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Plan B Minus {Crimson/Kyo RP}
"They take a while to get off the ground, but once they are going, they are going." Kyosan chuckled, imagining how it would be if planes were easily able to soar into the skies, and how prices would rocket just to fly in circles, before being caught off-guard by Freya's question. "Oh, just freelance stuff. Nothing too important, just some adventure stuff. Among other things."

"You sure the Black Knight won't appear out of nowhere to challenge us?" Lurea asked curiously, imagining the small shrimp of a knight on a black chocobo and shivering lightly before then giggling once more cutely. "Ah well, it'll all hopefully go well."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Freya rolled her eyes a little before telling him, "No need to be so vague and modest, Kyosan. I'd like to hear more. It's going to take some time to get there." The rat dragoon then laughed gently and asked, "Or are your stories a secret, hmmm?"

"Black Knight Chocobo Racer? Nah, that's too long of a name. He would call himself something short like Racer X." Crimson then chuckled lightly as he thought how much more interesting Speed Racer might have been with chocobos.

Squirt shook his head and groaned, telling Lurea, "Racer X is a sucky name, me'thinks."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Some of them are a secret." Kyosan gulped, blushing lightly across his cheeks as he realized saying it out aloud would be very awkward, while keeping a firm seat on the chocobo. "They're just written for fun anyway."

"Racer X? You sure you're not mistaking it for Ghost Rider?" Lurea asked, finding herself thinking of many things before then reminding herself of something, tapping Crimson's shoulder. "By the way, where did you disappear afterwards?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"" Freya took a moment to contemplate those two things together combined with writing before she blushed lightly. "Oooh, oh! Um...I've heard about that sort of thing being self-published in the bigger cities know what, just forget I ever asked you about that." The rat woman blushed about the whole thing, though she didn't seem disgusted with it, and was just more surprised about the odd topic. She then asked, "Okay, I know one of the things you do in your off time, but what's your actual job? I can't imagine a society where everything is "just" provided."

"Huh? I don't see how a flaming skeleton motorcycle rider can be confused with a lame disguised character in a Japanese race anime. Oh, damn, this is one of those things they changed when they shipped it from the U.S. to Europe, isn't it?" Crimson was a bit confused for a change from Lurea's sudden reference, but sadly, he didn't have Wikipedia on hand to check to see if there was indeed a name change from that hokey old anime. Aw, screw it, Wacky Races was better anyways.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, it's definitely not provided, that's for sure. I guess you could say I'm a builder, helping supply materials back and forth." Kyosan explained, after all he hadn't thought much on his job back in their world. He hadn't even asked for days off, most likely he'd get the sack. But the adventure was good enough. "Guess that's where some of these muscles come from at least."

"Probably, I don't even remember myself," chimed Lurea, with true irony as she shrugged her shoulders and then poked her muzzle over Crimson's shoulder. "So, any sight of it yet Crimsy?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: He's a cop, he's a writer, he's a construction worker, he's an adventurer, and next you're going to tell me he's also an astronaut. :P

Freya nodded and told him, "Ah, alrighty, Fair enough work I suppose." The dragoon then noticed the sky was beginning to get orange and hills were getting steeper. "Hmmm, we should be getting close. Alexandria is located on top of a tall ridge up ahead."

"Hmmm, maybe. Those kind of look like towers over there on the horizon," he answered, pointing out the odd structures to Lurea.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Well, different Kyosan's call for different jobs!


"That's good, we'll get there just on time then." Kyosan smiled from hearing the Burmecian's words, continuing to hold onto the chocobo closely as he then rested back for a moment. "Though what to do there is what I'm thinking..."

"Ah, they do look like towers," Lurea blinked, noting as well the odd structures and trying to see further to tell what they were, pressing herself further against the fox's lean back. "Not long to go then I guess!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: We totally need to make an RP where Kyo is a superhero. Then he can fight the nefarious Dr. Crimson and his eight Robot Overlords! XD


"Well, the first thing we should do is to head towards the castle. As I mentioned before, I know the reigning queen. Dagger...erm, Garnet I mean. Legal merchants have to submit their information to the castle before they can operate in Alexandria, so we might be able to find a clue." Freya seemed a little unsure though. She remembered the shady merchant they saw back in Brumecia, and started to think he might not be legal or that he sold outside of the city walls somewhere. As they climbed the last hill towards the top, the walls of Alexandria grew closer. Despite the damage from previous conflicts, the city seemed to be in fair shape.

Crimson blushed as he felt Lurea's lovely breasts pushing against his back as he uttered nervously, "Y-Yeah. It looks like a nice enough place."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Ooh, but what would his name be? Kyoman? Sanman? Limeyman? ;P


"Well, this sounds like a bit of detective work, trying to work out who is behind this." Kyosan chuckled as he eyed over the walls of Alexandria, noticing the slight signs of wear and damage as he then chuckled. "If I think about it, am I right in believing you are a very important person then?"

"Goody, maybe there then we can help and also have a good time!" Lurea giggled, happily pressing herself more onto the fox to peep over his shoulder while her tail kept holding Squirt firmly, making sure he was still onboard.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Welshman, a super powered transforming cyborg who can turn into a robotic red dragon! And Dr. Crimson can be British!

Crimson: I've always wanted to take over the world, so it all makes sense. The world will for canceling the cool Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon before it received a proper ending!

Ada: My, what a genuine British accent. *rolls eyes*

Crimson: Not now, don't you see I'm busy getting to the centre of this sulphurous pile of red coloured crap. Bloody hell!

Ada: *facepalms* Welshman, we need you. Please save us from this stooge.


"Well, I did tell you that my friends and I helped save the world not that long ago. Things were peaceful so we all went our separate ways, but several of my friends live here now. Garnet who's now the queen, Steiner who's captain of the royal guard, and Zidane who's well...Zidane." The dragoon then scratched her head and admitted, "It's been a while since I've talked to them, so I'm not really sure what he's doing other than courting the queen." She then laughed a little while pondering what antics he's been up to. "Well, in any case, I'm sure we can figure it out if we work together." She then stopped before the gate with Crimson and Lurea soon catching up.

A pair of guards watched over the huge wooden gate with firm expressions across their faces. "Halt! State your name and business please!"

"Freya Crescent, captain of the royal guards, and my deputies. I've come to speak with the queen." She shot an annoyed look towards the guard, knowing full well that they knew who she was.

"Hmmm, well I suppose there aren't any other red coated Brumecians around. Just stay out of trouble." They then stepped aside, while the gatekeeper lifted the barrier inside.

She then whispered to Kyosan, "Sorry about that, but they're a little more cautious about who comes into the city after the last odd guest entered Alexandria."

"Oh wow, look at all the people, Lu." Crimson pointed and marveled at all the activity around the lovely castle town, with several merchants selling their wares, and several taverns looking rather busy.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions