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Things Which Make You Grumpy.
I lost count of how many things I do that tick off people here.

In relation to Epsilon's,

1. I just wanna fucking BEAT that kid!

2. Mainly the idiots who insist on doing it in a crowded place. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!

14. Especially the ones who know you don't like it. Like my mom buying me a case of chocolate knowing full well that I CAN'T STAND chocolate. Guess who ate it? Her.

17. The jokes are funny but using them as an insult is just sad.

22. or just complain about everything in general.

25. I don't defy rule, I just won't submit to it without a fight.

28. Not so much the games as the fact that they're just cheap ripoffs.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
A "small" list? Not that I'm doubting you could go even longer.
by the way, I hate 16 because it is not perfect, so close to 15 yet so far from 20 and it is just stuck in between with it's horrendous shape!! the numbers 7 and 8 hvae a much more pleasing shape, so 17 and 18 and all other numbers as such are fine, beside 9 which is boarder line horrid
*slaps forehead*

I can't believe I forgot this one, and it probably maddens me the most.

My opera prof. Oh man, she's the most fucking MADDENING woman on the planet. She's so condescending and often downright mean, but when an authority figure is around, she sucks up like there's no tomorrow. She's such a false woman, and I'm so glad this tour project will be my last professional encounter with her.

Here's a hilarious example of her irrationality. I took my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time when she was talking to SOMEONE ELSE ON STAGE, so a person who was not me, and she broke off and said: "Jonathan, if I ever see you take your phone out of your pocket during a rehearsal with me again, I'll take it and smash it under my heel." I felt like holding it out to her and saying: "I'd love to see you try, bitch." But I didn't.

What makes this all the more maddening is that this other guy (who she hired to do the baritone role for some reason) is texting on his cell CONTINUOUSLY, which I don't mind, and apparently she doesn't either. What the fuck???
senjuro Wrote:I felt like holding it out to her and saying: "I'd love to see you try, bitch." But I didn't.

This is probably why I get in trouble so much, I would've said that. Personally I don't care if you're the president of the United States, if you piss me off your gonna either hear about it or, depending on what you did, get my size 12 shoved into your ass.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
lol And your'e probably the type of person that isn't thought of as being considerate.
I just speak my mind. I don't hold stuff in when people anger me.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I've got another one.
When people are such fucking drama queens, and they expect you to feel sorry for them. They're being emo jackasses. They cut themselves, which, in its self is bad, but it doesnt really piss me off as much as it makes me worry. but when they do it and show it off like they're proud, that pisses me off.
My leg hurts after Friday. I'm sure it'll get better, soon, though.