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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Seeing the rat creature take off at speeds that he couldn't hope to reach, Jack simply shrugged and returned to the tree. He looked up at Sanya and said, there's probably a batter chance of finding someone or.. something in the more heavily wooded areas. I'm gonna to suit up and check it out.

Walking back to his truck, Jack could find that there were still people milling about. He knew he couldn't simply crawl into the bed and get inside his armor under the bed cover, he needed to find someplace where he could do it unseen, and preferably close to the more heavily wooded area of the park. Starting up his truck, he pulled out and drove around the park a bit, on the way, he saw something that nearly caused him to have an accident, a young woman that looked like a goth, vampire hooker. The sight held his vision for several seconds before he could drag his eyes back to the road to see the need to slam on his brakes.

Shaking the provocative image out of his mind, he saw the perfect spot to pull in, a small lot in the park, close to the wooded areas, and sparsely populated. Pulling in, and making sure no one would see, he pulled the armor pieces out of his truck bed, and and suited up. Once his armor was turned on and ready, he carefully walked into the more thickly wooded area, making his way to the center, on the lookout for more dimensionally displaced peoples.
Thomas Speck locked the door of his flat, and put his bag containing a breifcase, bizzarely, along with a three peice suit and a brolly he'd managed to squeeze in diagnolly.

Looking at the clock on his wall, he sighed. About half ten: he needed to get ready for his work party. It was for apperences sake, only. He wasn't about to hook up with anybody, ever. But he worked with them, cameto him with computer problems, things like that, and you need to show up for this kind of thing to keep on good terms with people.

The theme this year was "Old Style". He'd rented out a tailcoat, and bought spats from a joke shop. He changed into the outfit, and looked at his bag in the hallway. He'd take the umbrella: it may rain, and he wasn't about to be caught in it. He'd resolved not to do any more heroing today, for sanity's sake, but if that damn dragon were to do something, it would be his fault. He wanted to be armed, just in case. In that case, he decided, he'd slip his pen in his pocket, to. He did so. He checked out his face in the mirror: yup, looking good in that tophat, Tom.

He stepped out of his home, went to the street, and hailed a passing taxi.

"Telecorp Towers, thanks."
Katrina sighed and shook her head. "No sorry... seems whatever those were was a one-way trip..." she remarked. She regarded Ragweed as an odd sort of character, likely from one of the dimensions well outside her own. "I wish I could help you..."


Chris sighed and continued to slither along the curb of the street. He was broke and lost, and that wasn't particularly helpful or productive. He happened upon an empty lot a few blocks down the street, and proceeded to examine it. There wasn't anything there except a concrete slab approximately the length and width of a typical house. He slid through a crack in the block and discovered that, while the house had been knocked down, the basement was still intact and rather well-furnished. It was the perfect place for an extra-dimensional superhuman to call home.

After he dusted everything off, that is.


Declan walked away from the Training Room controls for a moment to check a bank of monitors. Each screen was tuned to watch one of the extra-dimensional visitors he'd called to his world. "Interesting. Except for this Onaga person, not much fighting has broken out..." his attention focused on Katrina for a moment. "I like her... the subtle, seductive murderess..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
After what seemed to be an eternity steeping over and on branches, hearing their crunch and the crunch of leaves and bugs beneath his boots. Jack, in his Steel Revenger armor, made his way to a clearing with a large pond in the center. Looking around a bit, he saw what made his mouth hang open within his helmet, that same dragon lady he had seen smashed into the pavement on television earlier, floating around in that pond, naked. Jack backed into the brush and made an attempt to not be seen, he would wait for her to be done, and hopefully get dressed, before walking up and trying to figure out whether she was friend or foe.
"thanks for the help, miss." Ragweed said, bowing politely. man...she's not even my race and she seems so hot...
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
A burst of energy bolts fired in the training room, reflecting back at the shooters thanks to Onaga's barrier. His barrier stayed up as he charged at a couple bots wielding swords, and effortlessly cut them down.


Sanya jumped out of the tree and walked in a random direction, looking for Onaga.
Murakumo landed upon the cold conrete in a darkened alleyway, he smirked sadistically at the drained body laying behind the overflowing garbage can. "Seems I am not the only one here who is not human.. Very well. As long as they remain out of my way, I will spare them."

He turned to the end of the alley, and walked slowly toward a young man that had stumbled upon him. "Foolish human. Don't you know to try to run when it is time to die?" he said, gripping the young man by the throut, and tossing him effortlessly into the back of the alley.

The man was more than a little frightened, yet did not lack courage as he whipped a small knife from his belt and charged at Murakumo.

Murakumo grinned, calmly sweeping an arm to the side, backhanding the young fool into the wall as a long blade began sprouting from his other arm. "That was pathetic human. Not that I expected anything more.." he rammed the blade through the young man's throat, pinning him to the wall as he watched the life giving crimson fluid pour from the wound, chuckling evily as it pooled on the ground beneath his feet.
Chris smiled as he finished moving the furniture around. It was really remarkable, the kinds of things humans threw out in this world. a decent couch, a fridge, an armchair, and some peices of an office desk. Along with spare computer parts, he'd made himself a happy little lair. All that he needed to do now was tap into the utility grid, getting water, electricity and internet. He decided to emerge for now though, walking the streets in his jeans and t shirt. For an added touch though, his duster jacket was transformed into a shimmering metal fabric, attracting a little attention, but not much.


Katrina smiled at the little mouse and patted him. "It's no trouble at all, handsome..." she said, licking her lips playfully, revealing her short, but sharp, fangs.


Declan blinked, coming to check on Organa. "Damn... took them all out already. Let's try something a little... tougher..." he said, smiling slightly. He thumbed a button on the console. Panels opened up in the Training Room floor, and larger, burlier-looking robots were lifted up through the panels to face Organa. they were armed with a single plasma blade/.50 cal machine gun weapon for a left arm. Their right arms were normal however, made for grasping and holding their enemies down while they eviscerated them. Their armor was energy-reflectant, which would made simply reflecting their attacks rather... dangerous.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Ragweed blinked, his eyes widening as he saw the fangs, and sweat dropped slightly. "are you like...a vampire or something?" Ragweed said, looking up at her, and placing a tiny paw on his sword if he needed to use it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Katrina smiled slightly and shook her head. "No, just a weird set of superpowers..." she said, smiling. "But I have developed a taste for blood..."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)