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Bleach: Last Stand.
'Hmm, impresive! She seems to have mastered the shadow step like it was nothing! I think she's actually better at it than me! And I made it!' Salem thought shocked at Katt's skill as he caught up to her "Well Katt -hime where to?".

Rei gasped as she peeked in the door of the warehouse and saw the robbed figure being grabbed by the strange arms "T-they need h-help!" she stuttered watching worriedly.[/color]
Lady Devimon's Minions
"We'll leave once we get what we came here for...otherwise this would have been a pointless trip." Hyouzen laughed slightly before choosing to go along with Proto's advice, pulling his blade out of the cacoon and jumping back out of its range. The Disuto's gooey essence dripped off of his zanpaktoh causing the water dragon to sigh while blocking some of the white hands. "Good, fight for your life...a kill isn't worthwhile if the predator doesn't get some spirit out of his prey."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
*11th Squad HQ*

"Follow me, let's get some booze from my office and let's go to the dojo" Naibu said opening the door to his semi-destroyed office "Sorry for the mess, the cleaning lady is on vacations" Naibu joked while going to his desk and grabbed a bottle of sake and other with wine from under his desk "Wich one do you want?"

*12th Squad Bureau*

Rina reached the bureau followed by Kazan "I need your help to find information about the thing that was stolen from the storage and to help me finish my new invention" She said entering the bureau.
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(Secret Path: Senkai Gate)

Lizzy smiled, trying to grasp something. Once she had seemingly succeeded with her childish play, she smiled to herself, "Haaaaai!" She lifted her arm up in acceptance, following Shadow inside happily.

(Seireitei: 12th Squad Technological Bureau)

Kazan entered, taking a more serious expression on his face as he followed Rina intently. What she spoke held some truth, they needed information on the tactics of the enemy "Captain, the bureau was robbed under my guard, and we have had checks on the inventories of important artifacts. Only one is missing though, we didn't pay much attention because it was merely an antique... It was the Soul Stone. But since the ex-Captain Aizen Sousuke has the a part of it, it is but an useless piece of rock by itself." He explained.

(Real World: Void)

"You do not know who you are dealing with." The apparent Disuto's voice echoed within the dark void, more and more uncountable hands appearing and attempting to seize everyone. Proto had become binded already. "And I do not posses anything but my life. If you want it that much, then you can forget it!" It roared, its large scar from Hyouzen's slash repairing itself almost instantly as he left.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Rei took a deep breaqth as she redied her bow "Okay..I can do this! They need my help!" she said as leaped into the doorway and began arrow after arrow at the arms in an atempt to help.
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hyouzen only laughed towards the Disuto, his eyes filled with what one would call either pure confidence or pure madness. "I'm sorry, but I've already decided you're going to power our gem." The air inside the warehouse started to chill before the hands grabbing everyone began to freeze and grow numb. He flicked off the immobile hands off his body before staring down the corrupted cocoon. "I hope you can make bigger hands than that, none of us have even unleashed our powers yet. Flood, Enki!" His zanpaktoh then took on its more familiar oar shape, the water dragon wielding the two handed blade with an wide grin.

(Squad 11 HQ)

"Uh...well I am partial to sake. I'll take some of that, thanks." Trent looked around the cluttered room before finding a good seat near Naibu's desk. "Oh, and don't worry about the mess, my office is just about as bad. With all the trouble coming through lately that place is cluttered with paperwork."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Nice trick, Sir." Vook grinned, slashing through all the frozen hands before stepping back, holding her blades defensively. "Maybe I should try learning some Ice moves. Fire may be fun, but Ice has it's uses!"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Shadow stepped out on the other side of the gate, looking around a bit, "HEY! Anyone here?" he shouted, keeping a hand on the pommel of his sword.


"I'm sure you sense something," Katt smiled, "It's never been my strong point, but I would like to find something to test my new powers on."


"Appreciate it," Mindy said as she shattered the hand that was holding her arm, "Just what the heck are, AH!" she started as a bolt of blue light flashed by her face, piercing one of the hands, "What the hell was that!?"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well my spiritual sense have been fried lately...but I have these!" Salem said as he produced a few pieces of hollow bait and grinned as he crushed them "Let the fun begin!" he said drawing his sword and flipping his sheath for his dual weilding style as holes to hueco mundo tore open and hundreds of hollows, mostly menos and such, began swarming around them 'I just hope these can keep her from notticing those reiatsu's(?)..I don't know if she can handle them yet...and where'd Rei go?'

"U-uhm..t-that was m-me!" Rei said as she timimdly walked into the warehouse fring more arrows "I-I'm terribly s-sorry if I interupted b-but it looked like y-you needed h-help."
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: I'm taking it Rei is in the void in the Real world : O


"Hrr?" The disuto only but what seemed to be a low growl, "Is that all?" The frozen hands shattered one by one, their pieces falling to the floor, forming what seemed to be a rather big pool of white (NO, And I mean NO PUN INTENDED!) that started to move on its own! It went towards the cocoon, and before any of them could do anything about it, the pool of white merged with the lower root of what was holding the large purple cocoon. "I'm afraid it won't be enough."

And all of a sudden, countless holes started to open once again, hands latching at everyone, including Proto who had just normalized after being trapped.

The white arrancar this time, however, wasn't taken by surprise, and he started slashing at everything that went near him, "Better try new tricks. That's one's getting old." (<- Resident Evil 4 reference!)

OOC: And I think... Lizzy and Shadow are stuck until Digi_Lord's blue moon comes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad