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The Digimon Marshalls
David acted without thought, diving and rolling out of the way of the blast, Midnight doing the same. He was blasting away in the direction of the blast before he had even come to his feet, his digivice flashing as Midnight digivolved to her XVeemon form.

"Cover the flanks!" he yelled to everyone, knowing how quickly an ambush could happen. Even if this nut was alone, his apparently ability to teleport meant he could hit them from any direction at any time.
Brandon's eyes went wide, and he rolled behind a building.

"REYNA, DO IT, NOW!!!" he barked, wondering silently in his mind HOW this was less stressful than Afghanistan.

He slid through his D-X, until he found the program he was looking for.


He pressed the activate button, and Reyna glowed black, that soon faded into a pure white.

"DARKRENAMON DIGIVOLVE TO....STRIKERENAMON!!!" she screamed, as she stepped out of the fading white mist.

An eight-barreled shotgun called a Nock Volley Gun was resting in her paws. She wore tattered camoflague pants with the ying-yang symbols on them, and a bulletproof vest under a pair of bandoliers holding shotgun shells.


Name: Reyna
Species: Strikerenamon
Level: Champion

Volley Blast: all eight barrels go off at once, bathing the enemy in a hail of fire.

Precision Strike: she fires off the barrels individually, using the ammo only when needed.

Mass-Driver Assault: the weapon fires off a mass of Energy instead of fire and lead. Essentially a more powerful Volley Blast


Reyna stood still behind the enemy, her Volley Gun in her paws. Brandon stepped back out from his cover, his revolver drawn. He was pissed.

"I. AM. NOT. A. HUMAN!!!" he growled, as he fired his revolver at the digimon with each word.

Reyna should've attacked by now, but she was holding back. She knew her partner needed to vent on the enemy for a bit.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Diva laugh with glee as she extend her whip sword and slashed at Imperion wildly "You had your chance! You had your chance!" she called while her partner threw a boulder at the enemy and charged in behind it "Cleanse this you pawn!"
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: Quick question people: How are they attacking Imperion? The only indication on where he was would be where the blast came from, and he could have faded immediately after firing it, so he would stay out of sight. BigD seemed to be the only one to realize that Imperion might not be there, by saying he shot at where the blast came from. Just saying.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: just assume I shot in his general direction. Reyna hasn't done anything yet, really, other than digivolve. She hasn't launched an attack.
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Both Nana and Midori managed to narrowly avoid the blast in time, although Nana fell off of the Togemon's shoulder in the process. She scrambled to her feet, as Midori shook off a couple of scorched needles.

'Go Go Midori!' Nana cried, firing a couple of shots in the direction of the blast, as Midori shouted;

'Needle Spray!' Launching a volley of razor sharp spines in the same direction.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Commandramon digivolve to Strikedramon, 7 ft tall covered in a Hightech ballistic armour covered striker and a large M16 was strapped to his back the C4 still in his hand he jumped straight up and laned on a near by building.

"Find him" Steven shouted after diving out the way of his attack.

"Scouter Monoeye" Striker looked for heat traces for 100m around himself, if Imperion was hiding here he would find him. He balanced the C4 charge in his hand picking up the traces to where Imperion was sanding when he fired.

"Smoke him" Steven told him leveling his G36, Striker threw the C4 to where he used to be and detonated it causing a cloud of black thick smoke to cover the area, as Steven sprayed rounds into the smoke.

Steven smiled "Lets see if these tracing rounds worked" he pulled out his D3 looking for a signal.
"How did Mary Die?"
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Seika and Kera decided to dive in an alleyway to avoid the blast. The moment it paseed, Seika started talking to Kera. "Kera, go to town. Warp digivolve."

Kera seemed happy as it wobbled excitedly and gained a sadistic grin "Warp digivolve to...Infermon." A large, red and white, spiderlike monstrosity walked out of the alley, with Seika behind it.

Name: Kera
Species: Infermon
Level: Ultimate
Spider Shooter: Opens his mouth and a cannon comes out and fires.
Network Grenade: Withdraws into his shell and thrusts himself at his enemies.

Infermon leaped into the area once all the attacks halted and looked around for the rouge. "It seems he doesn't like this game."

Immediately after saying that, Imperion appeared behind the spider and threw him back at the marshalls with only a small difficulty. "And now, it is time for my next level. Sepia Digivolution." After saying that, he was surrounded by an orb of darkness that spread from the yin-yang symbol up.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I can't get a shot on him if that rouge keeps teleporting. Zorro, try to distract him." Ada kept her deep green eyes trained on the town's alleyways, hoping to find their target.

The fox swordsman jumped swiftly from rooftop to rooftop until he sniffed out their attacker. Over their communicator, Zorro growled a bit before telling her, "I found him...damn, he's digivolving." Zorromon withdrew his blade and took a defensive stance.

"Hmmm, alright. We'll just have to even the odds then. Get ready, Zorro." Ada held up her digivice and focused her Crest of Cunning after pressing the activation button.

Glowing red, Zorromon felt his data beginning to reconfigure into something stronger. "Zorromon digivolve to Zenimon!" A second sword was now gripped in his second paw with both blades now wielding sharper edges. A black swordsman's robe now adorned his red furred body, ruffling a bit from the wind as he jumped down. "You should have surrendered when you still have the chance."


Name: Zorro
Species: Zenimon
Level: Ultimate
Nitōjutsu: Slices and dices the opponent in a swift tornado conjured by both blades.
Zenigata: Throws coin shaped projectiles that explode in a fiery manner.
Smoke Bomb: Allows the user to teleport away in a puff of smoke.


"Nitōjutsu!" he cried, before approaching the rouge quickly with a flurry of sword strikes.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Midori managed to catch the Infermon as he was thrown back, although she was knocked back herself.

'You okay?' The Togemon asked, placing him on the ground.

'Guys! He's Digivolving! This one's super tough!' Nana shouted, her pistols clutched tightly in her hands.

all i ever wanted was the world.