Bondage queens.
04-18-2011, 10:24 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-18-2011, 10:26 AM by Maero.)
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi hadnt even realized she was sobbing and tensed up when she heard Ximena just outside. She tried to ignore everything she was saying, covering her ears and telling herself that it was all lies. Then she saw the broken collar slip in and mustered the courage to peek out.

"B-But if I come out, I will be punished." she whispered, biting her lip and trembling. Mindy wasnt the cruelest mistress, but her iron fist was barbed and merciless whenever she deemed it necessary to use. Yumi had been a spoiled child up to the moment of her capture, and had never felt real pain until she had been bought by Mindy. Needless to say, the damage could be nothing less than powerful.

But Yumi still had a rebellious streak in her, and most other masters and mistresses would have either sold her back, sold her to someone else, committed her to a breeder, or crushed her even harder than Mindy had dared to. Now it was time to see how Ximena would handle the wild cat, if she could even coax her out.


Silvia and Kitt finally arrived at their home, and Silvia helped Kitt out of the car and into the house. Kitt was likely still extremely sensitive due to the gel, and was probably still worn out from their intense sex session. Still, Silvia helped Kitt over to the bathroom where she began to strip her tigress slave out of her bondage gear. "Did you enjoy today?" she asked Kitt as she petted her head and supported her weight.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-18-2011, 10:59 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"No, you won't," Mindy said softly, still keeping her distance to avoid angering Yumi again, "You've been punished enough, too much would probably be more accurate. It was stupid of me to try and break you like that, I promise there won't be anymore of that. I just hope spending a month as your slave will help ease some of the pain I've put you through."


Kitt purred softly, smiling up at her mistress with sleepy eyes, "Oh, very much mistress," she tilted her head up a bit and licked at Silvia's neck, "I can't wait to go back." she smiled.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-18-2011, 02:26 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena is surspised by Mindy's words. She got up, walked up to her, and grabbed her arm. "Now see here, Little Snow White still hasn't gone with me to the arena to be submitted. Only then will you be her slave if she does submit. You may think it's okay to continuously change the rules, but I don't. To go back on my word is the same as admitting defeat, and I'm not starting now." She let Mindy go and went towards the door. She took off her dress and unbuckled her corset. Right on her lower back, right above her tail, is a brand in the shape of a omega sign.

"Little Snow White," She called out. "I stand here not as a mistress, but as a former slave who is naked, branded and once impregnated by breeders. If you think you are good enough to get past me, escape here, and risk being taken by another slave owner, then bring it on. However, if I catch you before you get out, then I'll drag you down to the arena even if it means you're kicking and screaming." She waited a short while. "It's either that, or you can peacefully come down to the arena with me. It will start when both your feet exit the room." She took a stance as if ready to attack. "Now for the final component. Security Protocol: Disengage Lockdown Level 1!" The deadbolts released the the windows lost their bars. "What are you going to do? Are you going to submit to the pain, or have the pain submit to you? The choice has always been yours."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-18-2011, 08:19 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"You're wrong, win or lose, I'll still submit to her for the month. It's the least I could do to pay her back." Mindy said as she shook off Ximena's arm. She watched as the other mistress talked to Yumi, walking toward the door, "Yumi, if I may, I'd like to tell you a story, of my former mistress." she said, taking a deep breath as she began.

*5 years ago*

The doors of the mansion slid open slowly as the owner of the home walked in, she was a tall and formidible looking black scaled dragoness, "Sluts, line up for inspection, and do not move a muscle until it is over." she ordered. A group of half a dozen girls lined up infront of her, on one end was the newest one, a young sheep she had recently purchased. She walked along the line, all the girls obediently staying perfectly still. That was no good, if they obeyed she couldn't punish them.

She stopped infront of Mindy, glaring down at the girl, catching it as the sheep fidgeted slightly under her glare, "I said not to move!" She growled, lifting her hand and slapping the sheep across the face, the other slaves wincing from the echo of it.

"I, I'm s-sorry m-mistress," Mindy said as she began getting up on her knees.

"Be quiet!" the dragoness roared, kicking the sheep's stomache and knocking her back onto the ground, "You!" she pointed to two of the other slaves, "Bring this piece of trash to my room, I want her bound and ready within the hour." she ordered.

"Yes mistress Onyx." The two girls obeyed as the dragged the sheep to the room.

Onyx smiled as she entered the room, seeing bound as she was restrained by her wrists and ankles from the ceiling and floor in a spread eagle position, "Ah perfect, now we can get to work. It's come to my attention that I have yet to brand you." She grinned wickedly as she walked around the sheep, "But those branding irons are such a pain, taking forever to heat up, and since your wool is already so flammable. I spent good money on you, it wouldn't do to have you ruined so soon." she grinned sadistically as she held up a long knife, "So I suppose we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way." she laughed darkly.

Outside the room the two other girls that were standing there winced and shuddered as the screams began, knowing full well what the other slave was going through at their mistresses hand.

Onyx threw away the used knife, looking over her handiwork. Mindy hung limp in her bonds, her wool on her left ass cheek and running down her left leg stained red, "Yes, that will do."


"She was the kind of mistress, that only seemed to find enjoyment in causing her slaves as much pain as possible. A true sadist. The only reason she left the mansion and everything to me was because she was annoyed at her family fighting over it, as soon as she was gone I freed the other slaves, I didn't want to own them, but soon I grew lonely, and since I was a mistress legally, I decided I might as well aquire a few pets. And that's when I found you and Silvia. And when I began turning into that monster." she shuddered slightly, "Which is why I don't think I can ever earn your forgiveness for what I put you through, I can't imagine myself ever forgiving her for any reason, and I don't expect any diffrent from you."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-23-2011, 04:39 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi tried to shut their words out again, afraid, angry, and confused. But she knew she had a choice to make. She heard the deadlocks disengage and suddenly wished she had hidden in a room that had windows. She began to breath hard again, she had another chance, another shot at freedom. The other two women would try to stop her, but she could overpower Mindy, she knew she could if the need was dire enough, and it was dire. But her somewhat lacking breakfast and her complete lack of lunch or dinner were really starting to take their toll on her.

Yumi had a high metabolism, which meant she needed to eat often to retain her strength. Already she could feel her head throbbing from lack of food or water, her limbs trembling in both fear and weakness. She had summoned up her reservoir of strength before, but she wasnt sure if there was anything left in her to fight with. She knew she could probably get through Mindy, but what of Ximena? She didnt know anything about the wolf and her capabilities, last time she had kept her out of the fight with the collar. She looked down at the broken contraption now and grimaced. Where it still intact it could have been of some use to her.

Her eyes watered, what was she supposed to do?! She didnt want to be a slave, but could she really turn down a second chance like this? Could she really push their patience that much? She made her decision as she stood up on trembling legs and began to walk towards the door, every muscle in her body tense.

When she came close enough to be almost in Ximena's reach she dropped to her knees and prostrated herself before her. "Please forgive me mistress! I-I will go to the a-arena...Just please...d-dont hurt me!" She begged. She was shaking all over now, one part of her holding out for hope and mercy, while the other half of herself screamed at her for succumbing and warned of the untold pain she would now suffer as punishment. She couldnt stop from shaking, and she was still considering making a break for it if things looked bad.


"Mmm, it will be fun to see Lupe again some time. But for now we have to get cleaned up." She said, finishing the last buckle and freeing Kitt of the bondage gear. She then pushed Kitt into the hot tub, and followed ontop of her with her own body, pinning her down. The water began to fill up the tub with hot water and Silvia kissed her slave's lips and began to make out with her, her hands moving down to grope her ass and hold he head in place for the kiss.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-23-2011, 04:57 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy glanced over, keeping her distance still as she didn't want to accidentally spark Yumi's rage again when she was slowly recovering, "Before that," she said as she looked towards Ximena, "I'm sure Yumi could use something to eat, we missed lunch and it's been a trying day for her."


Kitt let out a soft squeek of surprise as she was pushed over giggling slightly as she purred when Silvia got down with her, moaning into the kiss as her tail swished around in the slowly rising water. She may have been exhausted but she was never to tired to be with her mistress.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-23-2011, 06:08 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
After hearing Mindy words, Ximena picked up Yumi into her arms. "There's nothing to forgive, Little Snow White, and it's Lady." She carried her back to the bed and laid her down. "You just rest here, and I'll go get you something to eat, but first..." She moved to a drawer and opened it. Inside is a pink plush collar. She took it out and went to Yumi. "Here you go, this will take some of the pain away from that other collar." She leaned over to her and put it on her. She set the gage on it to vibrate and another to low heat. "There you go. If you want to take it off, the latch is on the right side. We'll do the arena later when you have a little more spit and vinegar in you, alright." She then pull the covers over her and kissed her on the forehead. "I just hope you can forgive me. It wasn't my intention to make you feel more scared than you are now. I just wanted to find someone with the same willful spirit as I do. It gets so lonely here, and when I saw you, I instantly saw a connection. However, if you still don't want to, then you're free to go back to Wooly. I still can't believe she was one of Onyx's, The Black Death, slaves. From what I can remember from my mistress, Onyx tears at her slaves mind until there's hardly anything. Oh, I better stop talking and get you some food." With that, she exited the bedroom and closed the door until there's only a small crack remained. She then proceeded to the kitchen.

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-25-2011, 04:28 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi almost screamed several times as she was picked up and kissed. She expected punishment, she expected the ruse of niceness to disappear at any moment, and she couldnt stop herself from shaking with fear as she did. The moment she almost lost it was when the collar was presented, and she closed her eyes tightly and grit her teeth as it was placed around her neck, tears leaking from her eyes as it happened. She calmed down a little bit when the collar was explained but still felt on the verge of sobs when she felt its small latch lock into place.

When at last it was just her by herself in the room, tucked under the covers and awaiting food, she sighed softly and began to relax. Was this really for real? Was she going to get food and be treated nicely and eventually be free? She reached up and removed her collar if she could and placed it next to her, relieved to see that it would come off. If it couldnt then she would have begun to panic badly. She rubbed her neck, feeling her compressed fur there from all the days she had spent wearing the damned thing. She then thought of the other promise, Mindy being her slave for some period of time. That made Yumi smile. She was going to cause that sheep so much anguish that even this "Onyx" person would be jealous! This she silently swore as she closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

When Ximena returned she could allow Yumi some rest or wake her up to eat her food, it was completely up to her.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-25-2011, 10:22 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena finally made it to the kitchen. It's fairly big with all the amenities. There's also an island in the center with a granite top. Several people can move around no problem. She reached up and took down a pink apron. She put it on and tied it around her waist. She then reached the refrigerator and opened it.

"It's a good thing I restocked prior to all this." She said to herself. "Now what to prepare? Maybe I should have asked her what she would like?" She look looked around in it and found a fillet of salmon. She was saving it for a special occasion. "Well this is a special occasion." She took it out as well as several other ingredients. She opened the overhead drawers and took down two bowls. One for a marinade and the other for a salad. The oven is set to preheat at 400 degrees. She decided to make enough for all of them. After all, Mindy might be a huge pain in the ass, but she still a guest in her home. The total amount of time needed to get everything done give Yumi time enough to sleep and settle her nerves.

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-25-2011, 10:44 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy waited silently in the hallway, tapping her foot a bit. Sitting around wasn't helping her at all, she swore she was about to go nuts if she didn't do something, Oh, I still need to give Silvia a call, tell her I won't be home for awhile. she remembered. She stood up off the wall and walked through the house a bit, finally finding Ximena in the kitchen, "If you don't mind, I need to make a call to my house. Tell my pets that I won't be coming home for a bit." she explained.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
