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Masked Updater?
If so, that's so regrettable. I used my (current) best skills to make a pic that would be liked by everyone, since Wolfe said we needed a banner, and he teases me updating everything but it?
Like the Chilean say: 'Fea la actitud! Fea la actitud!' ('ugly attitude')
That's a shame, I really liked that picture, you're quite talented. It does seem odd that he didn't see it two weeks in a row, but everyone makes mistakes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Actually, When I got the EMail it was in Spanish, which I don't know, and it had an EPL file attached, which my computer only recognized as a "previously written EMail". To me, it looked like it may have been a virus that sends itself out. I didn't open the file to be careful. But I saved it in case Wolfey could make any sense of it when he got back. In the future, instead of angry public messages in big bold letters. How about you send me a civil EMail asking me or Wolfey what's up?
That'd be better! :P

I'll check it out tomorrow or Saturday, okay?
Clever Masked updater, not showing your email address so we can just google it and look to see who you were. Clever...or just plain dumb luck.
Clever is only the tip of the ice burg we will see how great this Masked Updater really is.... THE SAME THING WE DO EVERY NIGHT DaD, TRY TO YUFF AND SPLOOGE ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!! :shock:
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Quote:Actually, When I got the EMail it was in Spanish, which I don't know
Oh yeah, does the title 'All done!' sound like Spanish to you?
Quote:In the future, instead of angry public messages in big bold letters. How about you send me a civil EMail asking me or Wolfey what's up?
Oh, I don't know, I didn't think of that. Why didn't you send me a civil e-mail asking me if I had sent those pics in a mail that looked that had viruses, instead of making me wait without knowing what has happened to
the point of angering me until making me write an angry public message in big bold letters?
*Ahem*... stop, everyone. Just... stop. I'm getting a headache. That's the kind of stuff that belongs in the Let's take it outside forum. Take it there and settle it and come back or just quit.

Zephyr, if your pic is fine in the e-mail, I'll post it. If not, I'll let you know.

Also, lay off-- The Masked dude is new and still getting it together, though he's been doing great so far. You still did not have to post a message like that, so be a bit more tactful next time, please. If you thought you were getting a virus would you e-mail the place where it was coming from? It wasn't 100% his fault.

Masked Updater, thanks for not shouting back, and remember to e-mail people if their submissions are incorrect and the file doesn't look like it'll bomb your PC.

Problem solved. I don't want any more of it on this board except for the take it outside place.
*hunches shoulders and pumps cheeks* Ok.....I understand....
Wolfe, I don't fight online or on message boards. No real point in it. So no problem. I do, however, like to try and explain my point so there aren't hard feelings.

Zephyr, just to clarify what text was Spanish in your message. I took it to Babelfish transtaer. It's the add on stuff that Yahoo puts in the message, only it was in spanish. Part of it Babelfish couldn't translate, but I did ask a friend taht knows some Spanish. It was pretty much, "Note: The follow message is attached". i didn't know that at the time though. But still, your EMail had nothing I could read. And I wasn't so worried about EMailing you back should you have a virus, but more worried abotu your reaction if on my first EMail to you was me asking if you meant to send me the EMail or was it a virus. That by itself doesn't sound right, I actually did try about three times to write the EMail, but couldn't get it to read right. And since the text in the message was Spanish, if it turned out Spanish was your promary language and you only knew basic English, then it would have been worse. So please don't get upset at me over being a bit overly cautious. I'm just doing my best with what I know.