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Things Which Make You Grumpy.
I'd love to. Cooking is a lot of fun, unless you're grilling a steak that has to be the most stressful food to cook.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Reminds me of my one freind who grilled burgers a few weeks ago. He got some cheap meat so the beef shrank as he cooked them.
If there is a food, there is a way to create a masterpiece.....I love cooking!!! and Drunkemunkee I might be able to do something. Well lets see.....a cooking class sounds good..... I need the extra cash.....teehee.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Heh- if it's cooking- I'll ask Blitz. He's good in the kitchen- though he doesnt name his original culinary masterpieces... he should. I get tired of describing what I want him to cook.

"You know!! That beef thing with the sweet and sour sauce that has bits of potatoes and mushrooms that make me scream when I bite into it due to the DEMIGODLY flavour!?"

"What? You mean the one I made last week Tuesday?"

"Yes- THAT!! I'm tired of cooking- please cook for me- PLEASE!!"

"Alright... but only because I make stuff that DOESN'T clot your arteries.."

Blitz makes us three cooks.....Thats good for you.......We have cooks in the hishouse!!!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
well we should be the three musketeers with ladels and cutlery knives and aprons as suits and hats as helmets.......well you get the picture....

I am lonelygabu 1 of three cooks! .......
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
I ave a small list...

1. That kid who doesn't shut the fuck up in resturants

2. Those cell phones

3. People not signalling while cutting you off on the freeway

4. People who are too scared of everything

5. People who are too brave of the world

6. People who immate me in hopes to be wondrous

7. People who steal my thunder!

8. Patamon... enough stated

9. Girls who think they deserve the world and give nothing in return

10. Guys who think they deserve the world and give nothing in return

11. Girls and guys who don't return my calls

12. My mailman who loses my mail

13. Zombie movies

14. People who give you shit you don't want

15. the number 16

17. People who over use jokes such as "your momma" and "your face"

18. People who mock others before they understand them

19. labels...

20. Emo people who think they got life bad

21. Bluegrass!!

22. Old people who complain too much about young people

23. People who do nothing but say they will do everything

24. That little prick who spits gum on the seat of the bus with out saying a word

25. People who defy my rule over them

26. When my knives go dull and I am out of sharping oil

27. Not having the correct ingredients for a spell after waiting for the right time of the year

28. GTA style video games

29. n00bz

30. Girls who hurt themself over a harsh break up

31. [1. General] [Trollpriest] how u get pVp on?

32. Rape

33. Long winded speeches

34. The word semi-colon

35. long winded introductions

... well, that's all I can think of right now, I tell you more if I get any ^ ^
The number 16?......

...... :?:
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Woah... I'm on that list- TWICE!