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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Ready to strike, Hei waited for the first enemy to came close and kicked him hard at the side of his head making the creature hit the floor "Damn, this is getting ugly" he said as he saw a second much bigger creature than the one before approaching "Weapons! great idea" rapidly Hei grabbed what fitted him best among the junk in the box, a pair of brass knuckles and took a stance once more "Hope this works"
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Hakatsu was watching the others grab weapons from the box. He was rather surprised to see what kinds of things students actually brought on campus and he sent them a special thank you in his mind for doing so, for these confiscated items were saving their lives. Of course, Hakatsu had his own weapon already, one that he was used to. He had never used his violin as a weapon before, but he could improvise. Though he mostly studied at home, video games were not foreign to him. As a nearby creature reached out to claw him, the youth tore through the thing's arm with his bow before smashing the actual violin into the thing's head with great force, hoping to end it quick. He didn't want to see the thing that could take a blow to the head like that and just shake it off like it was nothing.

"Can we really turn the tides here?" Hakatsu asked calmly, glancing around. He parried another attempted claw attack with his violin before whacking at the creature with his bow to distract it while he prepared another powerful slamming attack, a blow that landed square on that creature's head as well. It was the most vulnerable place, so he just painted an invisible target on each creature in that exact spot. Were they starting to thin out? He couldn't tell through the chaos. He couldn't check on how the others were doing, for he had to watch out for himself. He hoped that they could overcome this strange obstacle. It would be a shame if they fell prey to the creatures.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Slotting one of the sharpened wooden arrows onto the bow, Samui pulled back the elastic on the bow for a moment, before shooting off the projectile quickly, seemingly puncturing and ripping through the shadow, while preparing another. Lucky thing I can hold this thing right... shouldn't be too hard, right? He thought to himself, biting his lip as he checked on the two girls, making sure they were both alright before aligning another arrow ready to fire.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"EEK~" Myojin meeped, instinctively dodging the shadow before it even touched her. "Stay away from me" She yelped softly before pulling her dagger out. Not that screaming would scare the shadow but she didn't feel like she was prepared to properly fight that thing.
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
The weakened shadows began falling back as the group fought them, the monsters apparently not being stronger than any creature smaller than them would.

Kaido smashed his fist on the top side of a shadow, just above its eyes where he figured their brain would be. If science was accurate, no living being would be able to properly function without a working brain, and he intended to be thorough with that theory.

"It works! Haaaaaai-yah!" Yui said with renewed courage as she whipped around her madeshift blade-tipped lace-baton, tearing through one of the monsters with relative ease thanks to her agility with such a tool.

One by one, thanks to everyone's cumulative efforts, the group of monsters started falling apart. Each time a shadow perished, its body fragmented and vaporized, becoming a gaseous cloud of black that promptly dissipated, yet, the red eyes became trained on the still darkened floor, and they would, pair by pair, gather at the center of the group, accumulating into a growing crimson symbol that depicted the black figure of a traveler with a stick over their shoulder, at its tip hanging a madeshift bag as said traveler is being followed by an animal. The shape became particularly difficult to tell, but after a dozen monsters had been felled, it had become distinctive and bright enough to allow everyone to see they were stepping into the radius of the circle.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayami deftly smashed the shadow attacking her in the face with a well placed punch, the brass knuckles smashing the dark being and causing it to join the crimson symbol as well. "Ha, not bad." She panted a little from the exertion before she noticed the glowing marker on the ground. "Huh, what's that?"

Shirou nearly tripped from a claw swipe from the shadow facing him before he managed to stone the creature several times between the eyes with his slingshot. "Hmmm, I'm not such a bad shot, heh." He then noticed the glowing symbol below them before noticing his shadow joining the other defeated creatures. He heard Ayami and told the group, "Beats me, but killing these shadows is making it light up like a Christmas tree light."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hori smacked away a leaping shadow, watching as it splattered against the wall, "Dang, these thing's aren't strong but they're persistent." he mumbled as he took a step back, glancing over his shoulder towards the other, keeping most of his focus on the shadows, "What's going on?" he asked, unable to see the cause of their worries with his attention elsewhere.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Finally, there were hardly any shadows left. Hakatsu kept his guard up, but inside he felt a bit relaxed and relieved. Of course, now there was something new happening. Hadn't they suffered through enough strange phenomena for one night? Being a big fan of tarot, Hakatsu instantly recognized what the glowing symbol was representing.

"What is it?" Hakatsu repeated tersely. "It's The Fool." The answer was simple enough, and he was sure that he was correct. It was unmistakable at this point in time. So they now knew what it was, but what did it mean? Why was it glowing brighter with each felled shadow creature? There were too many questions that had no answers. He assumed that they would find out soon enough, for the number of shadow creatures was dwindling, and soon there would be none left. I guess that's when we find out..., he thought, glancing around warily at the remaining shadow creatures.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Hoshi whirled her bag over her head and slammed it down on any of the shadows that came near her, seeming a little unsure if it would work or not, but determined not to go down without a fight if it didn't.

After a few minutes she began to notice the light growing brighter, but rathert than focusing on it as everyone else did, she continued striking at the shadow creatures, each blow coming more swiftly and more accurately than the last. I don't know what these things are... and I doubt they've ever been seen by anyone who lived long enough to write anything about them... she thought with the part of her mind not devoted to defending herself.
I am not Toph! I am Melon Lord! Muahahahahaha!
The ring finally became wide and big enough to have everyone encirled in it. With it beneath each person's feet, strange energy began pouring into everyone as The Fool in the symbol slowly began whisking away, being replaced by the mark of The Death as everyone would feel their strength being sapped away from their very bodies.

Ayami's and Hori's bodies, however, were mysteriously not going to react in the same way and instead of being enveloped by red glow from the symbol, they instead began to shine a bright blue before a very strong flash blinded everyone. During this flash, the wicked voice from before spoke loudly: "You... are my kin! It cannot be! You're only humans!" it said, "Grr, no matter! I'll take you where you won't be able to resist our call! I'll take you where you won't be able to escape me! And then... I will destroy you two!" the last sentence only able to be heard by Hori and Ayami.

It was then that the the biggest Shadow that had ever appeared in front of them showed up, being exactly like the rest: A blackish slug with red eyes and three-clawed hands, but differing with its titanic size. It all of a sudden threw itself over everyone bind by the circle and swallowed them up, compacting everyone into a sphere of dark matter that was then absorbed by the flashing monitor from the computer room.

(Digitized Plains)

As it were, Shirou, Myojin, Samui, Kou, Hei, Hoshi, Kaido, Daisy, Hakatsu and Sacchi were all sprawled on the ground in some strange place that seemed to be under a constant, beautiful boreal-type aurora. The floor felt like cement, yet it didn't smell like it. In fact, nothing smelled there, and the colors were pretty uniform, not to mention the singularity of it all. It was just blue and green when it wasn't the aurora that comprised the sky of the Digitized Plains. The floor was composed of several large delined squares that stretched for apparently miles, yet there was an invisible barrier that was only 30 feet in radius keeping them all inside.

To add to the bizarre environment, there were a total of ten doors scattered in different sections of said invisible barrier. They seemed to be calling out to be opened, each and every single one of them

"Guh! Where are we?!" Kaido grunted, searching himself for any injuries, but all he had was more questions as he realized they were in some kind of strange place with transparent blue flooring and green horizons, not to mention that multi-color glow above them. Kaido didn't know it was an aurora.

"Eeeeep!" Yui squealed as she rose up to the ground, "I-I can't believe this!" she disdaintfully said, her eyes scanning the strange place they now were in, "I don't remember any place like th-this in the school!" she nervously observed, trying to stay close to Hoshi but also was firmly keeping her hands on her laced baton with blade.


In an entirely different place, Hori and Ayami had been put to sit down on twin chairs beside each other. A strange spell felt like it was keeping them asleep, but its control over them was quickly waning and they would be able to wake up in their seats, surrounded by velvet blue and in front of a desk where a long-nosed man was sitting in front of, eyes closed. Beside him stood a womanly figure holding what seemed to be an encyclopedia of sorts against her chest. Long pure-white hair flowed behind her dark-blue business suit, her big and round glasses glistening against her inhuman yellow eyes.

The place was split in two halves by a dense black line running on the floor, walls and ceiling going vertically through the old man's desk, the candleholder on the ceiling and the water paintings on the walls, separating Hori's and Ayami's chairs by hardly a feet from each other.

"Dorothea, it seems as though not only we have received a new guest, but two of them, and at the same time nonetheless," the old man said with a quiet smile in his face as he tapped his cane on the floor twice. The assistant walked beside his master, her compendium clutched next to her promiscuous chest.

"Yes, Master Igor," the one called Dorothea responded, hardly showing any emotion but cold observation.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad