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An important reply to wisemon, and everyone! (many swears)
Dearie, dearie me. There are so many squabbles about religion in The West.

We should be more like Iran.

In Iran, Jews, Christians, and Muslims live on the same streets. And none of them give a care about who's what. Most of the time, they join in each other's religious celebrations.

That's what I like. The only thing that beats that in terms of tolerance is a very good film entitled "Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure".

This debate is the reason I support compulsory religous education. The Iranians get on because they've lived together for over a thousand years, and the Christian, Muslim and Jewish children have all played together and have taught each other their religious practice. Proof positive on the effects of RE. Also, I don't ever what to see anyone get Brahman muddled, ever. Hindus believe in that Brahman takes many forms, including Jesus, Allah, the Buddha, and Shiva.

In conclusion;

Let's be Excellent to each other.
In correction,
Iran is run by a fundamentalist government who repress people who don't practice Islam their way. Other than that, people of different religions get on pretty well.
Maybe he meant some other country where Christians, Jews, and Muslims all get along...Antarctica? Wait, that's not a country.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Ok well to be straight forward. I have no religion.. no i am not athiest i just believe that everyone has the same religion and everyone is equal. All religions started around the same time and have the same basic principals... I do not care how much you practice the christian faith you are just like an person of Islamic Faith. Everyone is entitled to theit own beliefs and NO ONE has the right to discriminate against anyone else. Also after 9/11 everyone in the US got pissed at people from the Islamic religion because of one reason IGNORANCE. It is not in the islamic texrs to kill people or commit acts such as 9/11. However peole got angry and hate crimes against Islmaic people rose 35% and has slowly decreased. I am sticking by MY beliefs that everyone is equal no matter what r
ace, RELIGION,power,intelligence or anything else you can think of. Think about it. We are the same and religion is no different...
wow well i will stay at the fact that i have no religion and i do believe there to be a god so i am not atheist. Get it ? Got it? Good
Veemon's Followers
Ahem NO ONE IS EQUAL if everybody was equal then therre would be no fat people no skinny people there would be no racism no nothing. If everybody was equal then there would be no poor people on the streets, and rich people sitting while the middle groups works. If everyone was equal then they wouldn't have shcolarships for african americans or latin amercians, and blah blah blah no one has the same opportunities either.

And the religion... hahahahahah yup the funny thing is "beliving in God is like beliving in aliens" not exactly what the scientist said but close enough that you get the point. The reason fo terrorism is because Americans are not muslims so its your either with us or we kill you, thats why they we are being terroized :3

Well if there is a 'god' then i want to see something happen i want to see that being then ill belive and do all that bs, but until then i won't do a thing

Oh yeah im supposidley buddahist but hey i like the idea of reincarnation, though i am not truley buddahist because well i don't really care :3
-=No offenise but hey its what it is and my opinion :3=-
Gabu Furry, excellent point! I like you and Wise, thinkers you are, making equal things is horrible, the church would no longer be needed if we were equal, we would not know joy, happiness, pleasure, anger, hate, and rage if we were equal, I think our unequal status is perfect

Why be equal? What if we all wrote as good as Red Rover? What would become of this place, I am proud Wise said I have failed in capturing his attention because next time I write, I am going to dazzle him! It is my dream to surpass the great Red Rover though it will probably never happen

still I strive to be the best and if I were equal to anyone, I would go crazy, I rather lose than tie, tieing is worse than losing, it means you are just as good, never settle for less than the best!
Gabumonfurry Wrote:Ahem NO ONE IS EQUAL if everybody was equal then therre would be no fat people no skinny people there would be no racism no nothing. If everybody was equal then there would be no poor people on the streets, and rich people sitting while the middle groups works. If everyone was equal then they wouldn't have shcolarships for african americans or latin amercians, and blah blah blah no one has the same opportunities either.

Everyone is metaphysically and philosophically equal but physico-chemically unique.
so, I'm an idiot, :oops:
Humon Wrote:so, I'm an idiot, :oops:

Why exactly are you an idiot?
No, your not. I'd say your human like everyone else.