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Digimon Protectors
Daisuke nodded not seeing anything else that could be done. He was feeling alittle down that he hadn\'t noticed what had happened to Hikari until after the battle.

V-mon kept looking into the direction Tailmon and Patamon had vanished for a few seconds before following the others back into the hotel.
TK:*he looked at Matt who was on his knees* Matt? are you okay? we have to go back bro
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Spiritmon listened to Azulongmon with intense interest... "And other times as well, it seems..." Talking to hir self, just loudly enough to be heard.
"Rika? We sould probably go too," Renamon said to her partner.
"Yeah, just a sec Renamon," Rika frowned, and walked over to where TK and Matt were. "Hey, are you OK?" She looked at Gabumon. Well he's deffinetly one of us
Spiritmon looked towards Renamon silently, thinking.
TK:*he looked at Rika* think you can help my brother? I mean at least so he can return with us, I need to take Kari back so she can rest properly*holding Kari in his arms as he then looked at Matt* bro I think I know what you're thinking but..... it wasn't your fault you couldn't help us, we all got separated, you couldn't arrive early because you didn't knew where we were, even I got separated from the others but Azulongmon found me, don't blame yourself for being unable to help, you're a great digidestined and you know it *he then turned and walked back to the hotel so he soon walked in and took Kari to a room and gently laid her on bed and sat down on a nerby chair to watch her* Kari please be okay....
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Matt kept himself way too focused on his own thoughts. He was definitely listening to everyone there but yet he didn
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

**Gatomon was looking at Patamon**
Gatomon: it's more than that! Things happened to Kari! and i did....nothing...I just froze a scared rabbit...Kari needed me! you needed me! and i let you both down... (looks away)

**Team Digidestined**

**kari is out of action for now...and the Digidestined..along with the tamers have to ready for what would come their way...**

Takato (thinking): This is bad ....very bad...but also good...i got to see the Digidestined. one of the reasons i wanted to be a tamer. maybe that's the key...i need to get the rest of the Tamers! along with the Digidestined! it'll take all of us to do it to it. ^_^" (goes to Davis)...Hey! you're Davis, right^^? I'm takato. and i could really use your help

Guilmon: Hmm?
*with Gatomon and Patamon*

Patamon:*he smiled warmly as he took her face in his paws gently moving it so she was looking at him again as he looked at her* Gatomon there wasn't much you could do, we didn't had any way to know what they did to Kari, besides without her you couldn't digivolve *gently wipes the tears off her face* Kari will be fine, she is strong and TK and the others are with her, but she needs you too, you're her partner and I'm sure she wouldn't like to see you feeling guilty when you aren't *he kissed her forehead gently as he hugged her again*

*with the others*

TK:*he held Kari's hand gently as he sighed* they went too far this time..... I swear they will pay for hurt Kari

*back with Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon:and about me... you didn't failed to me, if something would have happened to you I.... I wouldn't have known what to do.... *blushes a bit and then looks at her* you aren't an scared rabbit, you're one of the bravest and toughest digimon I ever met, and want to know a thing? *leans close* I was so scared too..... scared of fail you and lose Kari.... scared of lose you too... I didn't knew what kind of effect Dark Kari on Kari's body could have in you....
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Daisuke turned to Takato with a confused look.
\\\"Have we met?\\\" he asked. Hey this guy has goggles to, maybe he knows Taichi-sempai.