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yet another Teen Titans thread
fatpat60 Wrote:Hrrm. Teen Titans is indeed a good show. A few things do disappoint me.
1. Other than those bats and Robin's single line in that episode. (I won't say anything, don't wanna ruin anything for those who have not seen it yet.) There has been no mention of Batman, who is basically Robin's mentor to a point.

Actually, the show's creators addressed this in a recent issue of Wizard magazine. They have no plans to involve Batman in "Teen Titans", because they want the show to be about the Titans, and don't want to detract from that by featuring Batman.

fatpat60 Wrote:Actually the last episode of Justice League I watched, the one with that guy who gives himself psychic abilities to go into peoples dreams and mess with their mind, now that was a frickin' amazing episodes. Best part: when Batman hums the song in his head to keep him out and then kicks the guy's ass. Ohh sweetness, it was such a devious ploy.

Heh. Obviously, you haven't read "Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes". In that one, a truly decrepit and corpse-like John Dee has been locked up in Arkham, long deprived of his psychic powers. He gets ahold of a new power source, and then escapes and proceeds to do some seriously fucked-up stuff.

As for my opinion on "Teen Titans", well...

1) I like the designs for Raven, Terra, and Starfire. Beast Boy looks and acts too young to be a teen, though.

2) So far, most of the villains have been crap. The real low point was Soto the stonehead. But then, DC Comics is famous for having some of the lamest villains ever created. The only really cool villain so far has been Slade.

3) The humor needs some improvement. The writers seem to think that the whole "Starfire is ignorant of Earthly customs" thing is a source for an infinite number of jokes. It's not.

Overall, I think the show needs to grow up a bit. Maybe the writers could introduce more heroes, maybe using some of the lesser-known DC superteens (like the Spoiler, Arrowette, or the Star-Spangled Kid). Or perhaps they could have some serious episodes. The kids are supposed to be teenagers. It's not all easygoing stuff.

Messages In This Thread
yet another Teen Titans thread - by milk me! - 01-19-2004, 05:20 PM
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[No subject] - by fatpat60 - 01-25-2004, 12:54 PM
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[No subject] - by UnknownH - 01-25-2004, 03:55 PM
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