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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Cronos straghtened and grined. "i gave this one away. look down. your standing on a dead log." suddenly the log lurched and made a cage around Dei.
Veemon's Followers
Dei looks surprised for a second, but then closes his eyes and grins in an amused way. "You're not very smart, are you." He says it like a statement rather than a question.
Veemon's Followers
From under Dei's white trench coat, he pulls out three special blades, which he holds between his fingers. Kind of like Logan from X-Men.

"Watch closely." He closes his eyes, and appears to be focusing. Suddenly, with a move like lighting, his hands moves from behind him, and then around and in front of him. The wooden cage simply collapses around him.
"if i was stupid, then i wouldn't try to find a weak point in my opponets defence now would i?" the dead wood turned to dust and gathered around Dei and attached itself like a second skin. "try to get out of this!" the dust started to squeeze Dei's throat.
Veemon's Followers
Dei points at Ky, and suddenly Ky appears as if he's on fire. However, that fire moves up like a ray of light, and attaches itself to Dei. It burns up the dust, and now Dei's got a small bit of Ky's power to use.

"I've got a bad name as a leech because of that, but I've got other bad names too.

"Look, I didn't come here tonight to fight you."
"the things you've done are going to be a future reference for me. so what did you come here for?"
Veemon's Followers
"Simply to warn you." The other Deis disappear. "I'm not one to be crossed. I've got one of your friends. She's not too happy. Your weasel's next, if I can get around that stupid Guardian, Ryon. In fact, I may just take down the entire guardian force. I'm going to save you and that stupid Ky for last. If anything, I'll let him suffer with hospital food for awhile." He chuckles. "He hates that, and little things can have a big effect. Later." He disappears.
"HES AN OTTER!!! ok so whats that guys story-wait she? Friend? DAMN HE HAS SOTHE!!!! I WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU IN THE MOST PAINFUL WAY!!!! COME ON KY!"
Veemon's Followers
Ky is feeling much weaker after the power drain, but literally leaps to his feet and follows Cronos. The drug hasn't nearly worn off, however, and he stumbles now and then.