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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
OOC: Gabumon_73 if you could put something inbetween your paragraphs to signify the change to a diffrent world it'd help everyone out with seeing where your at. And if you could put of the information on the characters you're using for anyone that doesn't know them.


Super Sonic sped through the doorway into the workshop, he spotted Sally standing there first, "Village is as empty as a chili dog restaurant after a half price sale. Everyone's waiting where they were told." Sonic began tapping his foot a bit, the foot blurring as it moved up and down, "We're just waiting on you two."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC 2: Also, if it's okay to ask this, may I get some help on filling out the information on the characters that I'm playing? I have all my IM services on except I keep myself invisible on Yahoo IM, but I can be reached on any of them if you need to get in contact with me.

OOC from Shadow: Did my best for lupe but since the pack isn't exactly used much in the comics I have I know little to nothing of her backstory.

Name: Lupe.

Age: ??

Appearance: Gray anthro wolf. Gray hair with a white streak through it done in a moehawk with a long braid down the back. Blue one-piece leotard with matching wrappings on her legs. Blue eyes.

Personality: Independant, Brave, good leader.

Background: Past being leader of the wolf pack not much known.


Name: Miles 'Tails' prower.

Age: ?? but is the youngest.

Appearance: Orange fox with two bushy tails.

Personality: Childish sometimes, intteligent.

Backround: Sonic's oldest and closest friend, together since they were kids Sonic was the one that gave Tails his nickname.

Extra info: Able to spin his two tails like rotors and fly. Can carry one passenger a short distance in this manner.

I'm gonna post this in one of yours and then delete our previous posts so the page doesn't fill up.
OOC: All right. I can understand that. And thank you for the help on the Sonic characters that I play as.
Tom pulled himself up and rolled out onto the ground "Whatever that was... I don't want to be in the way. We'd better move."

"Mm." Vi nodded in agreement. She looked at the massive hole in the ground and gasped "Oh-oh, move fast is a good idea now!" She morphed into a Leomon but with longer arms and a longer mane down the back "Hop on!"

Tom looked back and jumped to his feet "Crap-!" He yelled and climbed up onto Vi's back, gripping her mane tightly "I hope you can run fast...!"

She answered in the way of a huge burst of speed, clawing at the ground to rapidly accelerate along the desert "How's this!?"

"That's great!"

Meanwhile... the source of the destruction, a blinding white light, expanded, randomly erasing things as it advanced.
Imperion looked at Takato"Not much I'm afraid."He looked back out the window and noticed the light"What the..."
**Just as things couldn't get anymore freaky...**

Sonic's World~

**the HEdgehogette who was still out...her chao was still up and she looks at Lupe and Shadow**

Kitty: Chao Chao Chao!! **looks to shadow and lupe for help..begging**

**back at the ship**
Sally: As always..on time... SuperSonic, can you bring everyone into the blue Typhoon with Chaos Control? and Tails can you have the ship up and running. According to Nicole..we only have 38 mins before our world is lost..

Digimon 02**

**Kari continues to mutter about.."finding the light" the white shadow continues to come after the crew...**

Voice: Seek the will protect you from the shadow...your friends will be waiting for you soon...hurry to your destination...the light will be waiting for you...

**Davis' crib**

Yolei: ....Hawkmon..i'm glad you're 2 if you'll excuse me... i'm gonna wake up the sleepyhead (grits her teeth)....Davis><...


Takato: I don't think we got much time either. We have to find my friends...and FAST!

**In other realites**

Voice: the will protect you against the white shadow...hurry...time is running out...and you are all needed...

**A gate of light appears in the other realms...just who si the one saving the other lives?**
Noticing a portal of light breaking out through the chaos, Kurtz decided. His eyes glew red for a moment, before, with now amazing strength, he catapulted Erika through the portal, as the ground below him started to break as well. "DANGIT~!" And, with that, he jumped after her - the entire area collapsing down into the depths of satin darkness.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Sepia Tracker."Imperion's claw shot out an energy puls that didn't seem to do anything"I know where they are.I'll get them,and fast."After saying that,he jumped out and started running very quickly to get to them.
TK kept running as he looked at the others. "Guys this may sound crazy but we should trust in Kari, and that voice that just talked as well, we have to let our hearts guide us to the light" he said as he closed his eyes and let himself guide to the light.

Patamon looked at Gatomon and nodded at her as he did the same as TK.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Gatomon, had to admit all that was scaring her and without giving a second thought, she grabbed Patamon
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions