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Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops
Thanks much. I actually didn't recognize that error O.o; Ah well, I've had to go back quite a few times and I still miss a lot of my errors, lol. Glad you pointed that one out ^^;

Oh and about Flamedramon's "fur", well a lot of people I've talked to tended to think he had fur. I actually believed he had scales as well, but in all honesty I decided to go with fur because of what other people thought. Perhaps it was a mistake.. Dunno, I've also read a few stories/lemons some time ago that also had him with fur ;>_> *shrugs* I found it odd really so I decided to use it as well just because I figured it was common belief that he had it.

EDIT: Fixed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops - by Draco - 11-03-2008, 02:42 AM