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The Digimon Marshalls
Seika stood still as Kera skidded to a halt in front of him, injured from the debris that kicked up. He then heard Reyna's command and was worried. 'If this guy is truly strong enough to warrant the heavy weapons, I fear for all our lives. "Kera, lure the bastard to base."

Imperion started to slowly stalk toward the group, ignoring the gun fire as he moved. As he moved, from the debris rose alot of data of the digimon that were hiding in the buildings and alleys. All of this data moved inside the cloaked digimon's hood and vanished. The digimon seemed to look up at the retreating Lillymon and swung its scythe, sending a large wave of energy at it and Nana.

"Web Wrecker!" A blast of energy interrupted the Eruption Wave and caused a small eplosion in the air. "Cable Crusher!" A large arm emerged from the smoke, revealing Kera to have jumped in the air. The arm collided with Neglamon and sent him into the ground, then retracted.

Seika didn't even look at his allies. "Get to base. We'll catch up with this bastard in pursuit."
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
David took off, taking only a moment to grab Brandon by the neck of his trench coat and drag him along.

"Forget your weapon, dumbass; you can get another one! You're not as easily replaced," he snarled,flinging him forward before jumpig onto Dark XVeemon's back, the dragoness taking to the sky as well, using her hands to scoop up Reyna and Brandon. "Anyon who can fly better do so; we need as much of a head start on this guy as we can get!"
Dave nodded his head, takes out his Digivice.

"DarkPaildramon digiovle to...DarkImperialdramon!"

Name: Dark
Species: DarkImperildramon
Level: Mega
Attacks: Positron Laser: Fires a huge blast of positron energy from the same-name cannon on its back, causing major disaster. It only functions as a "normal" hyperlaser cannon in the Real World, however.
Splendor Blade: Imperialdramon slashes at its enemies with blades of energy made within the "spikes" on its arm armor.
Mega Crusher: Fires a blast of dark matter from its mouth. The enemy is sucked into the resulting black hole, and is disintegrated to mere particles. Like the Positron Laser however, it only functions as a "normal" dragon breath in the Real World.

Dave layed near Dark's Cannon as Dark started to fly away. "Midori and Nana, we got you covered." Dark said, flying behind them.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Nana screeched as the blast went off behind them.

'Thanks Kera, and thank Dark!' Midori shouted over her shoulder.

'C'mon, get on my back!' The Lillymon said, helping Nana sit piggy-back. She then turned to face the cloaked enemy Digimon.

'Flower Cannon!' She cried, letting loose a burst of energy, before turning around and speeding in the other direction.

'Keep moving everyone! I hope you're all okay!' Nana shouted, waving an arm at the figures below them.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Brandon elbowed David in the gut, and grabbed his revolver.


He turned and fired off his revolver quickly, aiming wildly at Imperion's general direction. To him, it was better to be running and gunning, than just running. He grabbed his digivice, and looked over at Reyna.

"REYNA, MAX OUT!!!" he shouted, as he activated her digivolution.

Reyna phased out of Dark X-Veemon's grip, and appeared next to her partner.

"STRIKERENAMON DIGIVOLVE TO....HELLRENAMON!!!" she screamed, as she digivolved.


Name: Reyna
Species: HellRenamon
Level: Ultimate

Thunderstrike - calls down the anger of the gods to lay down their wrath on her target. Does splash damage in the form of a massive static field that surrounds the target after the initial lightning strike

Chaos Slash - she charges her Katana with dark energy and electricity, and slashes relentlessly at her target. She can either do it at range, to fire off deadly arcs of energy, or at close quarters for a more devastating effect.


Reyna glanced at her partner through her black metal helmet, and pulled her katana out.

"MOVE OUT!!!" she barked, as she got ahold of her tamer.

He slung his arm over her shoulder, and she pushed off, bounding from building to demolished building with the natural speed of a Renamon, coupled with the fluidity of the shadows. Brandon held on tight, firing his revolver back at the enemy, until all he heard from his weapon was clicks of an empty chamber.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
After Imperion's shockwave, Zenimon was thrown into the buildings behind him, the ultimate barely having time to block with his twin katanas. "Ugghh..."

Speaking over her com link, Ada asked her digimon, "Zorro, change of plans. Everyone's moving to lure this guy back to the base."

"I appreciate the concern," the swordsman said in a sarcastic tone before he used his Smoke Bomb technique to teleport by her side.

The vixen chuckled softly and told him, "You're the one always saying you'll never be defeated."

Zorro smirked and answered rather confidently, "That's right. Now let's get this asshole. Jump onto my back." Once she was on his back, he teleported to catch up with the others, the fox swordsman trying to keep pace with Imperion. "Looks like Brandon needs to reload. If we're going with his plan, you'd better start firing."

"Keep steady for a sec and maybe I can hit this guy." Ada aimed her magnum carefully, adjusting to the Zenimon's movements before firing all her rounds at Imperion to lure him closer to the base.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Salem growle in outrage but knew he ha to follow ordrs for the time being and lept onto Diva's back "I hate Marshalls..." he whipsered while the she-devil flew after the others.

"I know..." she replied to her depressed partner as they caught up.
Lady Devimon's Minions
David rolled his eyes as the others continued to waste time and energy firing at the seemingly impervious enemy. Not for the first time, he found himself wondering if the original thinkers of this whole idea had known what they were doing.

Since he and Midnight hadn't wasted any time retreating, they were among the first to reach the base, the marshal jumping off of her back before her feet had even reached the ground. However, before he could do anything, a rather annoying fact made itself known.

"Just our luck our great leader didn't give us a rundown on the base," he growled under his breath.
Imperion started to stand from the sudden Cable Crusher before a Flower Cannon suddenly hit him. As he started to stand again, he was pelted by bullets, which while not damaging him, did some damage to his cloak. When he fully stood up, he charged at Kera, moving faster now that part of his cloak was destroyed.

"Kera, we should get out of here, NOW!" As Seika said this, Kera dedigivolved back to Keramon before digivolving to its champion form, Kurisarimon. Seika jumped on the flying tentacled digimon as it started heading back to base, dodging attacks from Imperion as it moved.

Name: Kera
Species: Kurisarimon
Level: Champion
Data Crusher: Launches a ball of yellow energy from his mouth.
Unconnect Buster: Uses his arms to slice the foe, de-digivolving them.
Internet Surge: Launches a beam of energy out of the spike at his bottom.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Midori sped towards the base, landing gracefully behind David and Midnight as Nana hopped off of her back.

'Hey mister! What's the plan?!' Nana asked, her eyes wide and panicked. Midori flew up into the air a little, hovering above their location, looking anxiously for the others.

all i ever wanted was the world.