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Eragon Movie
No, no, you misunderstand me. I was just saying what I am hearing from the critics and my friends. I will still see the movie, because I know critics can be wrong about movies. I would have liked it if they would have chosen a better director who had more experience directing and you have to admit the book does have many similarities to Star Wars. Not saying it is bad thing, because I still enjoy the plot and I think it would be hard to be original with some ideas. So can't blame him.
Oh ok sorry I mis read haha, My fault!
Veemon's Followers
No problem honest mistake. Are you only person who has enjoyed though? It seems that you are the only person I am hearing good things from.
#14 that Roran is done bitching about's my viewing.

I'll give it an 8/10...just because I really loved the movie, but like every movie based from a book, it lacked certain parts. Like the part where Brom teaches Eragon magic and how to read/write the ancient language.

Also some things were too modernized and not from the time period Eragon looks like it would be from.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
I haven't bitched about it at all thanks very much. THere was a LOT more that was missed out but you can't expect a whole lot.
Veemon's Followers
I was kidding Roran. :-p Take a joke, buddy. lol
And yeah I know...there was a lot more, but I don't want to go on about
Roran...du bist sehr sehr gross. lol let's see if you remember that
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
WHAT!? A movie that's not as good as the book? Wow, will wonders never cease?

I'm not even gonna bother watching the movie, they never live up to the books.

aguy Wrote:Well it came in second at the US box office this weekend.

That's just based on how many people went to see it. If they made another star wars movie, *Runs off and punches a hole through a wooden table, pours salt everywhere, and performs an odd ritual to make sure his words never come to pass* and it's the worst things ever it'll still more than likely be #1 at the box office cause people will go and see it cause it's star wars. Being #1 at the box office doesn't really mean much if you think about it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
All that means is people thought it would be good they could have been completely dissapointed and it would probably be dead last at the US box office next weekend or it was really that good :P.

Oh and how was this anything like star wars? I have yet to read the second book becasue i am that lazy.
Gabumonfurry Wrote:All that means is people thought it would be good they could have been completely dissapointed and it would probably be dead last at the US box office next weekend or it was really thatgood :P.[\quote]

That's what I said.

[quote=Gabumonfurry]Oh and how was this anything like star wars? I have yet to read the second book becasue i am that lazy.

I just used that as an example, no matter how much a starwars movie sucks it'll be #1 for at least 2 weeks.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Oh ok i was confused becasue people said it was like lord of the rings and star wars ._. thanks :P