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My Digimon run down...
I'd choose Takato to lead because he's a proven good leader (and to provide the obligatory fire-element guy), Ruki for battle strategy, Koushiro for technical expertise on Digimon, Miyako to entertain everyone with her random outbursts of emotion as well as providing the all-important copious amounts of food, and Iori to obey the Law of Fives.
Really? Oops. Well then it'll just be a team of nine then. Or I add in kouichi instead of tk and kari since he didn't get to do much of anything in fronteir.
Really what?
I might as well hit the whole hentai part... I guess. It isn't much other then to say: I wanted to figure out the truth if digimon actually had gender or not. I decided to hit the places that obviously supported this idea... here and "the digimon hentai zone." There were a few other sites with some pcitures, but most I saw were either Renamon or pictures I was not at all interested in.

I don't think I learned too much of value. I didn't see enough ones that made me think that digimon didn't have some sort of gender. And to this day I still don't know why "lemons" are called such. Probably being half naive and the other half being that the name, lemon, was just a silly title to use in the first place.
It's probably lemon so that you have to put more explicit search terms into Google to get lemons, thereby keeping the morality police off our asses.
I guess.

Another (random) minor point (uniqueness) of season 4. No one knew each other. They were nearly randomnly chosen no name kids. The only real exemtion is Kouichi, who was looking for Koji. A description is rather easy since he was a twin, but, I must say, it would be odd to look for someone that looked like you.

In prior seasons there was at least one person who had seen another prior. I'm not saying they know them very well. They only recognize face and name really. And I do know that the english version of the first movie blows it out of proportion.

I don't know. I might just be strecthing it a bit, and overall I really don't see much validity besides me saying something.
You're dead right. Everyone in Tamers played the games (and Ruki had been on TV, Ryo was in the papers when he disappeared, and Takato and Jenrya went to the same school), the Adventure people had traumatic events involving Digimon where people were scanned for Chosen-ness, but Frontier? Nada. The only common thread is that they matched personality/element with a set of Spirits and answered the cell phone message.
Well the frontier may have been scanned while they were brought to the digital world. I'll assume that is why a large number of children were brought.... thought it would be odd, now that I think about, if a kid magnaged to not return to earth somehow.
That happened in one episode, three or so kids who'd bullied Tomoki were guarded by one of Ophanimon's Angemon.
I'm have Ken, the leader. He has inteligence, and he's ruled over a Digital Emipre. Ruling over a few people wouldn't be too tough for him.

Davis and TK would be in, as heavily powerful digimon would provide a little force to the team.

Joe, Izzy, and Yolie would be the stratagists and Ken's support, as a Doctor and two IT techies in a Digital World would be rather useful.

Cody and Kari would come along too, if only for the purposes of DNA Digievolution. And Kari has a powerful digimon, so yet more power.