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Friends who've outgrown you?
I'm sorry this has happed to you :(. I've had that happen too, many times. See, I have a rare medical condition, so... all my friends are online, and I cling to them pretty bad, because they are all I have. I have one friend that I've had since 2003 (though I barely see him anymore) but in his case, it's pretty much an unspoken case of "We have NOTHING in common anymore, but we've been friends for so long, were not gonna stop talking" even though whenever he tries to talk about his guild in a fighting game i roll my eyes, and he probably does the same when I talk.

Other than that one friend, I've had quite a few "Best friends" come and go, since early 2001 when I first got online.

I still wanna know what happend to the great Axeomon!!! (im sure none of you know who im talking about, just had to say it..)

More recently I have had a friend, a 'best friend' for.. well i'd say out of our friendship from 2005 to now, we were probibly best friends 2005 to about 2008, but after that, he's changed somewhat, into a diffrent person than I ever thought he'd be. And now, since december, he has said that he wasnt getting on aim as much for a while, and that his brother was using his aim account. (though i know at least some of the time it is). So now i don't ever messege him, because i "don't know" if its him or not, and I haven't heard from him at all in at least a few months. It's sad, I miss his friendship, but at the same time, I think if he came online right now and we started talking, It wouldn't be the same.

Unfortunately, I think its just how life goes.

Messages In This Thread
Friends who've outgrown you? - by SnK - 06-28-2010, 10:59 AM
RE: Friends who've outgrown you? - by SnK - 06-28-2010, 04:06 PM
RE: Friends who've outgrown you? - by Takatofan1986 - 06-30-2010, 10:05 PM