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Funny Joke(18+ or anyone who doesn't care) (non-digi)
Some funny ones:

Q: What's 6.9
A: Something great, broken up by a period.
"Forgive me for asking," said the wary millionaire to her date, "but you're not the type who'd marry just for money, are you?"
"No," the man replied. "In fact, I wouldn't marry you for all the money in the world."
Did ya hear about the man who came into money. He married a millionaire's daughter.
Q: Why did the moron walk around with his fly open?
A: In case he had to count to 11.

Then there was the moron's mother, who was so proud when her son won a gold medal she had it bronzed.

Which was worse than the moronic mother who said to her pregnant daughter, "Don't worry. Maybe it isn't yours."

Or the moron who wouldn't sleep with his wife because she was married.

When he finally did make love to her he got her pregnant; nine months later he rushed her to the pizza parlor because they advertused free deliveries.

Then there was the moron abortion clinic: The patients had a 12 month wait.
Q: How did the blonde hockey team die.
A: They trained during spring.

lol I like some of those.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Dude- that last one was hillarious!
some more funny ones:

Q: What's the difference between circus midgets and a women's track team?
A: One is a bunch of cunning runts.
"It was terrible," the man told his friend the day after a blind date. "Her measurements were 36-24-36."
"Terrible?" exclaimed the friend, "I can't understand why you're complaining!"
"Because her other leg was the same!"
It didn't take long for the feminists in the office to get up in arms about the notice posted in the executive lounge: "Any vice-president whose secretary is ill or on vacation may take advantage of the girls who work the reception desk."
Sick and tired of their history professor's lewd jokes and sexual innuendo, a group of girls decided that the next time he uttered an innapropriate remark they would get up and leave in a protest. However, ovhearing their plan and looking to score some points with the teacher, a fellow student informed him of their scheme.
The next day, after chatting about current events for a few moments, the teacher suddenly smiled and making a clever segue, said, "You know, I hear there's a shortage of whores in Paris,"
Exchanging resolute looks, the girls rose as one and started to leave the room. Following them with innocent eyes, the professor said, "Girls, where are you going? The next plane doesn't leave until tonight."

lol lol lol I love this book.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Goldmine there... utter gold mine.
Some of those are gross but some are pretty good.
some of them- are weird- like the midgets thing- I didn't quite get it- but lol anyway!
Switch the first letters of Cunning Runts. If you still don't get it, then you can't be old enough to be on this site.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
oh- lol okay! lol, I did't expect that!
Yeah, that's the kind of joke it is. One with a rhyming punchline that can be dirty.