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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"yes. thanks... but I don't remember that happening... from what I recall, Calub was attacking you with this strange attack of fire and electricity which I tried blocking you from until I got hit." he get's a sharp pain in his head.

"damn this headache!" he lets out a little giggle and grunts in a little pain."ow..."
The Sword started to glow and a beam of light hits Humon. It a kind of light that does not harm but heal. "Whoa why is it doing that?" asked Kai wondering about his new sword.
"..." he flicks his head, and thumps his chest.
"wierd... I don't feel like crap anymore...just hungry..." he says as his stomach growls.
"I know how about that rost you were making earlier?" asked Kai wondering about that rost.
"Oh yeah! it's only been like an hour. it should still me warm!" he says excitedly
Kai look in the oven and got it out and put it on the table and started to cut it. "I'll let you get the first pice." said Kai look all happy.
"i didnt kill Legion..."

Seits calm expression turn into that of a dranged lunatic,a look that almost frightend Keres. suddenly,Legions voice was heard out of Seits own mouth.

"he is in here with us....."

Seit grabs Keres's Arm and weird Eye balls start growing into
Keres's Skin.The look of Insanity stayed glued on Keres's Scared Face.then, in the blink of an eye,it was like Seit never even touched Keres.Seit had played a mind trick on him to throw Keres off balance.


As Dark Keres Turned the corner,geon spoke out.

"whats the matter?....dont be scared."

the voice came from behind DK.but when he went to look he saw no one.
he turned around to come face to face with the gentle smile of Geon,who was masking his own insanity.

"we will not harm you....when your in this building....and your not a are a brother...take as much time as you need to recover...the Ice-Box is down the hall,along with the food."
As Seit watched Keres struggle in pain, he could feel someone placing a hand on his shoulder. Behind Seit, was Keres grinning. "Nice Mindtrick... too bad you didn't use it on me." The struggling Keres suddenly transformed into one of your 'coffin' monsters squirming around from your mind trick. Keres engulfs his hand in a pink flame. "Let's see how you tick..." Keres' hand goes through your back, soon inside of your body, holding on to your heart, slowly squeezing it.
Dark Keres gets a bit frightened as he saw Geon again. "No thanks! I need to get to Keres!" Geon then starts doing some hand seals and then around 100 Clones of him apear and they run in different Directions
"......very bad form Keres....your making a big misktake,my we speak..and as long as your holding my heart...its darkness will infect you....every time you sleep,i will be there...everytime you think,i will be there...and most of all..."

Seit gave off an evil laugh,then turns to Keres.

".....i will always be there...not only when your sleeping....i will haunt you till the day you are nothing but worm suggest we just...let go of my heart before something bad happens..shall we?"


"sorry buddy....but Seit is expecting you....and the only way your leaving is though that window....i mean, over my already cold dead body.."

Geon gets a bit of a twich.he had to much candy prior to this.
OOC: No problem Blue Rover, Gun-Gun didn't just ask me to do it for him, he actually made me. Sorry I've been gone a while- Gun's getting better.

"Enough, Please." Blaize said, stepping between them. Keres's hand came out of Seit's chest, leaving it like it nothing had happened. He then placed a paw on Keres's chest, and whispered "Repulse the Darkness", The basic Guradian skill, expelling the the darkness within him.

"Please Mr. Seit, I just wanna' get My VIB's other form back... can we pass?" Blaize asked politely. A coffin Monster acompanied by three others went to attack Keres- but they were suddenly engulfed in bright Blue Flames, charred into nohingness. "-and can you call these off? They get Keres dirty..."


"Ahem." a voice coughed behind Kai and Humon.

"Tell me something... both of you... Why are you ignoring? Are you both angry at me? What did I do? Please- Tell- So I can be at peace..." Blue said, placing his hands on Kai and Humon's shoulder.