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Choices and actions. Thoughts and perception.
(05-09-2010 07:07 AM)AetherRose Wrote: EDIT: They can't restrict you from acquiring a job, legally.
You could always report them, because the way you're saying it, they're breaking several laws.

Trust me. I am aware of what they are doing. Giving time though. Let me leave them out of trouble for the bit of time I have here. I am thinking of a bunch of jobs I am going to take. And well a lot of them require military training. So. At the moment idk I might be shaded by my dark thoughts. But for some odd reason I don't care enough for my country to fight for it. I would be fighting for the wrong reasons. Thus being looked down upon for it. But I shall do something for it later.

Yeah. Right now I am relaxed due to this gensin tea. Gonji berry. Smells..... Very good. Not delicious good. But as if a female good. mmm. Good snuff.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Choices and actions. Thoughts and perception. - by Ryan - 05-09-2010, 08:14 AM