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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg)
"Hey!!!" Shadow then sped across the landscape trailing after Sonic's trail. In the distance he could see trees in the distance all collapsing from the strong quakes "Is the world falling apart?" he asked to himself
OOC: As mentioned earlier...profiles for Series chars are optional...and just to keep things a bit spicy, and if no one mines...i'd like to borrow sally Acorn^^.. and here is some of my OC chars^^

part 1 of 2

Name: Dr. Victor Exor
Age: ??
Universe: Sonic X
Appearance: a Beanpole of a human being..with
Personality: He's very Evil..and sometimes a little good....but it's hard to tell his personality..when he smiles all the time..
Background: A former scientist..and one of the brains on Project Shadow.... he is considered a son to professor gerald robotnik...until the millitary attacked...and tried to end the project ...he survived the onslaught but watched Maria..get taken he escaped with all the secrets he could gained from the project...he officially declared humanity a disease and must be Destruction...and replaced with his project of neolife

Extra Info: Because of the termination of his fellow man...Exor's emotions are frozen...and all he could it's the only thing that ties him to the past. he's a super genetisist...and continued the good professor's work...created neomobians....the one's he's close to ...are Crimson, Dash, Xena, and Jazz

Name: Cassandra The Werehog
Age: 13
Universe: Sonic X
Appearance: A snowwhite Version of Amy Rose, but in blue overalls, a rainbow striped shirt, a pink striped backpack..and spanish poncho
Personality: As a hedgehog, she's shy and timid, but loyal. As a werehog, she's strong, brave, but naive..and can act like a child sometimes

Background: At Age 5 She was the Daughter of an Archeologist hedgehogette named Rosa.. She was working on a big find..when her "sponser" gets evil....and turns her dig into his plans for taking care of "human" biz... in the process... Cassie got excuse to some chemicals...that awoken something deep inside her....a part of her heritage she never knew existed.. the part that is a werehog...that a werewolf/Hedgehog creature to some.. to make matters worse.. a mystery power is hidden within this girl...and makes her a target in the Evil's eye...especially if the evil is DarC Enterprises

Extra Info: Cassie always travels by herself...and has a hero chaowith cat features...called Kitty. she's skilled in martial arts..though she only shows it in werehog form...for that's her strongest..and fastest ...and most agile form. She's also able to go super by being near the 7 emeralds

Name: Victor Darc
Age: ??
Universe: ??
Appearance: A very healthy and well built bussiness man with LONG raven hair

Personality: Always thinking about the bigger picture...

Background: A Villainous of the Founders of GUN... a Man of mystery...and a fighter...this is victor darc...not much is known about his past...but he's a powerful Leader....and can gather the masses when possible...his knowledge from used in his organization/ big business...DarC Enterprises... He has a big interest in Sonic and the Digimon...for what reasons...he will time
Extra Info: ??

More to come^^

**Sonic's Earth..**
**At the Area of Knothole looks untouched....until the light in the sky appears...earthquakes take place...and the land it being torn appart...**

Sally: What's going on!! I need to get to the otehrs... (rushes off)

**meanwhile..the planet was starting to break apart...getting lost to the light...

**Digi Earth 02**

Kari (looking up):.....Wh..what's goin AAAAAH!!!! (holds her head in pain) No...Not now!.. Don't hurt now!!!!

**the child of light collapses from the the white shadow begins to come a little closer...**

Takato (seeing company jump through his window): AAH!!!.... there is a invention called the Door. please knock on it.. what are you doing here? for that mateter...who are you??

**The little planet continues to send this bizzarre power...that is creating the white shadow..and doing damaged to the waters....before long...more and more natural disasters come unnaturallly...what will be gained from this trouble..**
The C's I would like tp RP as: Tails Prower (Sonic X), Lupe (leader of the wolfpack, StH-SatAM...Sonic comics), Renamon (Season 3 Digimon), Demiveemon (Season 2 Digimon)...and if he's not taken, Hawkmon (Season 2 Digimon)
OOC: Right, for starters, since I'm helping Xvdjdamienstryker, if you're making a post that is outside of the RPG, can you type on OOC: before, please?


Kurtz cursed, as Erika started to get blown away from the wind. His claw shot out, and he hung onto his tamer's hand, for mere worry of what might happen if he let go. "D-Dang! Can't~~!"

Erika tried her best to hold on, it was hard when the entire ground was shaking up, and winds were blowing you off your feet. "Hold on, PLEASE!!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: Plus you need to put in a character sheet like how everyone else intro'd their's.


This is mainly for anyone that isn't a sonic fan or who hasn't read the comics.


Sonic quickly reached Knothole, his invulnerability, super speed, and flying abilities helped him to reach it quickly and unharmed, "SAL! We got some big problems going on. We need to get somewhere safer fast."

*Meanwhile in another part of the village*

"C'mon y'all!" Bunnie Rabbot, the half robian pointed towards the center of the village, "Ah don't know what's goin' on but this place ain't safe." She looked up at the horizon, the sky was as bad as the ground, everything was breaking up, "I don't like this one bit." the small jets on her feet fired up as she flew low over the ground around the village, searching for anyone in danger.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow had arrived at Knothole short after Sonic just as he did the light hit the village and the quakes started to crack the earth and make the huts sway and buckle. The black hedgehog looked up at the sky then heard a small cry for help then he looked over and he saw a small fox child who was about to fall into a crack in the earth from one of the cracks "H-hold on!!" he shouted as he sped towards the crack with his supre speed and grabbed the fox child just before the crack widened further.

"Oh thank you Sonic!!" The fox child hugged Shadow tightly.

"I'm not Sonic!!!" He then sped into the village and sat the child down in the center of the village then he felt more quakes under his feet "Is this hell or what?!" he growled.
"Kari!" TK exclaimed as he check kneels and checks on her. "Kari, Kari talk to me!" he said as he shook her gently, he turned noticing the white shadow coming closer. "what in the...."

"Gatomon, Gabumon that shadow..... it moved closer" Patamon said as he continued watching the sky. "we better take our partners out of here I don't like this in the less, we need Izzy to investigate more about this or contact Gennai" Patamon said, his eyes still watching the sky
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"My name is Imperion.I'm surprised your digivice didn't detect my entrance into this world.I'm here because both the digital world and this world are in danger."Imperion said as he looked out the window.
Kurtz was holding onto Erika's hand tightly, his eyes closing. It was just like before, he had to practically claw at the ground, as more and more ground started to rip and rise up. He didn't notice any shadows or lights - his main focus was Erika, who was hanging softly from the now lifted ledge. "ERIKA!!"

"AH~!" Erika screamed loudly once seeing the huge drop, and gripped Kurtz's arm with all her strength. There was no chance on earth, if she dropped, that she would survive.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: ^^ Don't worry...the one who requested tails and the other chars in his post.. he's a friend of mine^^ who is a tails fan^^ whom i rp with from time to time^^

**The Little Planet**
**at the ship...the source of the powerful white shadow engulfing the planets...was the ship from before...only now its unleashing time transforming energy

Figure: Good good..soon the planets will be merged by this energy..of course..some life will be lost....but if i play my cards right...fate will lend a hand..and all the lives will be wouldn't be much fun if they were taken now...not at an early stage at least...hmhmX3..

**Sonic's Earth**
Sally (seeing SuperSonic): Well this unnatural madness gives all the more reason. Sonic..while you're SuperSonic. go and gather many of the mobians you can. I'm gonna send the alert..and go to tails..and tell him it's us at the open fields... And Sonic (kisses his cheek) come back out of this alive. (rushes off)

**Sonic X Earth ((At Last^_~))**

**in the Thorndyke Chris Thorndyke...who regained his adulthood...thanks to eggman..., Gets to work on some new all of a sudden..his earlier invention comes alive again...

Chris: Huh? What the..something's going on...and i bet it's in sonic's world.. but the gateway was mostly one way..and how could it be workin again..

Voice: Come to the light...if you wish to live

Chris: Wha..wha...

Voice (from the gateway): Come to the light if you wish to live.. the fate for many worlds rest in your hands..

Chris:....and would this also involve Sonic's home too

Voice: That will depend on your choice....

**Chris summons his he dives into the gateway....but not before someone watches him go...**

**Digi 02 world** much imbalance...the dark...and the light.....something evil (drifts in and out of consciousness)

**the white shadow continues come part of a tall building vanishes in the light..

**Tamer's earth**

**When Imperion appears...TAkato's D power Digivice..did go off..*

Takato (gets his D-power out): Well it' probably did pick you up...i just got surprised by what';s going on...and i think both our worlds are in trouble ... what do you know of it Imperion

**The Digital world...various versions of it..continue to merge with it....creating a new digiworld...just as the parts of the earths are now beginnnig to make a new earth...just what is going on>?