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Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops - Printable Version

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Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops - Draco - 11-03-2008

This is a series I am making to better myself with writing. So expect a few more chapters in the future. I sent an email with this to the mail site along with some of my art.. So "hopefully" this will get posted as well. Figured I'd post this here in the mean time though. Please be sure to comment!


Author's Note: This is a Digimon x Pokémon cross-over between the character's Flamedramon & Mewtwo. I do no own the copyrights to either character. This is merely a fan-fiction/lemon series I might be doing as a side project to better myself with writing. As of now this chapter is rated G but the soon to be chapters will be anywhere from G to XXX. So you have been warned ahead of time in case you do not like that sort of thing.

Our Parallel Crossroads

Chapter One:

A hint of moisture caught the air causing it to feel heavy as fog billowed across the land, its thickness shrouding everything around it. The sky began to darken with clouds, causing the once peaceful day to gradually become unruly. They crawled about the ocean of blue, covering it all in a mass of dark gray. Creatures across the scene quickly fled for cover looking for a place of solace as they knew what was about to happen. Without warning droplets of water suddenly fell from the heavens above, dancing down from the sky. Making the ground dampen it mixed into the dirt turning into mud which churned up from the earth. It rained for hours seeming to never stop, and with it came a sudden drop in temperature that caused the air to harshly turn cold and the wind to steadily become turbulent.

A portal opened in the sky, and a blue-ish figure dropped from it. Seemingly bruised and beaten, it was badly injured. It's fur looked to have been stained with blood and dirt. Within moments the portal closed behind the being as it's body pummeled helplessly towards the ground below. Heading towards a group of trees with rapid speed, a harsh gust of wind did not hinder its decent. Falling to its doom its body flailed limply, tumbling amidst the air. Nearing closer, and closer to its demise, a dark figure zipped through the air ceasing the blue beings decent.

Feeling a sense of warmth pressing against itself, the creature tried to open one of it's glazed over eyes. It's sight hazy, the blue being caught a glimpse of it's purple savior before it's vision faded to black. Night was on the verge and the rain not hindering, the cat like figure roamed the skies searching for a place of cover. Peering down at the lizard like creature from under it's grasp, it noticed that the reptilian was severely injured.

Maybe I should take it to the Pokémon Center..

It thought as it hovered above a city.

It isn't a Pokémon, but maybe they'll know what to do.

Swooping down towards a near by alleyway, the purple being began to glow a blue-ish hue. It's entire body began to quickly morph into that of a human boy. His was skin a pale white and his hair a dark purple, coming to a length a bit below his shoulders. He wore a pair of purple tinted glasses, a black turtle neck, a long black trench coat and a pair of blue jeans. To make him look like more of a trainer, he also adorned a set of Pokéballs across his belt. Upon completing his metamorphosis he rushed quickly to the front entrance of the Pokémon Center.

Two double doors slid open as he ran inside sounding off a small chime. Looking about the room he noticed no one was around. Making his way up to the front he placed the lizard upon the counter. Examining it a bit better, he noticed it wore a set of crimson red armor that was styled with flames. Upon noticing that, he thought the being must be a fire type.

He sure is quite..

Footsteps were heard from the back room, coming closer. Snapping him back from his short lived delusion, he noticed a women dressed in a nurse outfit made her way towards them. She noticed the boy and the creature sprawled across the counter top as she made her way up. Bewildered by the sight the nurse spoke her thoughts out loud,

"My, what a strange Pokémon. I've never seen one like it before."

"Oh, it's an extremely rare and new fire type I found. It was injured and laying out in the woods near by here as I was hiking. Boy did I ever get lucky!" He said with a grin.

Curious she questioned him, "Why didn't you use your Pokéball?"

"Oh, well.. Because I thought I could just bring it here to be healed and then battle it. I figured I'd do it like any other trainer would, plus I want to see how it fights before capturing it," he replied.

"I see, well can you bring it into the back for me please?" she asked

Grabbing a hold of the armored creature hoisting it up off the counter he responded,

"Sure thing."

Walking quickly to the back, the nurse motioned the boy to leave it on the table in the middle of the room. She assured him she would try her best to heal it efficiently.

"Though it may take a couple of hours, you should have a seat out in the lobby. I'll let you know when I am finished," she said.

Complying he walked out of the room and down the hall from which they came. Steadily making his way out into the deserted lobby, he looked about for a place to sit. Upon finding a spot on a comfy charcoal colored sofa, he sat down. Sighing to himself leaning back, he began to relax from the evening's event. He then gazed out a window nearby looking into the deepening fog as the rain began to quickly pick up. Thinking to himself as the time went by,

Looks like it's going to be a very, long night...

To Be Continued..

RE: Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops - DragonMasterX - 11-03-2008

It looks like a good story, but you might wanna clear up the part where you talked about Flamedramon's 'fur'. Last time I checked he was a dragon, and they have a scaly skin.

Quote:It rained for hours seeming to never stop, and with the it came a sudden drop in temperature that caused the air to harshly turn cold and the wind to steadily become turbulent.

The part in bold sounds kinda weird to me, never heard that expression before. Maybe that 'the' is extra.

The story's plot seems fairly concentrated, more like, conceited around the two characters you mentioned earlier, but it remains interesting at the same time. You made a good use of the transformation ability from Mewtwo's DNA alteration trait, that, was nice. Keep it up, while short, you can make up with lots of chapters!

RE: Our Parallel Crossroads, Chapter 1: Teardrops - Draco - 11-03-2008

Thanks much. I actually didn't recognize that error O.o; Ah well, I've had to go back quite a few times and I still miss a lot of my errors, lol. Glad you pointed that one out ^^;

Oh and about Flamedramon's "fur", well a lot of people I've talked to tended to think he had fur. I actually believed he had scales as well, but in all honesty I decided to go with fur because of what other people thought. Perhaps it was a mistake.. Dunno, I've also read a few stories/lemons some time ago that also had him with fur ;>_> *shrugs* I found it odd really so I decided to use it as well just because I figured it was common belief that he had it.

EDIT: Fixed.