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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Onaga followed Declan and looked at the bots "At least I can practice my barriers and blades." He said as short blades of psychic energy formed.


Sanya looked down at Jack "My name is Sanya."
Ragweed had kept running for a while, arriving back at the city and running into the park where he saw no humans. " least none of those creatures are here..." he thought, wiping his forehead and sitting down. he looked around, and upon seeing Jack and Sanya, he hid behind a bush, peeking over it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Chris burbled happily, that is until the building super picked up his bucket. "Whuff!" he grunted. "Since when is paint this heavy!?" he muttered, dumping Chris on the back step of the building, just as it started raining.

"Great..." Chris grumbled, slithering out onto the street again. "I'll bet I'm gonna rust, too..."


Declan watched from the safety of the control room as the robots sprang to life, weilding energy weapons, blaster rifles, saws, and all other manner of nasty implements of destruction.


Katrina slipped out of an alley, licking a drop of blood from her lips. In the alley, her latest victim lay slumped in a heap, empty of his life-giving blood. "Mmm... he looked good, but he had no substance... junk food..." she grumbled. She wanted someone or something with more meat on its bones, not to mention between their legs. She was wearing a boddice-like top, held together with a ribbon spanning the gap between the two sides. The top squeezed her breasts together, forming enticing cleavage from her throat down the gap in her boddice, leading to her navel. She also wore elbow-length blood-red gloves, an insanely short skirt which only just covered her firm ass, and knee-high leather boots. She liked her cleavage most of all though, and exposing all of it at once was her #1 weapon for snaring potential victims. So now she walked the streets, looking like a goth, vampire hooker, hunting for her fuck and drink.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Torchwood, Mark read, was a fictional agency from a cult si fi: Mr. Saxon was a character in this same show, and Bad Wolf was a theme that ran through the first series. They'd been duped. But it was right there, in the governement database: Bad Wolf. According to records, it had only been there for a short while. How was that possible?
Alexia smiled, then blinked. "...Wait... what?"
OOC: Seems like an interesting idea.

Name: Murakumo
Alias: Murakumo (Transformed is Orochi)
Age: indeterminable by his appearance
Species: Ourogami (part plant, appears human most of the time)
Gender: male
Orientation: Bi
Normal: (the long haired one who appears to be the victor in the battle)

Partial transformation: (Once again, the one with the long hair)

Full transformation: (the white one)

Abilities: Energy blast: A powerful blast of energy from his hands, or if transformed, from either the armor plates on his shoulders (partial) Or from one of his many mouths (Full) The blasts are stronger if transformed.

Increased strength: Twice as strong as the strongest of normal humans in his normal form. 10 times stronger than even the strongest of normal humans in his partial transformation. in a full transformation his strength is unknown, but is at least 20 times that of the strongest normal human. (By normal, I mean non-super)

Increased speed: In his normal and partially transformed states, Murakumo moves at speeds far beyond the capabilities of normal people to follow. Often seeming to teleport around rather than run anywhere. In his fully transformed state, his movements are slower, but still faster than what a normal person could match.

Flight: In all forms, Murakumo can fly through the air at the same speed he can move on the ground.

Stretching limbs: Can stretch all of his limbs and extremities to a length of approximately fifteen yards.

Weaknesses: In direct sunlight, his powers are slightly weakened as his cells go into photo-synthesis, yet he is still a capable opponent.

Should any of the 8 Mitamas upon his body be damaged his powers are weakened, should all eight be damaged, he becomes entirely mortal until they regenerate (takes a day or two depending on the severity of the damage) The mitamas are quite durable however, and he knows of this weakness, thus, he guards them carefully.

Villain's tonuge: Cannot resist a chance to taunt his foes, this does not mean he ignores them, or lets them go in order to taunt them however.

Other: His full transformation has no genitalia. His normal, and partial transformation forms both have the same sized "parts" Eight inches long by 4 inches around. (can stretch if he needs it to, but this is a rare occurance)

Murakumo smirked as he looked out over the city, not even twitching as he was sucked into the dark depths of the portal which opened underneath him.

He exited the portal, crossing his arms, and glaring out over this new city, it was quite similar to the old, yet he could feel the difference in the air.

He chuckled coldly. "It would appear that some fool has been altering reality. He should die for interfering with my plan. Yet, perhaps this world will be simpler. The kindom of the Orougami shall be reborn under my rule!" he bellowed, smirking before leaping off of the building, traveling across the city without ever taking flight, or touching the actual ground, simply leaping from rooftop to rooftop as if it were as easy as a childs game. "It could be that there is no one to oppose me here..."
OOC: Gonna try to see if there's any interest in getting this back up and running.

IC: In idle boredom, Jack walked circles around the tree a few times, at first not noticing anything, but on his sixth circuit, noticed something yellow and ratlike darting beneath the bushes. He slowly made his way to where he saw the rat-creature, being doubly cautious as his armor was hidden in the back of his truck.
OOC: same!


Ragweed zipped out of the bush, and down the street. i dont know where i am...or how to get back to Amperville...damnit... he looked at the road for a second, before smashing straight into Katrina, flying back a few feet. "oww...oh s-sorry miss! i wasnt looking where i was going.." he said, rubbing his head, and looking up, nearly getting an erection as he saw her body.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Katrina blinked and looked down, smiling wickedly and kneeling down to rub Ragweed's bruised head. "Don't worry about it..." she said. "You're... not from around here, are you...?" she asked.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"no...i'm trying to find my way back you know where i can find another portal thingy?" he asked, standing up and brushing himself off.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan