Bondage queens.
04-15-2011, 07:06 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy grunted as she hit the floor, "Knew you couldn't be trusted," She growled a bit as she twisted one of her legs between herself and Yumi, kicking the feline hard in the stomache and off herself. She took a few moments to catch her breath as she stood up, glaring over at Ximena, "It's a control device, I tried to warn you not to remove it but noooo, you know best. By the way, I wouldn't try that release code again, the shocks only get stronger each time until, well, I'm sure you can imagine. Why don't you just sit there like a good girl while a real dom shows you how you handle a dangerous slave like this." She cracked her neck a bit, crouching down slightly as she glared at Yumi, "You wanna get away, you'll have to go through me first missy." she warned.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-15-2011, 02:51 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Yumi grunted as she was kicked off, but that was the least of her pain. She backed away and hissed at Mindy. "Just...Just let me go!" The Cat growled, baring her fangs and claws. "Mindy, I will kill you if you get in my way, I WILL KILL YOU!" She yelled before she began to rush at Mindy. Yumi may have been physically weaker than Mindy, but she had three things on her side. One, they were both unarmed, which gave Yumi's claws a slight advantage. Two, Yumi now had a high as fuck pain tolerance due to the branding and the collar. And three, Mindy was fighting to prove a point and keep a slave, Yumi was fighting for her freedom and possibly her life.

If Mindy remained in her way, Yumi would lash out with her claws, trying to cause enough pain and damage to force Mindy back for just a second.

If she did manage it, she would then rush past Mindy and use her superior speed to try to escape. She would run back to the door and try to kick it down. When that failed, she would run off into the mansion to hide and wait for the lock down to lift.

If Mindy didnt let her pass after a few slashes, Yumi would become engaged in the fight completely and would slash and tear and bite, attempting to kill the sheep in front of her.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-15-2011, 03:04 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy hopped back a bit, narrowly avoiding Yumi's claws actually feeling them hook her wool and yank a few strands out as they flew past her. Mindy made a grab for the feline's arm, narrowly missing it thanks to Yumi's speed, "Damn, you honestly think you'll get far? You've been branded remember, anyone who sees you will immediately return you to me, and I promise your punishment for such disobedience will be far worse then than it will be if you just behave yourself now." she threatened.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-15-2011, 03:10 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"No!" Screamed Yumi, still slashing and attacking, throwing herself at Mindy. "I wont go back to the room! I wont!" she screamed, referring to the room of pain she had been locked inside of tortured when Mindy had been braking her. "Not the collar, not the brand, not the room! NO MORE! I will be free!" She screamed as she bit and slashed. She would still run if she had the chance, but would relish the opportunity to permanently damage or kill Mindy.

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-15-2011, 03:19 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
"Such an ungrateful slut, you had your chances to obey me. You've seen how happy my other pets are, you could've been as well. Even when you had the chance to come here and even have your revenge on me you still were disobedient." Mindy continued to dodge and weave, somehow remaining just out of reach of Yumi's attacks, though a number of times she did get her wool hooked and ripped out. She eventually moved back till she was standing near Ximena, she glared down at the other mistress, "Hope you're happy, I should just release you and let you deal with the problem you've created."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-15-2011, 03:28 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Moving over to Ximena, who was still bound by the hands by the restraint collar, was the opening Yumi needed and she sprinted down the hall. When she reached the door she began to pound on it and tackle it. "Let me out! Let me out of here damn it!" she screamed, scratching the door but to no avail. She then ran to the nearest window but found it bard as well. " no no no no!" She began to panic. She couldnt go back, she would be punished, punished harder than ever before. She could already feel her body start to shake with anticipation of the pain that was to come.

Ashe darted off down a random hallway then, and looked for someway, anyway out, and when she found that all the windows and doors were locked and sealed, she would slip into a random room and tired to hide herself, shaking with fear. "Im stupid, Im so stupid!" she scolded herself silently. She was so afraid, her heart was beating harder than ever before. She would rather die than face the torture Mindy had promised, at least that was what she told herself as she bore her claws again. She would fight it out to the bitter end, she wouldnt be disfigured or harmed anymore!

[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]

04-15-2011, 03:33 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy dropped down to the floor, sighing with relief, "Wow, thought I was going to die there for a second," she thought aloud. She turned her attention towards Ximena, "You are in a lot of trouble for causing this you realize." she huffed, "You can consider our deal off, infact I'm strongly considering offering you to her as a peace offering to get myself out of here alive."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-15-2011, 05:53 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena looked down Mindy. "What's the matter? I thought the almighty sheep mistress Mindy could handle a dangerous slave. Where's your cocky attitude now?" She walked in the direction Yumi went. "You know, this would have ended differnetly if you released me and taken your punishment. I would have put her in submission instead of working her up to a selfdestructing frenzy. Although, I can't blame her for feeling this way. After all, you created her like this." She is right at the door when she looked at Mindy. "Oh, and by the way, I decline on your pitiful coughout. The original offer still stands. If I can submit her, you will be her slave for one month. No questions asked. Also you will still be punished for bringing in this collar." With that she exited the main den.

Ximena walked down the hallway. When she got to the door, she noticed it's all scratched up. Even with her restraint, she ran her fingers down the ridges. She lowered her head. "Oh, Little Snow White, what hasn't Wooly done to you?"

It's right then, she heard the sound of sobbing and crying. It's coming from the direction of the alternate hallway near the staircase. She followed the sound to a room with the door barely opened. It's an extra bedroom in case company came over. She gently knocked on the door. "Little Snow White? Yumi? Can I please explain myself for this? I know you won't believe a word of it, but just listen okay. You don't have a collar anymore, so you would be free game to any slave owner in the village. Also, you can't leave this village without a collar and a owner. That's the way it is around here. Your nightmare with Wooly would have started all over again if you escaped. However, here you will be safe from all that. I promise there will be no brands, control collars, or anything here that would cause you serious pain or harm. That's how I've been trained." She sat down beside the door. "Then again you still won't believe me, will you. Oh well, that's okay. Take all the time you want in there. There's a bathroom upstairs to the right if you need it. Don't worry about Wooly. I won't let her touch you, even if I still have this restraint on. You can yell and curse me all you want instead. I don't mind. You just let it all out."

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]

04-16-2011, 05:52 AM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Mindy followed a fair distance behind, as she looked over the desperate clawings at the door and listened to Yumi's crying a small pang of guilt began to build in her stomache, Perhaps, I was a bit too hard on her. She hung her head and sighed a bit, "Heh, I've become what I always hated most. Funny how that works." She moved over towards Ximena, keeping her distance to avoid upsetting Yumi more, "Release code, enigma Onyx." she whispered, the restraint around Ximena's wrists clicking and falling off, "Good luck," she said as she started walking away a bit, "You'll need it, to repair the damage I've done."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.

04-16-2011, 02:25 PM,
RE: Bondage queens.
Ximena rubbed her wrists. Blood dripped from the cuts it left. Luckily they were only flesh wounds and didn't hit any major arteries. She's used to ones like that. After hearing Mindy's words, she watched her walking away. "Excuse me if we feel more than skeptical to that. If I recall correctly, you blamed me for this whole mess and threaten her with a fate worse than death." She picked up the collar. She bent it the opposite way causing it to creak and finally snap in two. "Isn't that right, Little Snow White?" With that, she took one half of the collar and slid it into the room. "Here. Now it will never harm you again." She palmed the other half in her hand still waiting for Yumi to calm down.

[Image: Wolves-183.jpg]
