Yuri RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
06-29-2006, 02:24 AM,
Awww...BTW, can Luvia and I invite Raven to join in too, Nate? I wonder if a good mix of lesbian ladies with different fetishes and desires could spice up a session in here? (Anyway, hope to see you back!)

(OOC: I may have to change my style of outfit to please Raven if she's invited. BTW, what should I wear for Raven? Hopefully something to please both her and Luvia.)
06-29-2006, 03:28 AM,
((- OOC: Raven is more about just sex, and one of my goals was to have each of the three girls go along different paths in this RP. I would very much prefer Raven and Terra not be involved with the same girls here, however if they do, I feel Raven would probably go with Jeanette while Terra seduces Luvia. -))
06-29-2006, 03:34 AM,
*thinks* Okay, let's try it. BTW, how do I call up Raven? Shall I use my special telepathic princess power? I hope she likes my outfit, Nate! If necessary, I can magically change into an outfit to please my lady.

PS. Nate, if Raven wants me to wear a different costume, can you recommend something?
PPS. Small update (sorry if I haven't been here a while!). Have Raven call me up. We can suggest a dating place if she likes, then she and I when the mood is right can get hot for each other. All right? If you like the idea, I will call her up asap.
07-12-2006, 03:39 PM,


Measurement-Bust:80cm.-95cm.Depending on how sexually active she is otherwise she is only 80cm.
Looks-She is blood red where yellow would normaly be, and jet black where the white would be.Has large red dragon wings whith short fluffy hair covering them.Her eyes are usualy blue but change to hazel then blood red when mad.
Clothes?Yes she wears clothes similar to the Major off of Ghost in the Shell S.A.C.
Special traits?No
Powers/Abilities?She is like the demon fox off of Naruto when she gets really angry.

OOC.I don't get to watch Naruto a lot.I've only seen a couple of episodes. :oops:
07-12-2006, 03:52 PM,
OOC: If you can, Death, read the Profile Style of posting, then rewrite it and put it on properly. Thanks. And no, it's NEVER late to join, you can join whenever you want.

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]

07-12-2006, 04:28 PM,
OOC.Alright thanks!

IC.Flare walks down the street to find herself at a bar.

Flare-Um..I think this is the place.

Flare looks a bit confused as she walks through the door.She eyes some of the other girls in the bar then starts to make her way to an empty table on the far side of the bar.

A Random guy-Hey how ya doing?

Flare-Just fine and please leave me alone.

A Random guy-MMMM...You sure do look fine.

Flare-Look!Leave me alone before I burn you're face off!

He walks out the door in a hurry as Flare's eyes turn red.Flare starts to calm down and orders a bloodymary,then starts to eye a couple of girls again.(Vicky&Red spacificly)
07-12-2006, 07:31 PM,
DragonMasterX Wrote:Regina broke the kiss all of a sudden, her tail retreated Alte's cunt as she purred. "Let's get this further on."

Regina grinned, then shifted their body positions into a 69, Regina didn't lose a slight bit of time and started to lick Alte's crotch to get her juices, starting to eagerly eat her out.

((- I work this weekend again, but things are moving along more smoothly now, so I'll try to keep up here from now on. Sorry for the delays. -))

Alte wasn't going to waste her time, and eagerly began nuzzling Regina's crotch. "You smell wonderful," she said, pushing her muzzle slightly in, and beginning to lick through her slightly parted mouth.


Terra smiled flirtatiously towards Jeanette, while looking back over her own ballet lessons. She'd never gotten far in them, as she'd simply seduced the teachers and students, which invariably led to her being kicked out. But she knew a few of the basics, and could probably learn some more by watching.


Raven stepped out of the ladies room moments later, marking a quick notch in a small notebook. "Somebody softened her up, but I'll take it," she muttered as she looked around the bar. Her eyes immediately settled upon a newcomer. The newcomer, she quickly noticed, was looking in her youngest sister's direction though. "Time to fix that problem," she said, walking straight over to the fox-girl. ((- Flare -))

Reaching the table she sat down and smiled at her partner. "Hello there. I hope you don't mind, but I was sitting here before I went to the ladies room."


((- OOC: Sue is with Vicky & Red -))

Sue grinned. "Well sure, it might be easier," she said before taking a screwdriver down in one long drink. "Another," she said to the bartender before turning back to the other girls. "Anyway, it's an old family heirloom that was stolen about 500 years ago... priceless to us, but sadly worthless to the thief who took it. So anyway, if I find it before my sisters... then I get the family inheritance. And I'd be willing to share any other treasures we find with the two of you."
07-12-2006, 08:56 PM,
Flare-Oh alright.Would you mind if I just sat here and kept to myself?

Flare watched the woman shyly while waiting for her to reply.
07-12-2006, 10:27 PM,
Luvia rests her head on Jeanette's shoulder lovingly. "It's nice tonight, cherie..."


"So do we look for the treasure now? While explorers are out the least? At nigt?" Red said, taking a chug from her mug.
07-13-2006, 12:42 AM,
Vicky sighed, before looking on Sue. "Well, my sister can wait, she must be getting drunk with someone else right now, so it'll be long till she returns, so... sure, I'll help."


Regina purred, starting to moan much louder than before as her orgasm was in the verge of cumming, her kitty tongue soon delved the furthest inside Alte's pussy, licking everything inside her hot box.

[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
