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A Dark Love
One of the boys grabbed Takato by the neck and pulled a knife to his throat. "One wrong move buddy and your little boyfriend is toast" cackeled the boy. They were clearly not sane in the head. "But why waste the fun?" he grinned wikedly and grabbed a loose pipe and smacked it over Takatos head, letting the boy fall limp.
Guilmon had no choice but to follow their instructions, Takatos' life was on the line. Suddenly he saw the boy smack Takato in the head with a pip, "DAMN you!" he grew agrier, clenching his claws together, but relaxing them shortly after, teary eyed. "What do you want from me, or Tak?"
The boys laughed loudly and he slung the pipe over his shoulder, cackling eavily and starting athe guilmon, an insane look on his face.

"Your pain" he cackeled heavily and all the boys simply laughed along.

One of Takatos eyes opened gently, and he stared at Guilmon, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Guilmon...g-g-get out of here, run away....leave me behind" he whispered, but the boy simply kicked Takato to shut him up.
"you disgust me..." Guilmon was all he could say. He wasn't very great at taunting people. He began to grow angrier, his eyes turning a darker color.
Renamon suddenly sensed a disturbance somewhere. "Rika, something is going amiss somewhere." rika replied "huh? how can you tell?" renamon said "i can just feel it.." and she disappeared in an instant
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
The boys laughed manically and slowly pulled out a knife and waved it in front of Guilmon and cackeled even louder. "Now, now, you wouldn't want us to hurt him even more would you" they grinned. Takato slowly got to his feet, trying to stand up. "Gui-...mon..."
"Takato..." Guilmon coundt bear to see his partner in pain. Suddenly he felt enraged, like something was taking over him. His head began to shake slightly first, then his entire frame began to convulse.
Takato stared at Guilmon, suddenly becoming scared, and weakly pushd up against the wall, holding his shoulder with his hand, slowly looking at his partner and love, wondering what had gotten into him.

"Guil...mon?" he whimpered, the boys turned to Takato and growled nastily, holding the knife close to his neck.
Guilmon shuddered, what was happening to him? he closed his eyes, and the pain stopped, he felt nothing for a breif moment. He was engulfed in a black-Blue light, as his digi-code was scrambled. The light quickly faded, revealing not guilmon, but a different creature... a dark blue guilmon, but he looked stranger, he had one wing, black armor, and a scar over his right eye, which was half open to reveal an entirely white iris.
The boys eyes went wide and screamed as they baked away, and one of the boys waved the knife about, his body shaking badly, this Guilmon looked bad ass, and rather pissed off. Takato opened his eyes slowly, and stared at him with an amazed look on his face, Guilmon had done this to help and protect him. He stared at him with amazement and blushed gently.