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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Calub was hit really hard but not enough to kill him. "Humon!" Yelled Kai as he pick him up. "Good he's not dead. Not to end this for good." said Kai as he got the Shadow-Demon Shurikan up and consitrate his power. "Raaaah, YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME PUTHITC HALF DEMON!!!!" yelled as he fire again. "I may be a half demon but I am not pathitic. Now just die!" said Kai as he swing his sword and huge energy blast came out of the sword. The two energys collided with one other, but then Calub attack became weaker and weaker. "No that little brat weaken me." theought Calub. Then Kai attack won and then hits Calub. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I CAN'T BE BEATEN LIKE THIS!!!!!" yelled Calub as he slow disinergate to ashes and died. Kai then said as he pick up Humon "Good it's finally over." Kai the flew out of the, gone through the portal and returned back to the hotel. Once he returned to the room with Humon, he put humon down on the bed. Kai the got undressed, leaving nothing but his boxers on, then washed his close and used his power to dry them and the went to take a quick bath. After the bath, Kai was all dress and waited for Humon to weak up.
Keres looks at Seit.

"I have no bussiness with you or any of your jerky allies. I'm just looking for my friend." Keres said straightly at Seit. Keres looks down onto Blaize. "Let's go Blaize, we better find Dark Keres before he gets into trouble again."


Meanwhile, Dark Keres arrives at the Chaos' Brothers Building, looking all tired out. "Uhhh... I should stop here for a while... Maybe they've got medics..." Dark Keres' stomach growls. "uhhh... and Food..."
Seit watches Keres go and disappears.he reappears in front of Blaize to stop them once this time,the rain had stoped and Seits face paint was back.

"he is over at my Building....Geon should be taking good care of him now."
he lays on an Evil like smile.


Geon teleports Dark Keres into a Medic Room,where he is placed on a table.Medical Wraps are placeing themselfs around Dark Keres's wounds.

"so....ive heard of yyou...your Dark Keres i presume.."
Keres doesn't mind Seit and he and Blaize head out for the Chaos Brothers building.


Dark Keres as he was treated, held on to the gem which was his only clue on who released Geon.

"You're Geon aren't you... What is this place?"
" the building of the Choas Brothers...decked in the blood of the innocent...and taken over by Seit and...your truly......this is our fortress.....whats in your hand..."


"....your dumb bastard..."

Seit Sneered and Snaped his fingers.A random asortment of Coffins came rising out of the ground in front of Keres and blaize.Seit Teleportd himself on the top of the coffin,facing Keres.

"your "friend" is safe.....we would never harm your other did say that if i even hear about Dark Keres...i would kill you right? i wrong?....i dont think i am.."

Seit Floated in the air as he Snaped his Fingers once more,turning each coffin into a Evil Creature.all of them hell bent on attacking Keres.
Humon slowly wakes up in a daze, enough for a witty comment.
"Nice...weapon..." he says and he falls back to sleep.
Kai look at Humon and samiled he then look at the Shadow-Demon Shurikan. "Such power. My father is letting me have this. Now I can pertect anyone much more." said Kai as he pick up the sword. "So you got your father's old weapon. Now can you used it's full power?" asked a man in black in a hood as he appeared in front of Kai. "Whoa how did...?" asked Kai but the man interuped by putting his fingure on Kai's mouth and said "Sshhh, you don't want him to wake up after he wasted so much energy. You will know much more about me once the time is right." The man then disappear into the shadows and left them alone.
Keres just grins. "Heh... I've been itching for a batlle..." Keres said as he jumped off Blaize and engulfed himself in a green flame, with the speed of light he was passing through all the 'coffin' monsters dragging their energy and power, consuming them. Then his flame changes into white and he takes out the lifeforce of the monsters. Then he looks at Seit and chuckles. "Your monsters are like puny insects to me." He then starts charging towards Seit, in a position as if he was going to rip Seit's spirit out of his body. "I may spared Legion's soul... But there's no way I'm sparing you!"


Dark Keres shivers a bit as he looked around, thinking to himself, "This place... there's too much power around... I can't even tell if it's Dark or Light..." Then his ears perked up as he heard Geon ask. "This?... Nothing! Nothing you'd wan't!... Thanks for the help! Bye!" Dark Keres heads out of the room and starts looking for the way out. "I'm dead meat if I stay here too long!"
he stirs a bit and slowly gets up, his head pounding inside his skull.

"unnnh... my head... what happened?"
Kai walked up to him and said "You help me and thank you. Without you I might not have stopped my brother once and for all." Kai sat next to Humon and asked "Do you want me to get you some water or someting for your headack?"