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Holy crap they've been publishing fanfic for years!
After the comparisons my friend did, I belive you reo.
Austin's "The Draco" storyline was the worst :P
I know what that book is that your talking about. and it is a very good read. here's the info needed to find it.

the book is written by:

Michael Jan Friedman

The title is:

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Planet X

For those who are curious, here's the side story of it:

On the planet Xhaldia, ordinary men and women are mutating into bizarre creatures with extraordinary powers. But is this a momentous evolutionary leap or an unparalleled catastrophe? The very fabric of Xhaldian society is threatened as fear and prejudice divide the transformed from their own kin.

Dispatched to cope with the growing crisis, Captain Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise receive some unexpected visitors from another reality in the form of the group of mutant heroes known as the uncanny
X-Men. Storm, leader of the X-Men, offers their help in resolving a situation that is agonizingly similar to the human/mutant conflicts of their own time and space.

But when hostile aliens appear in orbit around Xhaldia to try to abduct the transformed for use as a superpowered force in an attack on the Federation, even the combined forces of the crew of Starfleet and the
X-Men may be unable to prevent an inferno of death and destruction.

Starfleet's finest crew and Earth's greatest mutant heroes will need all their powers and abilities to save the Xhaldian people and stop a deadly threat to the Federation.

I (emphesized) shit YOU not!

it's a damn good book. I must have read it like... 11 times. (mainly because I keep forgetting what is read) but I loved it.

also, I recomend you all read books circled around "The Omnipotent, Q". they are good as well.

I, Q.
what it's about:

The Maelstrom, a metaphysical whirlpool of apocalyptic proportions, is pulling all of reality into its maw, devouring the totality of time and space while bringing together people and places from throughout the universe. The Q Continuum pronounces that the end of everything has come, but Q refuses to meekly accept the end of all he has known. Defying the judgement of the Continuum, he sets out to derail doomsday -- whatever the cost.

Q, Space
what it's about:

The unpredictable cosmic entity known only as Q has plagued Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their very first voyage together. But little is known of Q's mysterious past or that of the unearthly realm from which he hails. Now Picard must learn Q's secrets -- or all of reality may perish! Ever since its discovery, the great galactic barrier has impeded humanity's exploration of the universe beyond the Milky Way. Now a brilliant Federation scientist may have found a way to breach the barrier...

Q Squared
what it's about:

In all of his travels, Captain Jean-Luc Picard has never faced an opponent more powerful than Q, a being from another continuum that Picard encountered on his very first mission as Captain of the Starship Enterprise. In the years since, Q has returned again and again to harass Picard and his crew. Q has always been mysterious and seemingly all-powerful. But this time, when Q appears, he comes to Picard for help.

The Q Continuum
what it's about:

The unpredictable cosmic entity known only as Q has plagued Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise since their very first voyage together. But little was known of Q's mysterious past or of the unearthly realm from which he hails. Until now. The last thing Captain Picard needs is a surprise visit from Q, but the omnipotent trickster has more in mind than his usual pranks.

The Q Continuum: Q Zone
what it's about:

The puckish super-being called Q has bedeviled Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise™ since their first encounter at Farpoint Station. But little was known of Q's enigmatic past or that of the transcendent plane where he sometimes dwells. Now Picard must discover Q's secrets -- for the sake of all that exists. While the Enterprise struggles to survive an alien onslaught, Captain Picard has been kidnapped by Q and taken on an astounding journey back through time...


sorry for the huge post, but read up, and enjoy.
Hey I knew a guy who read those books before. I think I saw him read one of those in class once.
I read I, Q also and it really is a good read.
I think that might have been the one he was reading.
I still stick by it. go to a library's info. desk, request
Michael Jan Friedman's Star Trek: The Next Generation: Planet X. you'll get it sonner or later because there is a limited amount floating around the americas (north, south, central, canada) and it's totally worth it.


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Since I've got this thread going anyway I'd like to ask an open question to everyone.

What do you think of published authors that have a no fanfic policy?

On the one hand I can understand not wanting to have someone else use characters you
Depends. Like if for example, your character is constanly put in yaoi fics both normal and lemons, you may get a little annoyed (like the people who have to get through them for a normal fic) but most of the time they're harmless. (Some of them still suck massively though. :D )