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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Hakatsu said nothing in response to the girl. Apparently she's not that smart if she must constantly go back to this blaming the murder on someone issue, he thought, his eyes trained on the ceiling. She should be thinking of a way to get out of here. And everyone else should be helping. He sighed. This is why none of these people can be my friend. Many curses upon me for thinking that it could be a possibility. I suppose I will just stick with them until we get out of here. After that, I want nothing to do with these people. However, it seemed that it would be much harder to get out of the school than he once thought. Would they actually have to wait until morning? If that was the case, he'd much rather just find a place to get some sleep.

Wait! Why not just break a window and hop out? Sure, it wasn't the most conventional and idealistic method, but at least they would be out of the school. Besides, his parents had more than enough money to replace the window. They wouldn't be too pleased, but they might understand if he explained the circumstances. Then they might actually commend him. Hakatsu wandered off to the periphery of the group, just as some other student wandered to the center. So another person was here? Oh well. It's not like he cared anymore. He kept an ear open to see if anyone came up with any bright ideas, which he doubted. If not, then he would execute his own plan leaving the idiots to spend the night at the school.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Myojin shivered with all that was happening. "Locked? And with no signal on our mobiles?" She starts thinking for herself. With a small strand of hope, she pulls out her mobile to check it out. "No signal....obviously." sighing gently, she looked at Kaido for a moment, before then looking to all others. "Seems as if this is one of those horror movies we would watch on TV."
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Ayami looked over and noticed the discontent look across Hakatsu's face and frowned a little. She stepped closer to her fellow Sophomore and told him, "Relax. We'll get out of here." The red head wasn't very sure of her statement, especially after what happened to her cell phone, but she didn't give up hope. She offered a small, kind smile towards him and asked him, "Every problem has a solution, right?"

Another one? Geez. Shirou stood near the edge of the group, not eager to look at the body anymore and instead turned his attention to Hei. "Yeah. We're guessing it was the Phantom. If you know a way out of the school, could you tell us? The fire door's locked or something, and the phones have all gone to shit, so we haven't been able to call the cops over."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Wait. I think cel phone signals don't have anything to do with broadband internet, Hoshi-chan..." Yui intercepted; she wasn't any knowledgeable on the subject, and knew better than trying to correct somebody that was clearly more, but Hakatsu's idea seemed feasible, or at least... "We should at least try. If we keep together nothing bad will happen, right? Right...?" she said, looking around at everyone else.

Kaido silently stared at Yui. He didn't trust her, that much was clear; but some of the stuff they had said did make sense: The girl didn't appear to have enough muscle to take out a Senior, and if what they were saying about studying was true, then time wouldn't have been on her side either. He decided to drop it now that the issue seemed to have slightly subsided if anything.

Kaido sighed and put his hands back to his pockets, fiddling with his keys again as he closed his eyes, "It's true. We lose nothing by trying. If we stick together we'll reach the Computer Room without trouble."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Plus it doesn't seem like we're going anywhere soon," Hori glanced around the school hall, "Well then, suppose the computer rooms the most logical decision on where to go, if someone summoned the phantom they might still be there."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Phantom?" He laughed softly after taking a deep breath to regain his composture, Shit I'm really gonna kill Miki tomorrow for this Hei thought to hymself, "No phones huh?" he quickly took his phone out of his pocket, he had heard Shirou clearly but he had to make sure himself "You're right, no signal here either, have you guys tried with the phones in the teachers lounge, those should work even with bad weather" He said with an ounce of hope on his voice.
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Hakatsu's frown seemed to lighten slightly. It seemed they were going with his idea after all. I knew that bitch didn't know what she was talking about, he thought, shooting an icy glare at Hoshi. So they would be heading to the computer lab. He nodded at Ayami. "I am fine," he said to her. "I appreciate your words though, Ayami-san. Thank you." He bowed his head slightly. "I suppose we will be sticking together after all. After seeing such a gruesome scene, I certainly would not take my chances of going off alone." He thought about how just a few seconds ago, he was thinking of running off to execute his own plan on the first floor. That would have been a pretty rash move. He was glad that Ayami had spoken to him and that everyone was finally deciding on the next course of action instead of fighting over who committed the murder when it is obvious that none of them did. He knew who the culprit was, even if none of the others seemed so keen on the idea.

As intangible as the shadows...

[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"We have no other option, and that's our best bet. Whoever or whatever did it may still be lurking around, so..." Samui paused, finding his words from letting him say more - even if he wasn't showing it much, he was scared. His pursuit of justice was one thing that only held him steady, but inside, he was quivering. After all, he had never come across something such as this. Moving slowly towards the others and sinking his hands in his pocket, he then sighed. "Let's get moving."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Hoshi nodded slightly "The hard wired computers could still have internet, but if we make the safest assumption, that the killer is doing something to interfere with the our phones, he or she probably did something to the others as well, and I know that if it were me, I would have also disabled the internet to prevent people from using it to call for help.." she shrugged and moved to follow the others. "So I guess, we'd better hope that our 'friend' isn't smart enough to think of that." she added, taking a brief moment to glance at her phone, knowing before she did that she wouldn't have any signal either.
I am not Toph! I am Melon Lord! Muahahahahaha!
With everyone agreeing to the new plan, Kaido and Yui walked with them down the darkened halls as the heavy rain continually splashed the campus, making the inside of the school way too silent and calm. Yui kept her arms around Hoshi's, following her all the way. Kaido led in the front, not caring about positions, but he had his own pace, and from the looks of it by far he seemed the least disturbed.

Upon reaching the entrance of the informatics' room, Kaido stared up to read the sign, making sure even with the dim light they hadn't made a mistake. He put a palm on the door and gently pushed, the door not clicking or putting any resistance, letting everyone know it hadn't been locked up.

He briefly looked back at the group with the corner of his eyes and silently whispered, "I can hear something inside. You, come help," he said to Kou. He disregarded any sort of help that could come from either frail girls or young guys (Even though he only was a Sophomore himself), but Kou didn't seem as shaken up as the others either. His eyes then found Hei; he had seen that guy before. Of course, the Karate team Captain! If he wasn't paralyzed by fear, then he would be a great help for charging inside, "You too, Captain," he commanded. Although Kaido showed to be tough and rude at the most, he respected one thing above all else: Strength. If these two had it, then it would be a fair chance to capture whoever was inside the room.

"Stay clear from the door and don't separate in case something goes wrong," He told Myojin, Samui, Hoshi, Yui, Ayami, Shirou, Hakatsu, Hori and Sacchi, then returned his sight to the other two, "I'll bust it open."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad