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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
In light of Spiderman 3 taking flight upon its massive gossamar wings of Suck, I wanted to create a superhero/supervillian RPG to take that bad taste out of my mouth.

In this story, multiple 'wormholes' have opened up, causing several parrallel instances of 'Earth' to link together, focusing on Earth Instance 1 (Normal Earth. The one where nobody has superpowers). the heroes have traversed to Earth 1 to find the source of the wormholes, hoping to seal them forever before they can be used for evil. The villians, on the other hand, hope to exploit them for evil and profit.

So! You can use existing characters from any comic book series, or you can create your own. PLEASE No magic, demons, or other supernatural stuff. JUST superpowers. ^^;

Name: (Character's Real Name)
Alias: (Character's superhero/villian name)
Age: (Do I HAVE to explain this?)
Species: (Human, Furry or w/e)
Gender: (M/F)
Orientation: (Gay/Str8/Bi)
Appearance: (What your character looks like. If their powers change their form, describe it here too)
Abilities: (ALL of your character's powers. Be specific as possible, please)
Weaknesses: (Character's weaknesses. Please have AT LEAST one)
Other: (Anything else you want to add)


Name: Christopher 'Chris' Fraser
Alias: Die-Cast
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: In human form, Chris wears a denim jacket, blue jeans and a black tank-top. His hair is cut short, and a sandy-brown color; his eyes are grey. He stands about 6'2", and weighs a staggering 500 pounds. He is actually quite thin, but his powers make him extremely dense.
Abilities: Chris is made up of an organic metal, whose properties he can alter at will. As such, he has the following powers.
  • Agelessness - Chris does not age like normal human beings.
  • Liquid Disguise - Chris can alter his metal body, then return to human form, either as himself or disguise himself as anyone he can picture clearly.
  • Amorphous Form - Chris can stretch and reshape his metal body at will, forming anything he can think of.
  • Solidify - Chris can alter his density, becoming anything between a puddle of mercury to solid titanium.
  • Bulletproof - Chris' dense, metal form makes him able to withstand almost anything up to a live grenade in the chest.
  • Weaponform - Chris can form any weapon he can think of, provided it can be made of metal parts and powered by electricity. He usually favors melee weapons, railguns or stunguns.
  • Reconstitute - If any part of Chris becomes dettached or severed while in metal form, he can reattach it with little effort.
  • ElectroMagnetism - By altering his body's magnetic properties, Chris can generate electricity to power his railgun and stungun weapons.
  • Osmosis - When Chris converts into a liquid metal form, he can pass through any space a liquid can. The smaller the space, the slower he moves through it.
  • Water - Chris cannot swim. At all. Not because he doesn't know how, but because he is simply too dense to float.
  • Magnetism - For reasons not fully explainable, Chris is completely magnetic, even in human form.
  • Electricity - Chris' metal body conducts electricity even better than a normal human's.
  • Thermal Shock - Chris' metal body will crack and shatter if exposed to intense cold and then intense heat in a short period of time.
  • Heat - Chris cannot maintain a solid form if he is exposed to intense heat for prolonged periods.
  • Cold - Chris cannot liquify if he is exposed to intense cold for prolonged periods.
  • Human Mortality - Chris is, for all intents and purposes, a normal person when in human form, with human weaknesses.
Other: Chris is a bit of a pervert and a lecher, using his powers to cop a feel when he thinks women aren't looking. He is, however, essentially a good person with a strong moral code.

Name: Katrina
Alias: Succubus
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: Dresses in what one might call a 'goth' fashion sense. Wears a black leather corset with blood-red lace trim, which accents her already ample cleavage. Wears an insanely short black mini skirt as well, and a black coat over that. Her canines ('eye' teeth) are unusually sharp, alluding to her 'vampiric' nature.
  • Narcotic Bite - Katrina's bite secretes an addictive chemical that causes people to be drawn to her the more she bites them.
  • Bodylock - A sort of mind control, Katrina can cause a person's entire body to lock up and become unresponsive. With sufficient willpower though, this ability can be broken.
  • Moodswing - Katrina can alter the hormone levels of anyone she touches, causing them to become angry, depressed or even sexually aroused. Effectiveness depends on the individual's ability to resist their own hormones.
  • Mindshadow - If Katrina locks eyes with a person, she can read their minds; usually she just dives in and probes around for their darkest sexual fantasies. Onlty way to resist is to avoid Katrina's gaze.
  • Self-Image: Katrina is a narcisist; she is very, VERY full of herself, and any insult or damage to her appearance will send her into an irrational rage.
  • Combat Prowess: In terms of combat ability, Katrina is pretty weak.
    Other: Carries a cane. The knob is a silver skull with rubies set in the eye-sockets. The cane actually conceals a wicked-sharp rapier, Katrina's only weapon.

    Katrina is a serial rapist.


    "Get back here you bitch!" A young male voice rang out. A candy-red convertible skids into a turn in the middle of the intersection and takes off, driven by cackling, raven-haired woman.

    "Catch me if you can, Tin Man!" she cried, flooring the gas. Right behind her was what could only be described as an elastic blob of metal, bouncing down the street in a slinky-like fashion after her. the blob nearly slammed into the girl as she stopped the car suddenly. The blob unfurled into an average-looking young man, save for the fact he was made entirely of metal. He stared at the same thing the girl was: a rift that had just opened up in the middle of the road.

    "This another of your tricks, sex-witch?" he asked. She looked over at him angrily.

    "You wish, pencil dick" she said, before revving the engine. "But it looks like fun... I hope it leads somewhere fun..." she said before driving her corvette through the rift, with the metal man chasing after her.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Calibremon - 05-06-2007, 12:14 PM