her native form; a ghost-like apparition, vaguely human, wearing... something too indistinct to be seen clearly. She warped in front of Matt and jumped on him, giggling "Hiya!"

Renamon looked at Tom and shook her head. "I guess Vi has something of an outgoing personality, but not everybody warms up to her."

Demiveemon decided that Yolei's yelling wasn't waking up his trainer the way Yolei was wanting. so he ran and spotted Daisuke's bed and with a mighty jump, he rolled himself up into a cannonball shape and was hurtling downward toward Daisuke.
Tom grinned at Renamon "Yeah... but that's one of the things I like about her." He blushed very slightly.
\"Ooofff!\" Daisuke cried out as his partner collided with him.

\"Ahh. What\'s the idea.\" Daisuke grumbled sleepily rubbing his stomach.

Renamon blinked at Tom, and then lowered her head a bit and gave a short nod. "At least you have something to look foward to in your life. Besides a training actually wanting me as their partner, I have nothing else to look foward to."

Demiveemon was snickering after he shook his head and watched Daisuke starting to show signs of life. "Hey, it's time to rise and shine, buddy. Yolei has been yelling at you to get up for a while now. I just thought I would help speed up the process."
Tom grinned "You may be surprised... but anyway, consider yourself lucky that you're not like Jes."
"Geez, you can't even take a nap these days..." Daisuke complained yawning. After streaching he took a look around looking puzzled at first.
"Hey! What the heck happened to my room!?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions