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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Oh, okay!"
Flicker was very fond of Cronos, whether it be the height- or maybe the "cool" fallen status. "Come on in Mr. Cronos!! We're about to play with a bomb!" Flicker said excitedly, tugging Cronos in and kicking the door lightly with his heel to shut it.
Ky puts his clothes in the laundry hamper and gets into the warm shower.

"Hmm.... I wonder if Dei can still...."

He recalls a time before when he had been in the shower and Dei had rigged his pipes. They had busted open and poured water in torrents, and his door had been locked shut. At first he had thought he was going to drown, but as the water had neared the top of the shower, he had found himself able to swim up and climb out and then call a plumber quickly.

The pipes are still cracked because of it. Ky shudders and decides to leave the shower door open.
"could you drop the Mr.? it makes me feel old...hey an xbox! does he have halo 2?"
Veemon's Followers
"Not a bomb, Flicker," Mar grinned, then rummaged through Ky's CDs, finnally taking out another game. "Well, it says ''Halo 2" here."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Oh okay Mr- I mean- Cronos! It's not a bomb? Then what do you do with it?" Flicker asked, extremely curious by now that he was regaining his original child-like state.
OOC: I'm back... phew... i've been so busy that i haven't been online for a while now.


Keres was still lying in bed, he had fallen asleep after steaming up too much. Dark Keres was out buying Ice Cream after he told Blaize what to do with Keres.
OOC: Welcome Back!

IC: Suddenly, a grey blur tackles Cronos, tumbling over the sofa with him.

It's Ky! His fur's still a bit damp, but at least he smells good. He's wearing Axe (Orion scent, that stuff rules) as well, and he's just wearing his black jeans right now because he doesn't want his shirt to get damp like his fur. He gives a playful smirk and puts Cronos in a headlock.

"Well, Flick, put that disc into it, press the silver button, and find out!"
OOC: Welcome back CH!
Blaize was feeling slightly uneasy about this- but Dark Keres told him to do it, so he did it- but he healed Keres first- then he sniffed Keres's crotch, eventually giving it slow soft licks.


Flick...Flick... Flicker liked the way it sounds. "Yap!" He did what Ky told him to do- and was instantly captivated.
OOC: ^.^... I just found out. You were here in the Philippines once?

Keres moaned in his sleep as he felt the licks to his crotch.

Meanwhile, Dark Keres was still searching for Ice Cream.

OOC: "chupa" ei?... *chuckles*