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Kyo: *clicks finger and an army of Renamon appear to protect the three of you* I can't be bothered to help you. They will do the job for me. *continues to carry Lurea on his back.
Lurea: *sleeptalking* Ahh... Kyo.... *wraps her arms around his neck*
Kyo: *whistles* Something tells me she's horny. *smiles*

Circumstance: I think all the bad guys are having a convention in the room next door. *looks through the window and sees Sephiroth and Kadaj*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Solution: *cloud bursts in on them and kills them all* That looks painful...

Me - Phew! *dodges pogo* Thanks Kyo!

Circumstance: *pogo anihallation*
Solution: *Cloud bursts in and starts slashing the Pogo*

Circumstance: Kyo reaches the Southern Cross Mansion. The Pogo's have been defeated. What the hell happens now? You decide.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Solution: Weeeeell... You and Lurea go in the mansion for... fun *wink* And everyone here gets drunk while cloud tells of his adventures.

Me - *swaying slightly* Ib dat tha wai it abbened?
Cloud - Yea... *hic*
Kiran - Tell us another one!
Jes - Good thing we can't get drunk, huh?
Kiran - Yup! *takes swig from beer can*

Circumstance: We're drunk! DUH!
Solution: Drunkenness for the win.

Lurea: *still sleeptalking* Ah... Ky... Kyo....
Kyo: *walking down the corridor* In a minute, people are going to think I'm doing something to her if she doesn't stop sleeptalking.
Lurea: *opens her eyes* Maybe you could help me remove my clothes in a minute... *smiles as Kyo starts to enter the elevator*
Kyo: *smiles* Heh, it's a maybe. *doors close behind them*

Raviel: *bursts into room* HEYA CLOUD! *grabs a beer can and sits down* Soooo.... anyone want to play a game?

Circumstance: OMG, sudden arrival, lol.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Cloud + Me - *falls over with drunken stupidity*
Kiran - OK! How about... Twister!
Jes - No, no, no! Doom all the way! *takes out PS3*
Kiran - Twister!
Jes - Doom!
Kiran - Twi... *blink* Why are we arguing? You've got a PS3! *grabs controller*
Jes - *picks up her one* Let's play!

Circumstance: Uh-oh... The new arrival has been forgotten... This could get ugly...

Raviel: Hey! *sits down next to Jes* Can I join in? *whispers to Pokepimp* Kyo's brother, don't mind me.

Lurea: *giggles* I'm wet.
Kyo: I can see that.
Lurea: *starts twiddling Kyo's nose with her finger* No... you know what I mean.
Kyo: :shock:

Circumstance: I think this is getting somewhere.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Me - :shock: I just heard something from another dimesion... *blinks* Oh, wait... it's just Kyo's bro...
Jes - *hitting buttons furiously* Fine by me!
Kiran - *groan* Damn...
Jes - *smirk* Got ya again!

Circumstance: Playing Doom is a little scary... *zombie emerges from shadows* ARGH!!!
Raviel: *keeps pressing the necessary buttons on the controller* Come on, Kiran, you can do better then that!

Kyo: *whistles as he slots the key into the door* Well, we're here. *Opens the door*
Lurea: *jumps off Kyo's back* Now, if you mind, I'll be having a bath...
Kyo: *taps her shoulder as she tries to walk into the bathroom* Wait there, wouldn't you like someone to help you wash your back?
Lurea: *blushes* Uh... well... yea... *looks at the floor*
Kyo: *smiles* I'll get the bath running. *walks into the bathroom and starts the bath*

Circumstance: Raviel actually starts to beat Kiran!
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Kiran - Ow, ow, ow! Stop hitting me!
Me - lol

Circumstance: The bath is already ready with candles and nice smelling bubble bath *wink* Courtesy of a friend. Wine is on the side.