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A Dark Love
OOC: And mostly is still wrong. Digimon is only but a little part. Most lemons are actually general, or other series as well.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: well i didnt know >_<; :oops:
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Kurtz, I don't mind if others explain for me... even though I'm on most of the time, there are times when I am not on, and others could take the liberty of answering questions while im off...

IC: Guilmon walked in the bathroom, turning the lights on, and sat upon the porcelain throne.He didn't take too long, not wanting to hold up his lover, in case Takato needed him, but long enough to give Takato to finish his breakfast.
Takato sooned finished his breakfast, finding Guilmon cooking to be actually pretty dam good. He sighed happily, and finished with his food, and slowly walked downstairs, plaicngthe dishes away, before chnaging into a black t-shirt with blue jeans, and white trianers, and putting his goggles on his forehead.
Guilmon quickly finished his buisness in the bathroom, making sure to clean himself as best as he possibly could, before exiting the bathroom. He saw Takato getting ready, "We goin' somewhere?" the red dinosaur asked Takato.
Takato blinked gently and tilted his head, as he saw his mate and smiled slowly and came up and hugged him gently, cuddling into his arms before finally saying. "Just wanted to get some warm clothes on, unless you have somewhere you wish to go" he grinned.
"no i dont feel like going out at the moment, unless you want to." guilmon said.

ooc: stuck on psp for 2-3 hours.
Takato shook his head and cuddeled into his lovers shoulder and playfully nuzzled into his neck before giving him a kiss on the nose and clinging to his lovers chest, enjoying the feel of the dinos scales against his cheek.
Guilmon gave the boy a playful lick, enjoying the warmth of the boy. Suddenly, the dinosaur had a great idea, "Takato, can we go to the park?" he asked, wanting to enjoy a little sunbathing.
Takato blinked and smiled slowly and nods, giving the little boy a lick on the nose and slowly taking his hand into Guilmons claws and slowly walking out the door. As they headed through the park, Takato held onto Guilmon tightly and slowly lay on the grass, the warm glow of the sun on his gentle face.