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Digimon Protectors
"It's just Rika, not miss," Rika told Gabumon. "And this is Renamon." She turned and knelt down infront of Matt. "Now, we need to get you back to the hotel. And TK's right, it's not your fault. C-mon!" she grabbed his arm and gently tugged him to his feet. "We've got to get back." Renamon nodded her agreement.
Gabumon looked at Renamon and then at Rika "Thank you both...Rika and Renamon... " he looked at Matt who was still in some sort of trance, even if he is now standing on his feet with Gabumon's and Rika's help

Gabumon couldn't help but sigh deeply while staring at his partner. it pains him whenever he sees Matt like this...since it is not the first time this seems to happen. Gabumon looked at Rika "'s sorta don't need to say anything to's not like he is going to react or reply so soon anyway"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Rika sighed. "Oh well. Come on, lets get him back to the hotel." Rika then added as an afterthought: "He can't stay like this forever."
Gabumon nods in agreement "sure...let's take him to the hotel" he sighs and gently helps Rika in taking Matt back to the hotel. Matt walked in a slow place, looking down, still focused on his own thoughts and nothing else
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
One they were at the hotel, Rika and gabumon allowed Matt to sink onto the couch. Rika herself sank into an armchair, and Renamon sat beside her. Rika crossed her legs, and put her head in her hands, and attempted to straighten our what had happened to them all today. She groaned.
"It's way to complicated," she complained.
Gabumon sit down on couch by Matt's side. Matt leaned back against the upper part of the couch and arches his head back. he looked up towards the ceiling and sighed deeply until shaking his head a bit and getting out of his trance. "Thank you... Rika-chan" said Matt in a low tone of voice and whithout stop staring at the ceiling
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"No problem." Rika suddenly sat up straight. "Oh no! Kari! I forgot all about her. I hope she'd all right!"
Matt: *blinks and looks at Rika suddenly*'s she?

Gabumon: we don't know... we stayed behind just to help you...I bring you here...

Matt: I shall go and see her

Matt stands up...but as he does it so, Gabumon quickly shoves Matt back to the couch

Gabumon: stay quiet for a change Matt... it's an order from me...from your partner..and friend...i will go check on her

he chuckled and stand up to look for Kari while Matt just looked at Gabumon...surprised with his sudden reaction
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Takato: NO. but i feel i know you...where i;m from...i've heard a lot of about the Digidestiend...and that's one of the reasons i became what i am. I Digimon Tamer^^ and the digimon coming behind me..who is curious...that's Guilmon. My partner.. but we can get to know each other on the way...right now...we need to get going..and find the rest of your friends...and my friends too. I think if we all get together..and work together..we can take whoever is behind this digiworld disasters


Gatomon:....Patamon (hugs him tight..crying on his shoulder)....nothing's gonna happen to me...and know this...With Kari Okay..i won't leave no more error...i'm gonna do everything i can... I promise. you and kari...and i believe i owe you this (kissing him ...full of love..and passion)
*Gatomon and Patamon*

Patamon:*he blushed as he got hugged by Gatomon but he didn't had time to say a thing when she kissed him passionately, his eyes shot wide open but quickly closed as he started to return the kiss with the same passion and love*


TK:*he still was watching Kari, while he still was thinking about what Azulongmon said* several digiworlds, well we already have some taste of that, those other digidestined, but it sure is a good thing, all of us have to join forces to stop this new crisis, there is much in risk
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions