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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Wow. Talk about stupid. Hakatsu rolled his eyes as he watched the two guys get heated up over something so idiotic. Obviously, it was no one hear. His quiet voice must have not have reached the ears of these self-absorbed people, but no matter. They would find out the truth eventually. Why would this Phantom kill this guy and just leave him and the others alone? If he killed one, he might as well have killed a thousand. Why let so many fresh targets get away? Analyzing the mind of a killer was always so difficult. Not even the experts could make any headway on the issue, so why would he be able to?

As his thoughts surged through his mind like bolts of lightning, Hori's statement caused them to freeze. He had made a very good point. "We couldn't hear the struggle...," Hakatsu said. What in the world? "How could something as violent as this not reach us in the form of sound?" he pondered aloud. It was quite the interesting issue. Then again, there were those trained in the ways of stealth, but there was nothing stealthy about this murder. That was one thing Hakatsu was certain about.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

Hoshi shook her head. "If we assume as the police would that the simplest explanation will most likely be correct, that points to a single killer.. Which means.." she paused and released Yui for the moment so she could stare up at Kaido. "For it to be one of us.. You are the only one who has the required physical strength to have impaled the body in that manner." she said with very little expression on her face. "However, as big a brute as you seem to be.. I doubt you would have killed over such a small disagreement as you had with the victim.."

She took a moment to compose herself, dropping her gaze to the floor. "We could stand here and point fingers all night, but it wouldn't solve anything." she took a moment to clean her glasses on the bottom of her shirt. "The school is a fairly large building, whether there was a struggle or not, we may have all been too far away to hear anything."
I am not Toph! I am Melon Lord! Muahahahahaha!
Kou sighed at the stupidity of it all. "Well I was down here for a good 10 minutes coming from the gym, and I didn't hear any struggles." He glanced to the body taking in where the blood was.

"It doesn't look like he was dragged when he was, if I were to suggest maybe he was still alive when he was knocked out and then impaled here." He glanced to the floor searching for foot prints or any markings. "It would explain why there appears to be no struggle and the lack of screams would indicate it was instant death."

He glanced to Kaido for a moment. "And Kaido doesn't appear to have any sort of bruising on him to suggest he was in a fight. I doubt he would have allowed himself to be captured unless the murderer was known to him. And no offense Kaido, you and him weren't buddy buddies."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: lol @ everyone trying to detective it out.


"What a relief, Hoshi-chan. You didn't think I had done it, had you?" Yui said as she tugged on Hoshi's palm firmly while she adressed the sophomore, her soft hand somewhat smearing some filth on Hoshi's palm. Kaido scoffed.

"Don't twist things. She was here, and she's got rust and blood in her hands. I can't see any other way why she would have those on other than her touching this guy," the boy said, basically ignoring everybody else's accusations. "If you really want to call the cops, then be my guest. I don't have my phone on me."

Unbeknownst to them, not only the exits were locked or otherwise inaccessible, but the school had somewhat been warped somewhere else different, where there'd be no way to use cell phones to reach outside.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shirou continued to push against the emergency exit, but couldn't do anything against it. He then took a moment to breathe. "Damn, are we really locked in here?" He then overheard Kaido and nodded, "Right, phones...dammit, left my at home to charge. Anyone else have one?"

Ayami then dug through her purse and grinned lightly, finding hers, "Yeah. I'll just call the police. Enough is enough." The girl's eyes suddenly went wide as she heard nothing over the line. "The line's dead..."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Investigation squad social link established!


Hori pulled his own phone out of his coat pants pocket, flipping it open, "Huh, mine too, weird, never lost service in the school before." he said as he looked at the signal strength, seeing it at zero, "Well, that's odd."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Hakatsu inconspicuously shoved his hand into his pocket only to find that it was empty. "Hm...I must have left it at home today," he muttered indifferently. Even if he had had his phone, it probably wouldn't have worked. If Ayami's phone wasn't working, his probably wouldn't work either, not to mention that Hori's wasn't. So what was wrong? Why weren't the phones working? That wasn't the point at the moment. They were locked in the building and their phones weren't working. Those were facts. The issue now was what to do next?

"It appears as though we are stuck in here with no contact with the outside," Hakatsu stated matter-of-factly. "Of course, if we had a computer with internet capabilities, we could always send an email to someone we know," he added, his voice nonchalant. It wasn't the best idea, but their were computers in the school and someone was sure to check their email between now and in the morning. The group would be getting out of the school tonight. Maybe.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

"If the phones don't work, what makes you think the internet would?" Hoshi asked before turning her attention back to Kaido. "Even if she were physically capable of this, she wouldn't have had time. She was with myself and the others all night. Unless you'd like to say we're all in on it.." she gave a weak smile. "Which would leave you as the odd man out.. and as the most logical choice for the next victim." she added, shrugging her shoulders and turning back to the body. "But naturally, if that were the case, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because as you know, I am much smarter than that."
I am not Toph! I am Melon Lord! Muahahahahaha!
OOC: Hi guys, I'll be joining you, I've already asked Mar :)

Name: Hei Kirihara.

Age: 17 (senior).

Gender: Male.

Physical Description: about 6' feet tall, athletic build. He uses the normal schoold attire open at the front of his jacket showing a white Linking Park T-shirt underneath. He has red hair and green eyes.

Psychological Description: Hei's the popular kind of guy because of his cheerful actitude and genius athletic abilities, he lives with his parents in his father's dojo. His mother is a foreing thus the red hair. He's been taught the Kiritoryuu(A form of full contact Karate) from his father from a young age, thus he has grown with a really good athletic build. Making him the most wanted when another sport club is in need of help. He's the captain of the Karate club. Hei's got a cheerful and optimistic personality, he's allways the last to lost hope even in the most difficult times.

Arcanna: Sun (XIX).

Weaponry of Choice: Knuckles.


(3-B classroom )

Hei was holding a mop over his shoulders and with his headphones on "Phew! Finaly, I thought I was never going to finsh up. Damn that Maki leaving me alone doing all the cleaning by myself I'll get him tomorrow" grabbing the bucket Hei stored the tools back in the closet and looked outside the windows "Waa! what a horrible weather I better hurry before it get's worse" opproaching his desk Hei turned off his mp3 and put them in his bag "Yosh" He started walking towards the stairs carring his bag above his shoulder and a the other hand in his pocket. As he walked down the stairs to the first floor hall, Hei noticed a group of students Huh? What are they doing here so late? Hei approached the group full of curiosity "What are you guys doing here so late?" seeing that most of them were looking at something. He got past a group of students and to the center of the group. Hei could feel something building up inside him as he stared at what was right in front of him a with eyes widened by surprise and it was not any sort of feeling, it was his own vomit coming up to his troat, luckily he managed to place his hand on his mouth to supress it "What the...!?" Was all he could say, dropping his bag at the same time.
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Sacchi took his phone out of his pocket.
"No signal here either." He said, "So, no signal for any of us, and we're locked in here, looks like the internet is our only bet, it's worth a try I guess, it's not like it's gonna kill us to go there."

As he saw hei approaching he thought Another one? as he saw hei's expression on seeing the body, he said "Yup, that was basically our reaction too, by the way, who are you?" Sacchi Asked.
Now major Joshua and TWEWY fan.