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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Onaga didn't back down at all "Answer my question, who are you?"


Sanya's armor seemingly disintegrated when she got in an alleyway, the armor replaced by a cloak with the hood up. She walked out into the streets, noticing some people staring.
"Do you not know how to defend yourself?" he asked, looking her over again. "No.. I sense it is something else.. Fear rules you in a dangerous situation.."
Having just driven around the area where he watched the fight a few times, Jack decided to take a turn and try to see where anyone involved in those events might go. He saw signs pointing to a park, and figuring that anyone could take shelter up in a tree or behind a bush, he decided to go there and start looking. While driving down the stretch of road to the park, he saw something a bit, out of place, someone strolling along wearing a long cloak with an all-concealing hood, amongst people wearing nothing stranger than the odd goth 'ensemble. Knowing he's be able to get ahead of the person Jack pulled ahead and turned into the Park's parking lot parked.

Getting out, he spied the cloaked person coming his way on the sidewalk and waited until he or she passed by before coming up to see if it really was someone from another dimension or just someone with a weird fashion sense or cosplayer.

"How the hell am I going to ask if someone's from another dimension without looking like a nutcase?" He asked himself.
Actually, I gave the berievement card to the scientist, not the dragon.

Moving on...

Paperman sighed as he watched the fireballs fly. This is what he got for taking pitty on a creature out of time and place. He'd even assisted in a man's demise to save her. He skulked out of his car and to the side of the battle, regretting this entire event intencly, and made sure everyone was insured using his briefcase computer, then he snuck to the back of the police, and explained Bad Wolf protocol to the leader. He was free to go, because that's how paperwork works: if it's written, it's right. It's how we judge everything: law, history, maths... knowledge itself.

Using Bad Wolf protcol, he took a car and left the scene.
OOC: LOL woops my bad


Onyxia rose in altitude taking a deep breath with her claws crossed over her face her maw began go glow red.

The soldiers looked up terrified of what she might unleash they started to run.

The dragoness unleashed a huge fireball down to the earth to the running soldiers. As soon as the fireball hit it explodes sending smaller fireballs to scatter about "I'm tired of this place.." Letting out a final loud growl she flew off.
Ragweed sped out of the way of the giant fireball, diving for cover as his fur nearly caught on fire. "what the heck...?" he stood back up, brushing himself off, and watched the dragoness fly away. "huh...mabey i'll meet her again sometime. in the meantime..." he ran to the edge of the building, and seeing that it was a 5-story one, went back to the elevator and pressed the "1" button. might as well find out how to get back to my own world...
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Well, great. Thought Paperman. That's the last time I act out of sympathy for a superperson. That was the stupidist mistake I've ever made. Now I need to fix it. I can't.... I need a hero. I need someone trained to deal with this sort of thing, or at least experienced in it. Before she kills someone. I've already got one death on my hands, today, I don't want more.

He felt the fountain pen in his pocket.

I don't even know if trhe guy was insured. I can't go over his papers, now: he's got a 100% chance of being dead: someone's going to notice that much money missing from a military budget, I'm sure. He didn't seem like the type to leave a widdow, though.

Mark looked at the crushed body of his mentor, and then at the card in his hand. He stood frozen. His colleges muttered around him. He thought, as he stared at the crushed and mangled corpse of his teacher. He was a little too dedicated to it all, but really he was a good man. He could go a little over the edge, but.... Torchwood. He'd find it. He'd find Mr. Saxon and make his life hell. So, to start.... Bad Wolf Protocol. He immediately turned to a computer, leaving his dazed and gibbering clolleges rattled and upset.
"My name is Conrad Declan... I'm a scientist, and superbeings fascinate me." He said, his robots not backing down either. "This is my world, where superpeople don't exist, and it is my intention to see what happens when beings like yourself are introduced to this world, where no force on earth can compare to the power you have, except for beings from other worlds..." he explained.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The naked dragoness eventually flew over a deep forest and decided to descend into the forest to rest a bit and get her composure back. Onyxia dropped down to the forest floor and walked untill she came to a pond and sighed "Need to more city for me for a while." she then walked into the pond before she laid back amazingly her massive body was able to float above the water.
Onaga's blade retracted into his arm as he turned around "So, you want to see what happens when this world is turned into a hell on Earth."

*city...who cares about the name*

Sanya kept walking as a gust of wind blew the cloak's hood down. She ignored how everyone was reacting and just kept walking.