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Choices and actions. Thoughts and perception.
(05-08-2010 09:54 PM)AetherRose Wrote: Why not look at your own values?
For starters, do you really want love, according to your values, or is that just a little voice in the back of your mind telling you that you do?
Next, everyone has their own emotional capacities, and cannot fake anything (realistically) above that emotional capacity, so if you're hiding it with doubt, then you're doubting something.
Finally, get out of your house as soon as possible. A person's emotional capacities and values and all this other stuff comes from your environment. If your environment (home and parents) is as negative as you let on to believe, then you need to start sleeping over at someone's house a lot more and leave home as soon as an opportunity arises. (college)
Also, try to make communications with parents minimal, so out of state may be best for you.

Nah really?

It's a lot easier said than done to get out of this environment. I wanted to leave to hang with my friend this weekend because its his last week before he graduates but I got this.

"No we need you for the weekend." Fuck that then why did you like your fucking 21 year old son leave the fucking house while your 18 year old son has to do his fucking rotation and chores while he gets to drink up a storm? Like hell if I am going to drink. I am going to hang with my friend before he leaves. but nooooooooo lets make a piss pore mothering and show no true example.

yes its mostly my environment issues. But with no money or a car or a house its hard as shit to get a job or even leave. I am not allowed to get a fucking job while in school. I should honestly quit being a goody fucking too shoes.

And the relationship stuff. Kinda quit trying anymore. No point.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Choices and actions. Thoughts and perception. - by Ryan - 05-09-2010, 12:57 AM