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another newbie for people to pick on =^^=
Well, I don't mind, it's just that this has got to be the first time ever that happened... ^^;;
lol really??
Three times horray for meee =3 *hugs all his friends*
there's always a first time
...............I hope u didn't jsut hug me?? :? ..............your not going to be lucky another time
Oh, that came right from the deepest of your heart didn't it, Rika? :P Yea as a matter o'fact I DID hug you and i'll keep doing that like...forever!! ... So just loosen up girl! =) *megasuperultrabig hug*
thats it time to nuter this dog! *grabs her gun and goes on a hunt *
*likes the feeling not to get hugged* I am happy that nobody likes me. :D :D :D

*starts spitting his poison around him*
Well you can not be happy anymore, because I like you!

Wow, this whole intro topic is getting really fun 'n interesting! I wish I could have been here alot sooner...

First off, it's too late to welcome you since you already have tons of posts and are already acquainted with some of the residents here. And second off, I found an interesting post I'd like to address *smiles*

Micah Wrote:And for a change; I'm now eating breakfast for the first time in three years and gonna take a long, nice shower after. Aaaand I got the lube and foxdildo thingie I ordered from =^.^=

As a middle-upper class American, I never miss any of my 3 course meals. I have a friend who went to Europe last year and he told me that breakfast isn't good at all. I don't know if I should take his word for it because if it's food, I'll eat it and be happy all the same. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me, and without it, I'd fall asleep during school... well, I sorta do that anyways *blushes* but that's because I deal with teachers who don't have no emotion in their teaching. Imagine a robot teaching you. When you start off your school year, it's a pleasure to meet such a nice teacher. But after awhile, you can see that she is doing it for the money and not putting emotion into it. Hehe.

So Micah, you've been to too? Interesting site, no? Hehe, it's interesting to know someone who's bought from that site.

By the way, can I join that Digifantasy site too? Maybe I can post my lemons there.
of course you can post them there too. More people makes the place way better ^^

oh, *blushes* one person who likes me. ^^ hehe.......... *looks around scared*........*flies away quickly* :D :D :D